These Dangerous Girls Placed Me Into Jeopardy

94 Dangerous girls will be involved in the distinction in Chapter 94

It was so anxious ... What did you see?

Through the glass, I saw the expression when Xiaohua left. It's no longer a pleasing expression, but excited with a sense of surprise ... I think I probably guessed who she saw.

But still confirm it.

"Hey, Into, have you seen anything?"

"Well? I saw it ..."

Alang sucks milk tea, twisting, and looked at me asked.

This nerd! You must see it!

"I asked you, Xiaohua, she saw anything that will be so anxious!"

"Oh, you ask this, because I saw Agong."


I still respect my brother? What is the magic of the two green mensia?

"It is Jun Cheng, An Jun Cheng, so you know how you?"

"Sure enough ..."

I nodded in the chin, and suddenly Xiaohua was so anxious that she was because of his favorite people.

For this Anjun Cheng, Xiaohua, she even got to change the position, refused my invitation, still sitting in the last row.

Really don't understand, what is the Anjun Cheng's good?

"I said, Alan, what is the Anjun Cheng?"

"Well? Are you asking me?"

"Strap, don't ask you? Who are you recently?

I read recently Alan and the An Jun Cheng's still relative, I will say hello in the morning, and the time between the class will chat.

Alan is not much, but every friend and his relationship are very good. It's like this for the first time. This is because Alan and An Juncheng guy smells, and it's a shot, or said, An Juncheng's personality charm is really high ...

"Well, yes ... probably people are very straightforward. I thought it was a lonely guy. After I said, I knew it, it is a personal guy who is a personal name."

"Hey, you are very high for his evaluation, really do you know."

"And the person who is straightforward is very easy to make friends. I don't have to consider so many messy things. Why do you get along with how to get along, it is quite free."

Alang pushed glasses, so he said deeply.

"If I am a woman, maybe I will like to live in Ang, a boyfriend who will not lie to you, is it safe?"

I cried to him.

"Wow ... so disgusting ... long is so big, one knows that you are a dead base ..."

"Hey! It is what you let me say! And I am just playing more than one!"

"Yes, however, this does not cover the fact that Gay gas in your gay."


Will not lying, honest and straightforward people ... Alan said that there is a bit of truth, no girl does not like boys who can help people.

This is indeed a big extra degree.

However, I still don't quite understand why Xiaohua will be so persistent to him ... Mo, the problem is not in Anjun, but is it on Xiaofa?

"Hey ... Yes, Aliang, have you seen any strange things recently?"

I didn't expect that I just asked exports, and Alan said very casually answered my question. There is a straw in the mouth, and the hands are in the brain, and the heart is not absent-minded.

"Yes, I saw a lot of strange things, and very dangerous, even I almost killed."

"Ha? Give me seriously!"

"Love is not believed, I have never been very serious!"

Unlike the way to say that

This is also ... Alan he really suffered life-threatening?

Oh ... Because I am worried about his safety, the tone is unconsciously softer.

"What is it? Is it so dangerous? Aliang, you are not rolled out ..."

Alan said seriously with me.

"I am fine, although I have seen a lot, but I have not been rolled out ..."

"what is going on?"

"What is going on, I am not very clear. However, very dangerous at night is sure, if the black is going home, don't go out like it. Well, now it is already very late, let's first Let's go back."

Said, Alan stood up and pulled my arm and walked out of the coffee shop,? So suddenly ... shouldn't you pull me ... , enter, progress is too fast! At least first, hand in hand ...

"Sakura, have you heard that the body of the body and murderer?"

"Well? I murdered madness? Hey, about this I know is not a lot ... just I heard that the murderer is almost a person ... Wait, Mo, you!"

Alang frowned and nodded silently.

"Well ... I saw the 'killing scene'."

Killing scene!

"Killing ...! You have encountered the one in that news ...!"

"Well, that is the body of the body."

"That is bright, you ...!"

"Nothing, I have not seen the face, I saw that kind of scene, I can't avoid it, I ran away from the scene, if I was slow, I might suffer from the pool."

"Call ... that is fine ..."

I used to start Alan, he is always able to "happen to sink some strange things.

From the ghost to UFO, I have even seen the dragon and vampire, I have always been half a trip.

I can hear him from his voice, but I still feel that it is possible to be a nightmare, or what I have illusively, I will have a convinced that I have seen. suspect.

But this time ... is a witness to the incident already.

"Aliang, have you seen the murdere of murder?"


"Then why don't you tell ...!"

Alan seems to know what I want to say, let me talk.

"It's useless ... Because the murdere is not alone. There are many, even, we have in our class."

"What! Who! Go to her!"

"Ah, so I don't want to tell you ... I feel that things are not so simple. Because those guys seem to be killing them ..."

"Self-seeking and killing ?! What is going on!"

Can the murderer will also kill it? what is the problem!

"I don't know. White, I am just a passerby, just a 'bystander', what is going on ... I haven't learned the point."

"Don't you say that bystanders are clear? You didn't understand what happened?"

"If I can listen to the content of them like you, I am likely to understand what happened ... I said that I will come back, I don't need me to remind you. Anyway, there is no information to escape from you. Isn't the eard? "

Regarding the murderous incident, I know some things ... but I don't know much, I only know if there is a relationship with the 'ghost'.

"I have heard some rumors ... But after all, I have said that 'ear listening is virtual, and I don't think it is a lot of things. Which is a rumor, which is there is anything? Not so good. "

"Yes ... get, let's go back first."

"Wait, Xiaohua!"

"Don't worry, is she not followed? There will be no problem."

"Oh ... Well."

Although I still worry about Xiaohua, I finally went back with Alan.

However, I didn't expect it that I just returned to my house, when I wished my hair, I received a call from him.

Listening to his narrative, my expression became more and more serious, this bad news is really time.

"... just like this, so I hope you can pick up Blue China. I am very sorry for you, I am really sorry! "

It is said that he refused Xiaohua's confession, left Xiaohua alone near the subway station.

"I know, Xiaohua will give it to me ... thank you."

I deliberately call to inform me, it is also a heart.

Because I feel embarrassed, I am worried that Xiaohua will notify me this friend because of the incidence of sadness.

"Is it clear why Xiaohua likes you so, at least, you have to be better than those slag men."

It is much better than dragging the woman as a tilter that has been like a tilter.


"Although I still can't like you, it is."

I am Xiaohua's girlfriend, about An Juncheng's view of this matter, my evaluation is only one: I don't know! A man who has jealous!


I hang up on the phone.

Then immediately returned to the room to wear a jacket, put on the headset, and put the key to find Xiaohua.

When I was during the day, I said that at night is a time to kill.

Especially the endpoint of the subway, the margin of the city of people ... Xiaohua, she is dangerous!

I have to find her soon!

As a result, when I ran to the end of the subway, I didn't see Xiaohua's figure. I was in a hurry to call her name nearby, but no one responded.

Well! I know that I just called Shang Aliang ... Don't do something!

"Yeah! Yeah, ah, ah!"

Just then, I heard a shout. Not a scream of Xiaohua, but a man's call.

Follow the sound, there are several men who have rushed out from a alley, looked back at the alleys, and tried to escape with the ghost.

Where there is anything happening?

This will not be ...

I have a bad idea in my mind, my heart is sinking, I have ran the past.

Finally, I found Xiaohua, and I stood there immediately, and my clothes were also good.

Call ... I found that there is no imagination, I am relieved in my heart.

... is not right, Xiaohua is a bit strange?


Xiahua heard my voice, lifted up, the body was slightly tilt, and the head turned forty-five degrees, with the side face to face me.

The blood is covered with blood, and the clothes are also splashed on the clothes.

I was surprised to say that I can't do it, not because her expression is terrible, but because ... so beautiful!

After drinking the wine, the delicate face was more ruddy, the eyes were confused, and the full lips were shining after a full lip, which was more attractive.

Under the night, she smiled happily, the smile was very bright, it was these days ... No, it was the most brilliant smile I have ever seen.

She actually ... I am laughing?

After lost love, I didn't cry, but laughed?

I have prepared the comforted words, all the cards in the scorpion, watching Xiaohua's smile, I suddenly felt that it was very sad.

Blue Hua has a love heart to Anjun Cheng, like a paranoid.