Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1061

[the script has been completed and the award is being settled. ]

[gain experience value: 560000, game currency: 100000]

[gain items / equipment: none]

[complete / accept task: 1 / 1]

[special and hidden task completion: 1, crack world view: SCP observation plan]

[shock value surge: 0 times, maximum shock value: 0%, average shock value: 0%]

[your fear rating is foolhardy] , you can get an extra reward. Please select later. ]

[get skill value: 10000]

[skill value bonus experience: 10000, game currency: 10000]

[script clearance reward: randomly select four puzzle cards]

[hidden task reward: then select a perfect equipment]

[settlement completed, please continue. ]

the information has been refreshed on the touch screen in front of the user after he / she returns to the login space unconsciously.

"Hum The 180 second time limit clearly didn't arrive. Did you drive me out... " When brother Jue stood still, he immediately said this.

He didn't bother about the world before, because he knew At this moment, the world has been eliminated by the system or something else.

"If there is no accident This so-called "48 hour limited experience" is also one of Woody's layouts At this time, Feng could not feel that he was already thinking about something more profound. "So far, thriller park has invaded too many universes And there must be some planes which have strong exploration or resistance to multidimensional space.

"Although the 'system' is an absolutely reliable 'time and space hub' in theory, with Woody's character, he must 'test' before he can rest assured.

"At the end of the game, before the infinite world officially opens, woody has to make sure that the game environment is in full control Prevent unintended chain reactions caused by interference from other universes.

"So he planned this so-called" experience "activity

"As early as the preliminary rules of S2 were announced, he had calculated this step; he took the work of" testing for himself "as a" prize "and sent it to the 250 strongest players in the server.

"Our strength ensures the completion of the test, while the setting of" only single platoon mode "ensures our decentralized actions So that we can explore more universes.

"In these seven days. Woody can decide how to deal with the "high-risk universe" based on our performance in the script; for example, the one I just experienced I can read my character data and inner monologue. This kind of universe that even the system can pretend to be can't be left

Brother Jue thought for a while. There was a hint of unhappiness in the look.

However, he soon adjusted his mind and digested the emotion

"Hum Come on, whatever he wants. " Two minutes later, Feng Chueh. In my heart, "test it At least objectively speaking, I do have 48 hours more advantage before the new version comes... "

When he thought about it, he had turned around and pressed the button beside the elevator door.

When the door opened, a brand new storage room appeared in front of brother Jue.

"Oh? Is this the government's help in decorating it? " When Feng walked into the storage room, he looked around and found that it had changed.

Originally, the pale and monotonous space has become more texture now The color of the room's wall and the light from the wall have become softer; the storage box has been moved from the corner of the room to the middle of one side of the wall, and the shape has become an upright metal cabinet; in the middle of the room, there is also a five square meter metal platform, so Finally, players don't have to tidy up their equipment on the ground (customer service did receive some complaints like this. The complainers are mainly from the local heroes who have a lot of equipment and goods. In fact, ordinary players don't have so many things to spread out and sort out.

"The pulverizer has not changed..." When Feng can't feel passing by the zero type magic guide grinder, he said softly.

"Then..." Then, he went to the wall opposite the elevator door and looked at the turnstile iron gate in front of him. "This should be the new" reward channel. "

His conjecture is undoubtedly correct, because as soon as he entered the storeroom, he found that the "glass pillars" used to carry script rewards had not appeared in the past. Throughout this renovated room, this drawer is the most likely alternative.

"It reminds me of the box for donating clothes in the community..." When he opened the drawer, he muttered subconsciously, and then grasped the handle on the iron gate. Pull hard

The drawer was pulled open. There was a piece of equipment and four puzzle cards lying in it.

"Let me see..." Feng didn't feel anxious to see the attributes of the equipment, but first picked out four puzzle cards and put them in front of him.

Those four. They are [puzzle - cigarette pole], [puzzle - wig], [puzzle - smirk] and [puzzle - sugar].

"Hello What's the matter with these four? " When brother Jue sees these four cards, he doesn't need the system to retrieve them A feasible combination has sprung up in his mind.

"Is this joy4? It's definitely joy 4! " The next second, I could not help but make complaints about the sound of Tucao.

As he roared, he had already called out the game menu and started the puzzle synthesis system.

As expected, the system gives such a voice prompt deck Name: joy4. Consumption of [puzzle - cigarette pole], [puzzle - wig], [puzzle - smirk], [puzzle - wooden knife] can form a combination.

"What a joy 4!" I didn't feel like shouting back, but I didn't mean to stop

[the deck combination you selected to generate is: joy4, please confirm the operation. ]

Chueh Ge did not hesitate to choose to confirm, and his four cards turned into white light. Two seconds later, a new card appeared in his hands.

[suit has been generated. Would you like to exchange it for equipment? ]The next prompt of the system also rings.

Feng unconsciously chooses yes again, but this time His "joy 4" did not disappear as usual.

[please note that joy4 is a set of special suits, the operation of converting it to equipment has certain risks, therefore. You have an opportunity to split the deck into four puzzle cards. Please choose carefully. ]

after another segment of system voice, a new virtual window appears in front of the closed eyes. There are two options

1: [split the deck into puzzle cards].

2: [continue to exchange equipment].

"What do you mean?" This time. If you don't feel it, you won't be decisive. "Hello What does risk mean? "

Brother Jue knows that this kind of thing of playing probability is very Very bad.

It's a 1% risk for others, 99% for him

Murphy's law is meaningless in front of the blind. "If there is a possibility of something going bad, no matter how small the possibility is, it will always happen" In brother Jue's eyes, the version is "let's consider the Countermeasures after things go bad before we act.".

"Take it apart or not This is a problem. " After much hesitation, Feng decided to put the problem on hold.

He put [joy 4] in his pocket and looked at the equipment in the drawer

[Name: mallet]

[type: weapon]

[quality: perfect]

[attack power: 1]

[attribute: none]

[special effect: each attack will cause 1 point of damage]

[equipment condition: General specialization D (binding after picking)]

[remarks: unknown weapon, mallet will cause damage, with very low attack power, but not No matter how strong the enemy is, he can be hurt. ]

"is this his perfect equipment?" I was shocked to see that attribute.

He knows the origin of this weapon Mouse mallet can be said to be the classic "spoof system" equipment in "Xuanyuan sword" series. The effect of the original is "when in use. A hammer will suddenly appear on the top of the enemy's head. Every time you click the mouse, or press the space or enter key, the hammer will hit the enemy once. ".

Although this weapon has the characteristics of "no matter how strong the enemy can be hit", but This "damage" is a fixed value and is not high.

And now I can't help but get this mallet. It's obviously worse than the original one Because this thing even has no special effects of cross space attack, it also needs players to hold it in their hands and hammer people.

"Well I see... " After staring at the item description for a while, brother Jue said, "the reward is to draw a perfect level equipment immediately, not a perfect level equipment that matches your current level.". So... I'm stuck as always. "

"Alas..." He sighed and said, "from the equipment condition of the" general expert D ", a dozen level character can use this thing. In terms of my current level 50 character abilities, it's better to have a superior level of equipment that matches the level... "

Thinking about this, he picked up the mouse mallet and went to the crusher.

"But It's a little strange... " In the process of moving forward, Feng unconsciously said, "the attack power of this weapon is actually shown as' 1 '..." What kind of situation is that? "

It's really an abnormal phenomenon. Because by right The attack and defense data in the thriller park are never represented by specific numbers.

"Since the blood volume of all things is just the concept of nothingness, what's the point of showing the power of attack to this mallet?" When Feng didn't feel it, he put the mouse mallet on the conveyor belt of the crusher, turned around and pulled the control lever.

But At this moment

"Wait..." The hand that seal not to feel stops instinctively.

"Trough!" A second later, he quickly released the control lever, and took the mouse mallet back to his hand before he stepped forward

Brother Jue realized later that In fact, I have just cracked the "hidden effect" of this equipment.

The real function of this mallet is to test the specific blood volume of any unit in the thriller park.

"Whoo It's a good risk. " Feng can't feel a long sigh. "I almost turned such sharp things into a lump of" vestiges that have lost their energy. "

He picked up the mallet again and put it into his knapsack