Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1054

"So it is..." After reading the whole file, Feng unconsciously read in his heart, "it is worthy of being the foundation of the future Under the influence of the system, they can't find out the definitions of "Thriller Park", "mission" and "player", but under limited conditions, they have almost figured out the concept of these things At this point, the system really has to respond. ● -, "

" however, it seems impossible to completely erase their cognition of scp-32...... " After meditating for a few seconds, Chueh Ge said, "even if I destroy the current facility and kill all the people here, the project archives cannot be destroyed. To completely erase the traces of scp-32 in the world, only everyone who has read the archives in this area can be killed, and all the electronic and paper databases of the foundation related to the project can be destroyed Information... Considering that the future world may have data storage forms that I don't know, even if we do the above two points, we may not succeed... "

Think of this as a strategy to be insane in the eyes of ordinary people Just like this, it sprouted in brother Jue's mind.

"Otherwise I try to destroy the whole world? " That's what brother Jue thought.

Fortunately, the idea lasted less than two seconds and was overthrown by himself.

"Well It's not right, it's wrong. " Feng then thought, "the content of the mission is not to wipe out the world's cognition of the thriller Park, but to let me [destroy all the observation records of scp-32 in the foundation], that is to say..."

Soon, a reasonable conclusion, which is consistent with the will of the system, comes to mind clearly.

"I see..." After thinking for a while, brother Jue's thought suddenly became clear, "the system wants to break the connection with the world..."

With this in mind, many other details are clear.

"Scp-32 is a project that can't be accepted, and whether it exists or not is controversial As long as the system no longer generates scripts in this aspect, the document of [scp-32] will soon become a dead letter.

The only "evidence" that supports this empty paper is the "observation record".

Once I destroy those records So. After a few years, the foundation itself will classify scp-32 as something that has never existed, and whether its documents can be divided into neutralized. Or lose its specific nature, extra dimensions, adverse effects of the project. The project under this level should have a memo to record the information before the project) level is still to be discussed.

As for the feasibility of destroying "observation records", it is obviously extremely high

First of all, the observation record is not a conceptual thing like the project file, but a narrative text It is a detailed list of a series of time, place and events.

The project files are destroyed and can be rewritten according to people's memory. But after the observation record is destroyed, it can't be rewritten according to memory, because the basic requirements of such records are detailed and accurate, not the right meaning Under this kind of request, people's memory is no doubt unreliable.

Secondly, unless there is any substantial and breakthrough progress in the research, long and constantly added files like "observation records" will not be released from the experimental facility.

For example, in the scp-32 project file I'm browsing now, there is no observation record of the script process of the thriller Park, just mentioning the existence of the "observation plan".

Obviously, those detailed observations. It must have been kept in the facility where the observation plan was carried out.

This is the base where I am at the moment.

That's why the system will try its best to guide me to break through the sandbox and come here.

To put it bluntly The task is very clear this time. Just act on the literal instructions. The difficulty lies in Players must figure out the intention of the system and the above information before taking action.

Only know its nature, also know its reason Only in this way can we complete the tasks that the system really wants the players to complete without exposing their intentions.

If we don't see through this step, we will act rashly In all likelihood, then, players will reveal the target of the mission.

The result is likely to be Then these NPCs will try their best to transfer the "observation records" and cause the task to fail.

To say the least, even if they fail to transfer the records, they just need to convey the players' intention to the outside world The action was a complete failure.

Because of that. The whole foundation will know that scp-32 exists, not only exists, but also tries to let scp-32-1 destroy the evidence of its existence.

Although personally, I've cleared the script. However, the "system" will be completely exposed, and scp-32 will be upgraded to the keter level project by the foundation, and more active research will be carried out It's a matter of endless trouble. "

Feng unconsciously spent two minutes to narrate the above contents in silence, so as to clear his mind thoroughly.

Next, his goal is clear.

In any case, first find out how the observation records are stored: for example, where the electronic files of this device are stored, whether there is a backup on paper or other media, etc.; then. It's about destroying records without exposing your intentions. And in case His intention was exposed, so he had to kill all those who knew before someone could get this out of the base.

At this stage, one of the most efficient solutions is Bomb the facility.

He knows that most SCP foundations have such emergency plans at their bases. Once some projects (usually keter level projects) are out of control, a nuclear weapon launch site nearest to the facility will immediately send a launch to the base, with the priority of containing the crisis. As for the casualties incidental to this move Compared with the "crisis that may lead to the extinction of all mankind", let alone the people of one base, even the people of ten bases can be sacrificed in an instant.

However, it is also clear that if this plan is launched, there will be a set of corresponding procedures to transfer all data in the facility in the first time.

Therefore, brother Jue must take this into account when he acts. It's not that he forced several things like 682 to be released by force, triggering nuclear bomb bombing. It's just


"Well, my concessions and sincerity are in front of you." After a while, Dr. Cox spoke again. "Is it your turn?" he said

"Ha ha..." Feng chuckled twice and put his eyes back on the doctor. "Yes..." He took a sip of coffee and said, "excuse me. What do you want from me? "

"Why do you have to ask clearly?" Dr. Cox pointed to the suspended computer screen and said, "of course, I hope you can cooperate with us to improve the information of this project."

"You mean this scp-32?" If you don't feel it, you can say it again.

"Yes." Cox replied.

"Oh Well... " Elder brother Jue's deceptive method started to play, "ha ha It seems that you are totally wrong. "

"What do you say?" Cox looked suspicious. He didn't know whether he was doubting the truth of the other party's words or whether he was wondering where the project file was wrong.

"What?" Don't forget to repeat and ask. "Am I not clear enough?"

Cox thought about it and said, "well What do you think is wrong with us? "

"You should ask a different way." "What do you think is right?" Feng said He spread out his hands and smiled sarcastically, "the answer is No.

"You want to tell me..." This time, Dr. Cox's expression turned into a naked distrust, "our scp-32 project document, the whole article is meaningless error description?"

"Yes." The tone of the answer is so confident that anyone who hears it will be shaken to a certain extent.

"Hum..." Dr. Cox sneered immediately.

It's also a normal reaction Even though what brother Jue said is not empty. Dr. Cox could not have accepted that immediately.

She has devoted a lot of effort to this project, and the observation program is the first big project of the foundation to use the "parallel universe region image generation system". She definitely won't say a few words because of an unknown and unreliable trans dimensional creature To overthrow all previous research results.

"Good..." After the sneer, Dr. Cox said, "well, I'd like to ask you. What is the real face of the project? "

"I'm afraid it's difficult for me to tell you so empty." Feng unconsciously said, shrugged his shoulders, "besides I can see that you don't believe me. " He laughed and laughed without disguise. "Whether it's out of the specific paranoia of women or out of the unwillingness to pay for their own work, at least at this moment You are more willing to believe in what you have achieved than I am a person who knows the truth. "

This is not a long passage for him. He has used such tricks as aggressive tactics, taking retreat as a step forward, and playing hard to get. He also intentionally brings a little sexism It can be said that every word is stuck in the scale of Cox.

Cox heard that, naturally, her anger was rising, but she was not easy to attack, otherwise, she would confirm the other side's statement.

"What do you want?" The doctor tried to control his expression and tone, and said to chueh'ge in a deep voice.

Feng didn't realize that he was waiting for the other side to ask this question. However, when Dr. Cox said it, he still kept a tepid attitude and said, "doctor, are you responsible for the observation plan mentioned in the file?"

"What?" Cox suddenly heard brother Jue's words, "do you want to see the observation records?"

"Yes." Feng unconsciously nodded back, "it doesn't need a lot, just take three or five. Combine several different records I can explain the principle of scp-32 in detail

"Absurd!" The next second, Cox snapped without thinking and questioned, "so far, the substance of 32 You didn't even say a word. But you've been trying to spy on the project over and over again; I seriously doubt You're not going to tell us anything, or You know nothing about scp-32, so you think