Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1012

"I can't sleep!"

At that moment, the five members of the first order team almost shouted in unison.

Although they didn't know how brother Jue "came back from the dead", they all felt that I'm afraid I'm in the middle of it.

When they are attracted by the changes of mirror devil, Feng unconsciously has quietly revived in another place, and takes out the harmonica as soon as possible to play it.

Now it's too late to stop him.

Order the team members this short few seconds of distraction, has become a key turning point.

About five seconds later, the harmonica stops, and the invisible figure follows the trend and disappears So far, his layout in the "mirror world" is a complete success.

They don't know where Chueh GE's teleportation is. They don't need to think about it.

Now it's done. What they can do Only accept the reality and adapt to the circumstances.

"Forget it, don't worry about it..." Wushi Shenxuan is indeed not the leader. He is "then you have to ask him. I am not the Ascaris in his stomach." Dream, surprise and Zen spread out their hands. In a very casual tone, he made several speculations: "maybe he intended to let us defeat the monster, but he thought that the monster itself was not strong enough, so he came here; maybe He intended that the monster would be killed in a state of 'complete evolution' to achieve some purpose. " He shrugged and shook his head, "but anyway. My personal feeling Feng didn't care much about the outcome of the battle; no matter which side of us won, he could accept it. Because... When he succeeds in creating the situation in front of him and escapes from this space, we can no longer influence the real "overall situation" in his mind

"Ah ~ the more you listen, the more you think about it, the worse you feel!" Ghost Xiao raised his hands and scratched the hair on his head back and forth, "no! I have to punch something to vent! " After all, his eyes had already moved to the mirror demon tens of meters away.

But Half a second later, guixiao's face suddenly changed. He suddenly took a virtual step in the air and kept away from the mirror devil for a few minutes.

"What's the matter?" His teammates didn't notice anything, but seeing the ghost's reaction, they couldn't help but be on guard.

"Just now..." Ghost Xiao stared at the mirror demon, muttering.

"That's your own murderous spirit." At this time, the six Mirror magic finally spoke.

Its voice is both male and female. Its tone is strange and sad. Moreover, the voice of words comes from the mirror and sounds far and near It's frightening just to listen to it.

"Ah..." Said, it even smiled, "scared by his own murderous spirit, is it interesting?"

"Asshole..." Ghost Xiao is angry. He is mocked by mirror demon. It's even more inflamed. "Look, I'll beat you to glass slag..."

"Wait!" Just as one meter six was about to come forward again, brother Chan stopped him and stopped his rash advance.

"Haha......" After the dream startles the Zen to stop the ghost, he looks at the mirror demon with a smile on his face Mirror brother. I have no quarrel with you in the past or in the recent days. There's no reason to fight to the death. "

Half of what he said, his teammates understood his intention. Obviously Brother Chan is going to try to solve the problem by diplomatic means before starting.

"Otherwise, let's have a discussion..." Dream Jing Chan's words continue, "you send us out of this space, or give us a way out, and then we go on our own, well water does not offend the river."

"Well..." It's surprising that this mirror devil doesn't seem to be the unreasonable devil. After hearing this, he really began to think about brother Chan's proposal.

However, just when the people of order thought that this war might be avoided, an intruder broke in Destroyed their last glimmer of hope.


at that moment, a burst of drinking, tearing space-time.

Straighten up the figure and break through the emptiness.

"Hahahaha..." Asura, flying out of the data fault, laughs, "I thought it would never come out! At last I've made a gap! "

Coincidentally He appeared in front of the mirror demon. In the middle of his speech, he had made an oblique dive towards the mirror devil.

"Trough! What is it? "

You can imagine that Asura took the initiative to enter the data layer in a war with derivatives, and ran into it for a long time And when he finally recovered the entity, there suddenly appeared in front of him a zero point like human, very like ghost, describing the terrible, and the evil spirit threatening things.

So what's his first reaction?


half a second later, Asura called out in alarm.

Between the lightning and flint, he felt the rapidly rising hostility from the monster in front of him, and the hostility turned into killing intention in an instant.

It wasn't until afterwards that Asura understood The hostility he felt at that time actually came from himself. The "idea" reflected by the mirror, in turn, stimulated him Under the effect of this interaction, killing will be born rapidly.

Of course, Asura doesn't know this at the moment, so his reaction is very simple

"You are so ugly! Ambush me, right? Who is afraid of whom! " He took out his fist and beat it. In his panic, he directly used the S-level skill, "eat my Asura Bahuang fist!" (~ ^ ~) one second to remember this website biquga the fastest updated novel website!