Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1049

[on the eighth day, except for Dr. Andre, all four of the subjects had a lot of blood oozing. We had to send these four people to the clinic for rescue. Pbtt]

[on the ninth day, Dr. Andre, who stayed in the prison, began to draw some strange symbols and us on the wall with his own excrement.

"Meilie yaowa Russian... To the left... "

"The first five days No exceptions Keep going Five intersections... "

"The sixth day It's going to turn around Turn... Where to turn? "

Feng unconsciously changes his mind and rushes to this place. He stopped and looked to the left and right.

"In the next few days The prisoners sat back to back He repeated this sentence and noticed that there were two opposite doors on the right hand side where the eye could reach. And not on the left, "well I see... "

After confirming the direction of turning, brother Jue continues to move forward.

"The ninth day Four prisoners Two of them To the fourteenth day

The next group of information is a little difficult. You need to go to three intersections to find the key words of four and two That is, the number and arrangement of doors. Then take another 14 intersections in the right direction.

And so on. After deciphering all the prompts in the first two documents, I came to the door of a room unconsciously.

He tried the metal door of this room and got the voice of "old metal door, the lock is rusty, but it seems that it can be knocked open with brute force]

with this sentence, brother Jue was relieved.

Today, he doesn't need others to help him. He can kick the door open at will.

So Chueh Ge entered the room smoothly and found a key in the room.

The appearance of this object is the verification of his previous series of reasoning.

Seal unconsciously put the key in the pocket, and then enter the next stage of deduction

"We started a second experiment That is to say, start the second journey... "

"The samples and methods used in this experiment will be adjusted so that we can obtain more diversified data That is This paragraph will adopt a new 'rule', which is more complicated than the first one. "

From the perspective of puzzle solving, every sentence in the experimental report can be interpreted as meaningful information.

"Fifteen people between the ages of 30 and 60 who have been sentenced to death Fifteen... Between thirty and sixty Um... Single and double? "

"One group, five Same as first time Two groups, three 3、 Two in each of the four groups 5、 Six, seven, one... "

This riddle is more complicated than the first paragraph. I can't help but think about it for a while. Although I have some assumptions, I haven't solved it.

But He quickly thought that the first puzzle was composed of "two documents", so this second puzzle may also need to be looked at together; therefore, in addition to a large number of figures and concepts provided by the second sleep experiment, the "Resurrection disk plan" was also taken into account

"Change water use to land use Change purpose Change operation mode Change... Concept?

"The Novgorod Round... Change concept Put it back into use... "

"Oh..." Brother Jue thought for a while, "that's it..."

When he turned the map in his brain into a plan of looking down, there was a breakthrough immediately.

The puzzle of the second paragraph is really difficult To be specific, it is to regard the rectangular base from the top to the bottom as a part of a circle. Image point says It's like a waffle.

It's natural to remember that the number of horizontal and vertical corridors of the base is odd and even, respectively.

One group, five, the same as the first experiment It means that the first step is to take five steps and move in the same direction as the first step of the first puzzle.

Next It's not about two groups, but about one group

"On the eighth day, a group of people were beaten, one died and four others were injured to varying degrees." This is the next piece of information about a group.

From this point on, the rules have changed, and "heaven" no longer refers to a paragraph, but to a door. And "fight", "death", "injury" These words are applied to the system voice triggered by each closed door.

And so on, according to this set of prompts, consider the corridor as a part of the middle of the "circle" and act in a clockwise step-by-step manner.

Sometimes, there will be a situation of "walking sideways"; because players can't cross the wall, so walking sideways is composed of three steps: straight walking, turning, and then straight walking, but it is also regarded as the setting of "one section".

To make a long story short When the second part of the trip is completed, the door of a room [needs key to unlock] is closed.

It took him a lot of time to come here. Even for brother Jue, it's quite laborious to contrast the whole base's plan in his brain, and at the same time take into account the transformation of encrypted information, reasoning and analysis

"Hoo..." After listening to the voice prompt, brother Jue took a deep breath, then took out the key in his pocket and extended to the door lock (to be continued. )Mobile users please visit m.ysxiaoshuo for one second to remember this website, the fastest updated novel website!