This Emperor is Only An Actor

Chapter 394

The confidentiality agreement of 1999 was a hindrance Yue Guan saw on the Internet in his last life.

This is a story created by a group of sand sculpture netizens. To put it simply, in 1999, when aliens invaded the earth, the people of the earth stood up and fought back with great sacrifice and efforts.

That war was too cruel and huge, which caused great shock and loss to human beings, and also overturned many human three outlooks.

So after the war, all those who participated in that war signed confidentiality agreements, then eliminated the memory of non combatants, and ended everything before the millennium.

Although the war is fierce, it must end quietly. Terror cannot be passed on to people in the new era.

On January 1, 2000, in the morning light, accompanied by the cry of the first batch of people born after 2000, the earth ushered in a new era, and mankind also ushered in a new future.

Yueguan has never seen this stem on the Internet in his life.

When he was with Zhang Yin at the beginning, he told her a story and made it up. He also added a lot of embellishments to the story, which made Zhang Yin dumbfounded.

Zhang Yin almost believed it.

Then they posted the story on the Internet, which really attracted many sand sculpture netizens to re create, and combined the international situation before and after the millennium, which was perfectly explained in this story.

I have to say that sand carving netizens are really talented.

Yueguan had forgotten about it before.

But being reminded by Zhang Yinyi, he suddenly felt that the story could really be written into a script to make a science fiction military blockbuster.

"Yinyin, when does uncle expect to come to me?"

"It won't be too urgent. This kind of publicity work can't be completed overnight. Even if he finds you, he will give you enough time. You don't have to be too anxious."

Zhang Yin's words let Yue Guan down: "fortunately, in this way, give me some time, I may really be able to make up a story with this stem as the background."

Ugliness's military power is mostly exported to science fiction movies, which represent a country's cultural soft power and military hard power.

Compared with simple military films, science fiction films can output more national defense power.

Especially for this kind of science fiction blockbuster against aliens.

That's what Marvel did.

Zhang Yin didn't expect that she would let Yue Guanru get the treasure when she mentioned it casually. She felt guilty first: "it's not too funny, is it?"

"There must be spoof, but it doesn't matter. The important thing is whether it looks good. As long as it looks good, everything is not a problem. "

"I don't know much about this, but if you can really make this story, I think you can make it."

"Sure, just set that the military power in 1999 is more powerful than that after the millennium. It's just that the technology beaten by aliens is nearly 20 years behind. At that time, it is entirely reasonable to directly use the current military equipment and scientific and technological equipment. It can also give the world the illusion that we were so powerful before the millennium. "

The more Yue Guan thought about it, the more he felt that it could be operated.

He even gave birth to a lot of new inspiration.

"In fact, it can be set that many people have some super powers, but they have been secretly guarding the earth and fighting against the invasion from the supernatural. When the war of 1999 came, many gatekeepers stood out bravely. Under the stars and above the dome, the world has always been guarded by heroes, and the vast majority of people are always well protected by heroes. "

In this way, it can not only highlight the individual performance, but also show the vastness and cruelty of the war, and improve the performance level of a play's combat effectiveness.

"No, there are too many inspirations, Yinyin. If you are sleepy, you should go to bed first. I'll write down these ideas first, and then integrate them when I have time."


Zhang Yin did not interfere with yueguan.

She's a little sleepy, too.

And she likes to see yueguan's high spirits.

Yue Guan got up from bed and simply washed it. Then he opened his notebook and plugged in headphones, so as not to affect Zhang Yin's sleep. Then he began to record her scattered inspiration.

Literary and artistic creation is like this. Sometimes it comes up with some inspiration. Most of the time it is incomplete. Write them down first, and then complete them slowly.

What can be completed can be used in the end.

Can't complete, can only first dust.

Because there is no answer to refer to, Yue Guan can only write down some of his ideas about this new inspiration first, and then he slowly conceives them later, or gives them to other writers to supplement.

At present, Yue Guan thinks that it is possible to achieve success.

There is a frame in it. It's not difficult to add some plots to the frame.

It's just to conceive some more heroic characters.

When the war comes, the heroes come forward and fight in blood until they die.As he wrote, Yue Guan came up with some more ideas.

Fengshen series and Xianqin series are consistent world views.

After Xianqin, the end of the law era came, the Jedi were connected to heaven, and the immortals gradually disappeared.

Maybe it can be set that some people who have been inherited from ancient times have been hiding in the dark and guarding the land of China silently.

With the progress of time, this group of people are constantly updating, the difference is that they have been adhering to their mission.

Portray some gatekeepers in the world, conceive several distinctive characters, and then link them with the terrier of 1999.

There is light and there is darkness in the world. The light is never far away. In the darkness, there are stars guarding the world and bringing light to countless people.

If portrayed in this way, it will take more effort, and it will definitely be released after the Xianqin Empire series.

But if it can be linked together, such as depicting some gatekeepers who have been inherited by Xianqin, it will certainly greatly increase the attention of the play and boost the box office.

However, Yue Guan only has a superficial idea about how to link up.

It's easy to fuse military movies with science fiction movies, and it's easy to add some power elements, but it's difficult to add some immortal elements.

Fortunately, he is not in a hurry.

Even if Zhang Yin's father does find him, he can push Wu Jing out for the time being. If he really can't, he can get several military movie scripts out. He is only responsible for the investment.

As for what he really wants to shoot, take your time. Even if there is no endorsement on it, if his idea is successful, the box office of the play will not be bad.

PS: if you make a military film, you don't shoot the war wolf and the Red Sea. If you write it, you won't be surprised. It should be this. At present, my ideas are still scattered. If you have any good suggestions, please leave more messages , the fastest update of the webnovel!