These Dangerous Girls Placed Me Into Jeopardy

386 Dangerous girls will be involved in the dangerous chapter 386

"Sf light novel

I am afraid that I haven't sent people to me, I will be killed by myself.

Wow, soft, soft ... What do you think ....

Even if you really want to help me open the hometown, can't you get all people in one -?

This is not a play, a little accidental will have a very horrible battle. Everyone will fight, I will die, and I will kill each other, I feel that it is probably possible!

It is not that I have been damn, but everyone present is enough. I have a sufficient danger. I don't say it. Lily and Nana mother and daughter are not simple, the only - normal may Only rainy .....

Don't you say that in fact, the soft real purpose is to be with me - ...

I have carefully observed my expression, cold - obvious.

"I am afraid I think about what is wrong, I'm like this, after making mistakes, when the woman is in front of the woman, it will be empty.

.- .. is really a - in the language, directly stamped in my harm ....

Sure enough, have you been can't be done? Take tonight, take Xiao'an and the snow!

As long as I have pure Loli is enough!

I still think about the escape plan in my mind, and the gate of the restaurant is also pushed away by the maid. The owner of the housekeeper walked into the restaurant, and the air near the restaurant became warm, soft gas field. The package is wrapped in me, and I calmly calmed down.

"Ah, have you sits here? Oh, welcome everyone to my house."

SF light novel

Others also look at soft soft, and at this moment, her existence fell to everyone.

"Just, it's time to eat time. Snow Li, come up with the cuisine.

"Okay, Miss."

Miss Xueli left the restaurant, and soft soft is in my opposite ...... The other of the long table is sitting down.

"It seems that people have not arrived ... but there is no relationship, and the people will come.

Does Li Nai? Sure enough, I also invited Li Nai .. But Li Ni didn't come.

Well, it is also, she is already aware of soft soft to do something, and she will come to the post to the future. Who will come.

Others are also, if soft soft, you will come, you will not come.

"So, the extra opening of the white is not said, I will directly explain it to everyone - I will invite your purpose this time. Well

Is this going to enter the topic?

Say, I don't know what soft soft will gather everyone here for what.

"In short, please stay here later."

Soft soft?!

Do you really have any questions so directly?

55. 1 chapter [An Xinran]

This woman ... What does it mean?

Suddenly we call us here, ask us to stay?

What preforms have been made in the end ...

Tell the end, what is she is Jun Cheng? After Junheng disappears, is it here?

Just now, Juncheng also said that he and Xiaoyan are now staring at the mysterious organization called Net. Even the group also sent killer to assassinate him.

The reason why the security will be stared is also this, all in order to rob the spirit.

Why should this organization are persistent - a child? There must be an inside this, and Jun has concealed some important information.

And if you just have to rob the spirit, why is it staring, what about Shang An?

There should be no one in our family and this thing ..... No, in addition to one - personal, love sister ...

The son is related to this matter, so these people are looking for the fallen of the sister, they will want to kidnapped can be alive or me, almost the same thing.

So the next question is .... This woman named Ji Lu is why it is ascended, and even asylum?

Simply like Jun Cheng?

.. An Juncheng This man is so good? It is willing to come to the good fortune.

I look at it - I am in love, this parties are still in the sky, seeing expressions seems to be worried about what is worried, it is estimated that I feel regretted for Intimate.

I really can't believe that in another - the world is actually my brother ..... Although I will show it to the one, most of the time is very ordinary, there is no prominent point, why I like him How many people will there?

Even can be born with him - I

Is this also affected by the original world .....

"It means to live here, let us live here tonight, or say it in the future? '

The person who broke the silent atmosphere was white rain, and it was polite to raise his hand.

She used to be a sister and the bluemeal horses, and later moved away, but did not expect that the Ling will re-encounter her at the university ...

It's also because An Juncheng first met her? What is this person going! Where can I go to the woman, people go to the high-fire gun!

"It seems that I mean is not conveyed in place. Yes, I hope that you will live here later, with Jun Cheng.

"Hey,. - Love ice! Are you serious! I am not saying ....

Soft? The nickname of the woman? How is it rough? Is it because of the chest? How do you know how the woman is very soft? Is it? "

SF light novel

"Women talk, men don't pin your mouth? Jun Cheng ~"

It's just that I have been tuned, it is really useless.

"It turns out, is it necessary to move here? So, I want to ask the reason, can you?"

Nana's principal can calmly ask questions, although it looks like a woman who is useless at home, but it is still in the scene. Sure enough is not white.

"In order to protect the positions of the present, it is not being persecuted by hostile organizations. The risk is eyeing, so it is hoped to protect you in this way.

"Net glazed, I have heard of the world's top killer organization, this department has branches in Kyoto, the United States, the United States, Thailand, and Italy. If they carefully want to assassinate us, we really have no resistance. But ... Can you protect our owners? "

Pei Shi glass is the dark organization of the world's dark surface, I didn't hear it, but since Na Na said, it should not have

The world's top killer tissue .. That can be taken away from it, but why didn't it be moved again?

"Of course, there is no problem at all.

Ji Love Ice and confident smile shot his hand, / female did not push away the door of the restaurant, and the dishes are ended.

"Oh, it is still in the preparation stage, but I have already intended to completely destroy the world. '

..... "..

It is serious.

This woman is serious.

Obviously, it seems to be a soft little girl who is a fantasy, but this gas field is really non-homogeneous, and the spicy temperament of the principal of Ji Na comes from the accumulation of time and experience. She, the temperament of Ji Siki is born.

Born. The calibration of the top person's talents is like a cotton in the water - the like, soft and heavy, exudes invisible percentage

And there is also a wonderful close sense of her, maybe in other worlds we know each other.

"Talk later after things, please taste the cuisine now."

Hey, let's take a look at what this woman will do.

Silent dinner lasted for an hour. In fact, we don't have a very hungry, and there is no mood to eat.

Jun Cheng is very happy, and it is also muttered in his mouth. 'This is the last dinner ... This is like to meet the end of life.

I don't know why he is so desperate. Although it is a very bad thing to be stared at the glazed glass, it is not to worry about this extent? Moreover, he is still protected in all directions ...

Hey, the more you want to be angry, I am in the time when you are worried about him, he actually enjoys the intimate service of Miss Miss and the maid in this place, but also revealing this kind of expression in the world, the most unfortunate expression. ?

Although if you also expose a favorite expression, it will make me more unhappy.

After the dinner time, the maid took the cooking, and Ji Luiehi also invited us to move to the Chamber of Deputies.

But before entering the Chamber of Commend, she suddenly returned to Juncheng.

"You are tired, let's take a good rest, take a good rest?"

No, I just took a shower, so ....

"You are tired."


"That takes a good rest ~ Xue Li, take the monarch to rest."

"Okay, Miss."

Jun Cheng was cast.

It seems that it will only enter the 'Zhengda' 0

Ji Siu Bing has taken Jun Cheng, just to tell us something.

After entering the Chamber of Commendation, I am not waiting to sit down, I will ask the Ji Di ice.

"Jun Cheng is no longer there, but I should tell us the truth. What is your true purpose?"

"Oh, it is worthy of Juncheng's sister, and Juncheng - sample. Quiet ..

"Is that just fake? '

"The field is not bursting, the winning milk is the soft novel


The smile on the face disappeared, becoming free, slightly, looking at my pupil lost focus.

The strange feeling wrapped in me, let my rear stream of cold sweat.

But this abnormal state is only maintained for a while, and immediately returns to her cheek immediately ... but I will not be confused by the smile.

"Oh, I am rude, but Juncheng's girlfriend, only I am alone? Please pretend to be a role. Otherwise, if you are a sister of Jun, I will not forgive you, huh, huh.

Is there an identity of the zone? Is it necessary to be careful?

I don't quite understand what this woman is thinking about ....

Say, no matter what Jun Cheng is also good, or we are not there?

"So, don't call me my sister, I said, I am not the sister of the person.

"So, just as the sister said, this will enter the topic.


It's a hateful guy.

Just feeling that the close sense must be fake.

"Ah, just forgot to introduce yourself, it's really rude. '

"My name is Ji Differen, I call me as soft ice. First of all, congratulations, it is allowed to join the harem of Anjun."

.. What? Harbor?

Is this woman's head no problem?

Teacher Lili exposed the expression of troubles, and asked under the uncertainty.

"After .... refers to the 'hometown?"

"Yes, it is the harem that you understand, many women like the same man's situation."

"Hey, Miss your brain is no problem?"

Nana said that I have just thought about it, I think other people have similar ideas.