Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1044

Igor's surprise didn't last long. He has become more and more used to his power.

After breaking through the door, he stood at the door and scanned the situation in the room with his own eyes that could see things in the dark. Then he turned to brother Jue and said, "there is no one inside At least I didn't see it. "

"Well." Feng unconsciously nodded at him and walked forward to enter the room first.

With experience, Chueh Ge found the light switch on the wall on the left side of the door; when the lighting was turned on, the whole picture of the "archive" was displayed in front of him.

This is a space of only over 10 square meters. In addition to the area near the door, there is a whole circle of filing cabinets along the wall.

In a sense, this room is indeed a trap. It is a trap for Feng unconsciously to waste a lot of time in reading

Fortunately, the system has made some adjustments.

[can't be opened]

[there's nothing valuable in it]

[on the stained file, the handwriting is hard to distinguish]

and other system prompts will be heard in the next ten minutes.

Seal unconsciously tries to open the drawer of each filing cabinet, and the prompts are basically the above three.

In this regard, he didn't feel any surprise. In fact, he was more willing to see this situation. Otherwise, with his character and habits, he might really spend hours here looking at a bunch of documents that may have nothing to do with the main plot.

"Hey, I said You're the E107, aren't you? " At this time, brother barefoot has been handed over to Igor by brother Jue. While brother Jue is looking through the files, he whispers to Igor, "it seems Vno-9 is successful. "

"You seem to know a lot." Igor's tone was very cold, completely different from his attitude when he spoke to Chueh Ge.

Obviously, Igor, the owner of the head on the opponent, doesn't have any good feelings Even if barefoot is not the devil. He was also a member of a group that used Igor as a mouse (as he knew of the base structure).

"Ha ha Believe me, I don't know much. ' Barefoot didn't care about Igor's indifference. Instead, he said with a smile, "yes I used to work for this base, but I'm just a little guy. Believe me I hate people in this base as much as you do. "

"Because they think you're an experiment?" Asked Igor tentatively.

"Hum..." Barefoot seemed to think of some unpleasant memories, and his tone was a little bitter. "When there was an accident in the second experiment, they did not hesitate to block the area near the experimental area, and trapped me and more than ten other people there." He paused and looked up at Igor. Although in his sight, the other side is only a big black shadow, but he still shows a grim look to it, "but Judging from the result, we are all blessed with misfortune Ha ha ha... "

Just when he sent out the funny smile, Feng didn't realize that he had turned over all the filing cabinets and confirmed There's only one filing cabinet that can be opened and viewed, and that filing cabinet. There is only one drawer in which documents can be identified. As for all other cabinets and drawers, they are all kinds of "can't open" or "can't see".

“ok…… That seems to be all... " Feng unconsciously went back to the drawer, took out all the documents inside, and sat cross legged on the ground.

"Oh. By the way... " After sitting down, Feng opened the first pile of documents and said to Igor, "Igor. Close the door. "

After hearing this, Igor turned to look at the metal door whose locks were all broken, and doubted: "this door Is there any point in closing it? "

"It's relatively safe to lock up." I don't realize that it's one mind and two purposes. While reading the contents of the document, he replied, "if there are other mutants passing through the door, they will probably pass by without knowing."

"Er..." Hearing this, Igor instinctively looked down at the head he was carrying. "But What if this fellow shouts out as soon as he hears footsteps outside? "

This is indeed a problem, because barefoot brother can speak without voice organ. Unless he is killed, it is useless to pull out his tongue He can still inform people outside.

"Then throw his head at me at once." In the next second, Feng can't help but say the solution without hesitation, "when his peers hear the voice coming in from the door, only me and him can be seen in their eyes, and attention will definitely be attracted to me, then you can do it."

"Hum..." Unexpectedly, barefoot brother sneered and said, "even so, I can remind them of Igor by language, can't I?"

"You can try It will be your voice or my folk song. " Feng replied quietly, "step back, even if your reminder really works The result is the same. According to my observation, with Igor's current physical ability and his "invisible" characteristics in your eyes, even if you are on guard, it is still not his opponent. "

After listening to brother Jue's words, brother barefoot spat gloomily, speechless.

The barefoot brother who has personally received Igor's knife knows that the analysis is correct.

Take himself for example Even though barefoot has hands and feet, and is wary of it, he has no confidence in winning Igor's game. Apart from other miscellaneous abilities to enhance, let alone strength and speed Igor, the vno-9 remake, is almost the same as these sleep experimental variants, and on this premise Igor also has his own stealth and self-healing abilities they don't have.

To sum up, don't say one-on-one, as long as Igor is more careful and lewd when fighting One enemy and three won't necessarily lose.

Seconds later, Igor had gone to close the door.

Seeing that Feng Feng was reading a stack of documents attentively, he knew that it would take time. So he found an empty place to sit down and have a rest.

At the same time, Feng didn't realize that he had read a third of the first document at his amazing speed.

"Well These people... " Although only 1/3 of the time, Jue brother has already started to make complaints about it. "Dare to make a little more effort?"

The first document he read. Is an application for a research program, code named "Meilie yaowa" program.

The general idea of this plan is to oppress and damage the right brain of human beings by precise means, so as to make the left brain more developed.

I don't know why. The people who put forward this plan think that the left brain is more useful than the right brain

Then, he has another theory, that is Incomplete induced evolution theory. What's more, his example seems to be quite similar. For example, the hearing of the blind will be better than that of the ordinary people, the right leg of the disabled people with left leg will be stronger, and the vision of the deaf and dumb people will be more sensitive. One of the bachelor's arms will be thick (well, I wrote this one casually) and so on.

In a word, the logic of this research plan is that as long as the right brain is disabled, the left brain can be stronger.

Before I finished reading this document, I felt strongly The man who proposed the plan I may have been disabled.

"Although I also know that Germany in World War II, the Soviet Union in the cold war, and the United States in any period are engaged in some strange research..." When I finished the first document, I said softly, "but the slot point of this setting is amazing All of a sudden, I feel that "Nazi Zombies" have become reliable... "

Three minutes later, Chueh began to read the second document.

This one. Relatively speaking, it is much more reliable, because this is the experimental record of "the first sleep experiment".

The content at the beginning is the same as the introduction in the opening g, so they can't wait to see [they have food that can last for a month, some books. And running water, toilets, and a few beds

In the first five days, nothing unusual happened. Only. The dialogue between prisoners is becoming more and more emotional They began to talk to each other. ]

[on the sixth day, the situation turned sharply, and the prisoners suddenly became paranoid and crazy; they stopped chatting. And began to blame each other for the current situation. ]

[for the next few days, the prisoners sat back to back, seeming to be angry. Through the microphone, we heard strange, ambiguous whispers. ]

[on the ninth day, one of them panicked nervously, ran back and forth in the room screaming, and kept shouting until he lost his voice completely, and finally only made a faint low cry. ]

[the other four prisoners seemed to be unmoved by what was going on in the room, but two of them were observed quietly tearing paper from books, draining it, and then sticking it to the glass porthole in the room. ]On the fourteenth day, we couldn't see what happened in the room. The porthole looked like a big fish tank full of feces. ]

on the 15th day, there was no sound in the room and it became very quiet. However, the oxygen detector showed that there were signs of life in the room. ]

[although we can't observe the situation in the room, the unusual quiet makes people wonder if they have fainted. ]

[at 11:30 that night, we unanimously decided to open the room for inspection. We told them on the radio that a team of staff would enter the room, test the microphone and clean the porthole. ]

[we asked the subjects to stay away from the door and lie on the ground, otherwise they would be killed. ]

[of course, considering the mental and physical conditions of these people, it cannot be ruled out that someone will actively seek death. So we claim that as long as they cooperate, one person will be released. ]

[after the broadcast, the silence in the room continued until a voice trembled at the microphone and said, "we don't need your freedom for a long time.". ]

[fifteen minutes later, we entered the room with a team of commandos. What greeted us was a scene of purgatory on earth. ]

[they didn't eat the food we gave them, at least I haven't eaten for a week. ]

[we see blood oozing out of their mouths. Everyone's mouth is stuffed with something. If there is no accident That should be their own meat. ]
