There's No Such Thing as Love in a Swordsman's Heart

Chapter 95: head of the door

There are not too many places worth wandering in the Devil\'s Cult.

Jiang Su followed Li Hanshan all the way, and felt that this place was not much different from the Wulin League, but the atmosphere in the sect was even more depressing. He really didn\'t have much interest. After thinking for a while, he just asked Li Hanshan: "The plum forest in the back mountain of yours?" Where?"

Li Hanshan was startled, and said, "It\'s behind my father\'s study, you want to go and see it?"

"The flowers are all gone, what\'s there to see." Jiang Su said, "I\'ll accompany you to see it when winter comes this year."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan couldn\'t hold back the smile on his lips, he just nodded.

Of course he knew the meaning of Jiang Su\'s words. At the beginning, he said that he wanted to see plum blossoms when he was a child, but Xie Ze strongly forbade him to go, so today Jiang Su said that he would go with him, and there is still a lot of time until winter, he will This is regarded as Jiang Su\'s promise, at least until winter, Jiang Su will be by his side.

There is no place to hang out in the Demon Cult, so Jiang Su decided to leave the Demon Cult and go for a walk in the town down the mountain.

He was hangover today, somewhat dizzy, and didn\'t want to ride a horse to blow the wind, so the two decided to go down the mountain, spend the night in the city, and return to Islam the next day, and Li Hanshan was still worried that he was not familiar with the town. So he asked Jiang Su to wait at the mountain gate on the pretext of going back to get some things, and then rushed to find He Lingcheng, wanting to learn from him.

He Lingcheng was resentful that nothing happened between the young master and Jiang Shaoxia last night. He couldn\'t understand how the young master could just miss such a good opportunity.

At this time, when he learned that the young master was going down the mountain with Jiang Shaoxia, he immediately became more energetic. Without saying a word, he stuffed a large amount of silver bills into Li Hanshan\'s arms, earnestly entrusted him, and said, "Young master, I will wait later." You can buy whatever Erjiang Shaoxia likes."

Li Hanshan: "Ah..."

He Lingcheng: "Don\'t worry! Our Holy Cult has a lot of money!"

Li Hanshan: "I want to ask..."

"The Xueji cake in the west of the city is delicious, and the shortbread in their store is also very good." He Lingcheng quickly answered, "If Jiang Shaoxia doesn\'t like sweets, you can take it to the north of the city, where there is a lake, and the lake view of Linxian Pavilion is very good , cut carp is also very good.”

Li Hanshan: "There is something to eat..."

"Jiang Shaoxia is hungover today, so don\'t take him to drink anymore." He Lingcheng said, "He is in a bad mood, so he can go and listen to books. There are storytellers in Linxian Pavilion, and they always like to talk about things in the world, and news Ling Tong, Jiang Shaoxia should be very interested."

Li Hanshan: "Then..."

"I\'ll have someone book an inn for you later." He Lingcheng said, "Don\'t worry, young master, everything is on me."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan felt that he had nothing to say.

He accepted the bank note that He Lingcheng gave him, turned his head and walked a few steps, and suddenly remembered something, turned back and asked, "Is there a place that sells swords in the city?"

He Lingcheng: "Huh?"

Li Hanshan: "He likes swords the most...Forget it, don\'t let him see swords today."

Li Hanshan shook his head and turned to leave, but He Lingcheng suddenly remembered another thing.

"Young master, is Jiang Shaoxia still wearing your clothes?" He Lingcheng asked, "If you want to give him something, why don\'t you take him to the Huanyi Building in the city and buy him some suitable clothes."

Li Hanshan: "Shopping for clothes?"

"Don\'t worry, that\'s the shop of Palace Master Lou." He Lingcheng said firmly, "Jiang Shaoxia is going, they will definitely not charge money."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Seeing Li Hanshan turned around to look for Jiang Su, He Lingcheng watched him leave with a smile on his face, then turned around abruptly, hurriedly called a few of his most capable attendants, and told them to go down the mountain quickly, so that they must rush ahead of Jiang Su and Li Hanshan, What he ordered is done.

Fortunately, Jiang Su and Li Hanshan were not in a hurry today. They just wandered down the mountain slowly. It was past noon when they arrived in the town. Fortunately, they had eaten during the teaching session. Jiang Su didn\'t feel hungry, so Li Hanshan took him first. Wandering around the city, pretending to be casual, first led Jiang Su to the Huanyi Building under Lou Yan\'s name.

He wanted to buy new clothes for Jiang Su first.

This Huanyi Building is considered to be one of the largest stores in the city, and most of the customers in the store are high-level people in the Demon Cult, and most of the clothes in the Cult are custom-made here, but Li Hanshan has never been here. I didn\'t know him, so I wanted to pretend to be an ordinary customer, but I didn\'t want the store clerk at the door to see him at a glance, as if his eyes lit up, he was very excited, and blurted out: "Young master! You are finally here!"

Li Hanshan: "?"

Jiang Su: "..."

The store clerk hurriedly greeted the two of them into the store, and said: "Young master, the shop has newly brought in a batch of new clothes, all of which are made of high-quality fabrics, young master, would you like to take a look?"

Li Hanshan: "Uh... what are they all like?"

Li Hanshan always felt a little strange. He has never been to this Huanyi Building, how could the shop assistant know him? It\'s as if someone had given the order beforehand... Wait, could it be that He Lingcheng has already sent someone to give the order?

The store clerk sent someone to take out the clothes, Jiang Su looked around, he didn\'t seem to understand why Li Hanshan came here, he frowned slightly, and asked, "Are you short of clothes?"

Li Hanshan coughed and said, "You stained a piece of clothing yesterday, and the wine stains are hard to wash off..."

Jiang Su: "But I don\'t lack clothes."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan was silent.

He wanted to give Jiang Su something, but he really didn\'t have any suitable excuses. He was at a loss, and it happened that the shop assistant took out his clothes. Hearing what Li Hanshan said, he smiled and said, "Young master, if you give this young master\'s If the clothes are dirty, you should pay for one piece.”

Li Hanshan was almost inspired, and immediately turned to look at Jiang Su, saying: "I accidentally poured wine on you yesterday, the wine stains are hard to wash off, and you like to wear white clothes, so you must not wear those clothes anymore. I\'ll pay you one."

Jiang Su: "..."

The store clerk immediately brought up the clothes and showed them one by one.

Jiang Su seemed to acquiesce to Li Hanshan\'s statement, but before he opened his mouth to express any opinions, Li Hanshan said it for him, asking: "Is there anything more convenient?"

Jiang Su couldn\'t help but glance at Li Hanshan.

"I remember that you don\'t like the fox fur that Sheng Hechen gave you." Li Hanshan said in a low voice, "They should have a style you like here."

Sure enough, the store clerk immediately showed the expression he expected, and took some clothes, Jiang Su fell in love with one, Li Hanshan asked the store clerk to wrap the clothes, but Jiang Su said again, "I\'m going to buy clothes today." It\'s your clothes."

Li Hanshan was startled, nodded, and said, "Yes."

"When I went down the mountain today, I rubbed against a tree branch in the mountain and soiled your clothes." Jiang Su turned to the shop assistant and asked, "Are there any other clothes? They are suitable for your young master."

Li Hanshan: "..."

The store clerk\'s expression changed, he couldn\'t help smiling, he couldn\'t help nodding, and said: "Yes, I understand, Jiang Shaoxia really loves the young master."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su: "..."

His words made the two of them a little embarrassed. After the two of them picked out something, before they had time to pay, the shop assistant said: "Young master, Jiang Shaoxia, our palace master has ordered that as long as Jiang Shaoxia leads people You don’t have to charge a penny when you come to buy things.”

Jiang Su was slightly taken aback, and asked, "Is this Lou Yan\'s shop?"

The shop assistant nodded.

Jiang Su thought for a while, then asked again: "Lou Yan... How are Palace Master Lou and Master Xie doing now?"

"We don\'t know much about the palace lord." The store clerk said, "But the palace lord seems to be in a good mood recently, and the managers seldom see him swearing."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su thought for a while, Lou Yan and Xie Zeli, although they were called scum and dogs, they could be regarded as family members, one of the couples he successfully matched.

Apart from the two, Fu Wenxiao and Fang Yuanluo are also doing well, not to mention the high priest, and the rest of them, Jiang Su, don\'t know their current situation, but it shouldn\'t be too bad.

He seems to always work so **** other people\'s affairs, but once it\'s his turn...

Jiang Su sighed.

He always felt that he was not in love with Li Hanshan, and the so-called red edge value system was also one of his judgment conditions.

He can remember clearly that if he succeeds in falling in love, the popularity value will be full immediately. If he really likes Li Hanshan, why has the popularity value remained unchanged so far?

He couldn\'t help hesitating, but Li Hanshan didn\'t know what he was thinking. When the two left the Huanyi Building, Li Hanshan asked him whether he would like to eat cakes or meals first, and Jiang Su was still a little dizzy and nauseated, thinking of sweet and greasy pastries , felt even more uncomfortable, and said to Li Hanshan: "It\'s better to be lighter."

Li Hanshan understood, so he followed He Lingcheng\'s words and first went to the Linxian Pavilion that He Lingcheng had said.

This Linxian Pavilion is built next to the lake, and the scenery is excellent. Li Hanshan asked for a private room, and when he opened the window, he could see the scenery of the lake and mountains. He dared to drink again, so he replaced wine with tea, and suddenly remembered something, turned his head to look at Li Hanshan with a smile, and asked, "Could this be the lake where Guardian Wuqi fried fish?"

Li Hanshan: "Uh... probably not..."

The clerk who came here to serve the food just heard the two talking. He had been ordered by He Lingcheng long ago, no matter what, he must create a very suitable scene for the young master to talk about love today. The lanterns and fireworks turned out, and everything was ready. He couldn\'t let this weird topic ruin the beautiful atmosphere of the moment. He hurriedly said, "Jiang Shaoxia was joking, Linxian Pavilion is in the middle of the city, even if Guardian Wuqi wants to If you want to catch some fish, you won’t pick this place.”

After finishing speaking, he took a step forward, pointed out the scenery of the lake for Jiang Su, and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, look, the Huxin Pavilion is a sacred place for viewing the scenery of this generation, the bright moon is reflected in the lake at night, and the night sky and the lake are connected like a mirror—"

Before the words fell, they saw a familiar figure.

Wu Qi was standing at the edge of the lake pavilion, followed by the big white tiger who seemed to have gained a lot of weight, and a large circle of kittens of various colors circled under his feet.

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

The shop assistant was shocked.

no? Deputy He ordered them to prepare well, did they forget to inform Guardian Wuqi not to go down the mountain to catch fish today?

The store clerk was at a loss. Seeing Wu Qi lowering his head, as if he was groping for something around his waist, he was startled. He didn\'t dare to think about it any more, and almost blurted out, shouting at Wu Qi, "Wu Qi Protector!!"

After all, he is from the foot of the Devil\'s Sect Mountain, and he has also practiced some martial arts. This roar exhausted all his skills, and Jiang Su was shocked to take a step back. Naturally, Wu Qi and the cats and cats in the pavilion in the center of the lake heard it too. Yes, more than a dozen cats and cats looked over at the same time, with confused faces full of doubts.

Wu Qi had no idea what had happened.

The store clerk was thinking hard, not knowing what to say next, the window of the private room next door opened with a slam, and He Lingcheng stood behind the window with a gloomy expression, gritted his teeth and said, "Get out!"

Wu Qi: "..."

Jiang Su didn\'t expect that everything turned out to be such a coincidence.

He Lingcheng also went down the mountain to eat today, and they even met Wu Qi nearby, and he didn\'t dislike eating with the two of them, since they met by fate, they might as well merge the two tables together, and gather together, In the end, only Li Hanshan felt a little wronged.

He knew that He Lingcheng was doing it for his own good.

Probably because he was worried that he would not be good at dealing with this matter, so he deliberately went down the mountain and arranged it carefully. Who ever tried to calculate it, but forgot Wu Qi\'s variable.

He Lingcheng could only lower his voice, leaned into Li Hanshan\'s ear, and said, "Young master, don\'t worry, I will find a way to take Wu Qi away later."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan felt wronged.

After a while, Wu Qi came.

As soon as the door opened, he walked in with a group of cats and a big white tiger. The scene was really spectacular, and it scared the diners and staff in Linxian Pavilion, but Wu Qi didn\'t feel any difference. He entered Most of the cats found a comfortable place to rest, and the big white tiger even lay down in a corner, yawned lazily, and fell asleep first, no matter what people around them were doing.

Jiang Su couldn\'t help being amazed, and said, "Wuqi Protector, this white tiger doesn\'t bite anymore?"

Wu Qi nodded.

Jiang Su said again: "It seems to be a little fatter."

When Wu Qi heard someone praise his cat, he immediately regained his spirits and said, "It\'s not a tiger yet, so it will grow naturally."

Jiang Su smiled, and was about to speak, when he suddenly felt something pulling at the hem of his clothes. He couldn\'t help but look down, and saw a half-sized civet cat with its paws on his legs, with round eyes open. , wanting to jump onto his lap.

Jiang Su was flattered, and hugged the cat to his lap. He was about to praise Wu Qi\'s cat as a relative, but he saw He Lingcheng sitting beside him.

Fushi He\'s legs, head, and shoulders seemed to be covered with cats. He was overwhelmed by the disturbance, but he didn\'t dare to make too much movement, so he could only maintain that posture without moving, raising his eyebrows and scowling at Wu Qi, Said: "Take your cat away!"

Wu Qi: "..."

Wu Qi only had two hands, and he couldn\'t hug him.

The meal was really lively. He Lingcheng hinted several times that Wu Qi would leave with him, but Wu Qi never understood it. Li Hanshan was so depressed that he had to eat with his head depressed. He gave up struggling, he didn\'t want to face the young master\'s displeased gaze alone, so he had to excuse to mention the storyteller here, saying that this person is the most familiar with the gossip news circulating in the world, since he is bored anyway, why not ask him to come over first to ask for news.

Li Hanshan didn\'t want to struggle anymore.

Anyway, two more people are too many, and three more people are too many. He is destined to have a good meal with Jiang Su today, so there are more doesn\'t matter.

So He Lingcheng invited someone up and asked him if he knew about the recent gossip in the world.

Every sect in the Jianghu has its own sources of informants and information, but most of these information are related to major events in the Jianghu, and those gossips and trivial matters will never appear in the reports of the Devil\'s Cult, but everyone has a heart for gossip , even He Lingcheng is very curious about these gossips in the Jianghu.

The storyteller is not too old, he looks about 20 or 30 years old, he sat down in the private room, He Lingcheng asked him what interesting and new things happened in the world recently, the storyteller immediately became interested, his voice Bing Mao said: "The recent rivers and lakes are really lively!"

Jiang Su raised his eyes to look at him, and after just one glance, the storyteller got stuck, coughed, a little nervous, and said: "I wonder if you guys have heard of the number one beauty in Jianghu, Jiang Su from the Zhishui Sword School. "

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

"I heard that Jiang Shaoxia was very beautiful and charming. Thinking about it... he should be similar to this young master." The storyteller sighed, but he didn\'t dare to look at Jiang Su. He was somewhat shy and nervous, and said, "He He likes to make friends, and I heard that there are countless people in this world who admire him."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su picked up the teacup to hide his embarrassment.

Li Hanshan couldn\'t help but look at He Lingcheng, this storyteller was arranged by He Lingcheng, why this person doesn\'t seem to know Jiang Su, and He Lingcheng is also a little embarrassed, at first he only asked people to roughly identify himself with the storyteller, saying It was the young master of the Devil\'s Cult who brought his friends to sit here, and he didn\'t expect the storyteller to say these words.

Fortunately, Jiang Su didn\'t seem angry, so He Lingcheng got up, trying to get the storyteller to stop the gossip, but he was still a step too late.

"Recently this Jiang Shaoxia left the Wulin League, and all the knights in the Wulin League were heartbroken, and Qi Qi fell into lovesickness." The storyteller said, "I heard that in recent months, the number of disciples in the Valley of Unrequited Love has increased greatly, and they are all from the Wulin League. Fang Xiashi, I can\'t bear the pain of lovesickness—”

Jiang Su: " don\'t need to say any more."

He was extremely embarrassed, the storyteller paused in tone, looked at Jiang Su\'s expression, but seemed to have suddenly realized something, stopped the conversation hastily, and said: "Young master, the villain loves you even without knowing it... cough cough."

Jiang Su: "..."

The storyteller hastily changed the subject, saying: "Aside from this Valley of Unrequited Love, there is one more thing in Jianghu. I heard that the head of the Minglan Sect is about to leave the customs."

Jiang Su was slightly taken aback, and looked up at the storyteller.

If he remembers correctly, the master of the Mingming Sect in the book is still to come out of the customs. He said that he heard about the changing situation in the world, so he left the customs early. When the head of the door was out of the closed door, he would go to the Zhuan Ran door every now and then to find him for a competition, but for so long, the head of the Lian Ran door hadn\'t left the door yet, so he didn\'t expect that at this time, he suddenly appeared .

"It is rumored that the head of the Mingyuan Sect was once entrusted by the late Wen Qingting to keep the key for him." The storyteller said, "Now after he left the customs, he immediately released the news, saying that he only gave the key to him. Two people."

Jiang Su paused, feeling that this condition seemed to be different from the condition of the head of the Mingmen sect in the original book.

Li Hanshan has already asked: "Who?"

"The preacher of the Demon Cult who has cultivated the Xiewu Kung Fu method." The storyteller said, "And Jiang Su of the Zhishui Sword Sect."