Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1068

"Huh?" Green meteor Leng for a while, and he this Leng, in a sense, is already in the announcement that brother Jue guessed right, "how do you think?"

"Because your helmets and tights don't look like high-tech or high magic gadgets, and you don't have rings, belts, or cloaks that may have special functions, I guess you're a hero who fights on his own." Feng unconsciously replied, "generally speaking, this type of hero can be divided into two categories: physical enhancement and power. Although I'm not sure which one you are, it's also from your costume You are more likely to belong to the former. "

"Oh?" "Why?" the green meteor asked with interest

"Because the hero who uses the ability will match the ability in the clothing selection." For example Those who use glasses to shoot out light will wear special glasses; those who can stretch out steel claws between fingers should wear gloves with holes in them. " He said, raising his head and chin to each other, "look at your tights again. Apart from being strong and durable, there is no obvious functional design that indicates that you will release power. So You have a good chance of being an enhanced hero

"Oh I see. " The green meteor nodded, "OK, you're right." He said frankly, "yes, my ability is the" super speed "of my body. The hero name It's a "green meteor."

"Nice to meet you..." Feng unconsciously made a random tunnel, then looked at the banana addict and asked, "by the way, the banana addict, I don't know your ability yet."

"Ha ha..." The banana addict liked to use his wise voice to make that kind of profound laughter. But in fact, what he said is nothing special. "My ability should be regarded as" super intelligence. " He said with a helpless expression. "Of course, it's called wisdom. Relatively speaking Considering that most of the "air autumn stars" are silly hats who don't speak well and eat bananas with tyres all day long, and the rest are basically neets who store at home all day and dream of becoming bread In this kind of environment, the people with my brain power are undoubtedly the monkeys

"Well..." Hearing this setting, Feng unconsciously put out the dead fish's eyes instinctively, "but You're not a pure superhero, are you? It's not proper to let heroes who rely on their brains go out of the field. "

"Ha! You don't have to worry about that. " The banana addict said with a smile, "the gravity of our parent star has reached 17.5 times that of the air autumn star people. To put it simply We are a simple minded and limbed race Speaking of this, he raised his hand and clapped the armor on his body, "plus This set of mechanical battle armour is designed and manufactured by myself. It can further enhance my strength in the fight. "

"I wanted to make complaints about it before." At this time, Feng received, "so you have this kind of enhanced armor that looks normal?" He said thoughtfully, "I thought we all followed the route of tin foil man..."

"Ha ha..." The banana addict smiled again. "Unlike the light weapon system of tin foil man, I'm following the" hard technology "route." At this point, his eyebrows (don't ask me how to interpret the expression on the face of the chimpanzee) revealed a little secret pride. "From a technical point of view, his set of tinfoil armor is indeed a little higher than mine in terms of technology content, but in terms of mass production, control and actual combat ability Ha ha... All in all, the technology I developed. It has been widely used in the arms of many city level heroes, which shows the problem

"Oh, really? It turns out that you are also a scientist. " "If it's convenient for you Why don't you give me some equipment invented by you. Let me feel the new technology of woodlouse.

"Ha ha You are very kind, poker man. " The banana addict was so popular with brother Jue that he laughed even more happily. "You are already a star level hero. Do you need any more?"

"He's not a star. He's a galaxy."

In this second, the sharp voice of the spaceship pilot sounded again on the radio, and said the exact level of "Poker man".

"What?" The green meteor was shocked.

"Eh?" The banana addict also widens his eyes and opens his mouth slightly. His overall expression is very pleasant.

"Galaxy level?" But the horse head brother's surprise is a little less.

"Ah. For now. It's this level. " Feng doesn't realize that he is calm. Listen to him. It seems that he still has a lot of room to improve

"Poker man, that's why you're not generous." A few seconds later, the green meteor came back to his senses and said, "you are a galaxy level thing. Why didn't you say that earlier?"

The banana addict also said, "yes, according to the level, you should have been the team leader of this task."

"I didn't try to hide it." "Just you didn't ask," Feng said

When they heard the words, they looked at each other Indeed, brother Jue never said his own level; only because the mission requires the participation of "five heroes above the star level", and Feng unconsciously happens to be a "new man", so the three assumed that he was the same star level as themselves.

After all The number of "Galaxy level" heroes is not very large, and almost every hero is a well-known figure in the universal Super League. If brother Jue is directly identified as "Galaxy level" through the hero level test, the news will spread faster. But... Brother Jue is on the "dark box operation" route, so not many people in Yuchao union know that he is such a "Galaxy level newcomer".

"Ha ha After you say that, it seems that we are talking to ourselves... " The banana addict replied with a smile, but at this moment, his smile was somewhat embarrassed.

"Ah You don't have to mind that. " Feng's attitude has not changed from beginning to end, but now it doesn't sound "arrogant", but "normal." let's continue to play name guessing game

"Here Is it necessary? " Brother Matou doubted, "according to the regulations of Yu Chao Lian, there is no special reason. It's up to the high-level heroes to act. "

"If I can't guess, I'll take care of it as if I'm" delegating "it to you." Feng unconsciously shrugged and said, "let's talk about the reason "I'm new, I don't have the experience of commanding operations" This is enough. "

"Hum..." This is the first time Ma Tou smiled (don't ask me how the horse laughed). "OK, let's go on Four opportunities. As long as you guess my hero's name or ability, more than half of them win. "

"Well..." Feng unconsciously pondered for a few seconds, looked at each other up and down, and then said, "Sheriff MA (shooting at the sun)

Brother Ma Tou shook his head.


"Not at all." Ma touge denied.

“okok……” Then he guessed, "is your ability Fast? "

"Then you have to see who you're comparing with." When Ma touge answered the question, he looked at the green meteor and banana addict, "if we follow the principle of" horizontal comparison within the same race ". I'm not a "super power" at all. I'm a "top athlete" at most. But if I can compete with races born in a five times jumping environment, I'm going to be incredibly fast. "

"I see." I nodded, "that is to say, I guessed wrong."

"You have another chance." Brother Matou said.

"Then..." Brother Jue observed again for a while, and then said, "your shooting is very accurate?"

When he finished saying this, brother Ma Tou hesitated for a moment, and then replied, "so That's right. "

Feng didn't realize that the look of the other party was a little difficult, so he said, "let's find out if I'm right after you say the answer."

The horse head elder brother replies: "my name is celadon. Ability is becoming a gun. "

When hearing the answer, Feng unconsciously thought, "why don't you call Megatron? Besides... How does Serrano sound familiar? "

At that moment, brother Jue immediately went to his memory loft and searched for it. As a result, he found another similar name, Serra Jiong (don't ask me how my brother can tell the difference between Jiong and Jiong by pronunciation).

In fact, this name is the product of a translation accident, but many similar mistakes and omissions have become a feature after time precipitation.

The role of Serra Jiong It's a horse, a horse that can turn into an adult; at the same time, it's a gun, or A small steel gun called a gun.

In a word, it's the famous police chief bravestar, a smart, brave, just and selfless police chief living on Texas. What? You haven't heard of Texas Star? Indifferent. I haven't heard of any mount, weapon and partner of air autumn star before today

Let's not list the stories about it and the sheriff for the moment, although those stories are very educational and basic. But now there's no time to explain. Get in the car quickly Oh no... Get on the horse.

Let's talk about the "Serra embarrassment" in front of us.

Actually. This celajong is a direct descendant of celajong, but he didn't stay on the Texas Star, but drifted in the interstellar space since childhood. At the age of 15, he settled on Arizona, a planet similar to Texas, and became a police chief.

Many years later, thanks to Serrano's excellent performance, the bad guys on the Arizona star were all brought to justice and transformed into expendable ammunition.

With this great achievement, Serra was awarded the title of "lifetime police chief" by the local government, and then There is a star sweeping

To make a long story short, after that, he came to Yuchao union to fight. After many years, he became a star level hero. Because he always acted in his own name when he was the police chief, his hero also used "Serra lost" directly.

"Er..." After thinking for half a minute, Feng finally said, "I think I guess I was wrong. " He pointed to the holster on Serra's waist. "I saw it