There's No Such Thing as Love in a Swordsman's Heart

Chapter 39: top secret weapon

He Lingcheng had a headache.

He used to think that a young master was enough for him to worry about. The young master is still young and often acts impulsively. Many things need to be dealt with by him, but the young master can listen to his advice anyway, and many things will not be messed up directly. But this Jiang Su is different.

In Jiang Su\'s life, it seems that there is no word "step by step". He acts too independently, beyond what ordinary people think, and it is too uncontrollable. can bind him.

He really doesn\'t look like a well-behaved or righteous person at all, but he is also a good friend of the young master. If something happens to him, the young master will definitely be very sad, and he will never stand idly by.

He Lingcheng couldn\'t see the young master being sad.

The young master had no biological parents by his side since he was a child, and the leader was really strict with him. When He Lingcheng saw him for the first time, he couldn\'t bear to feel distressed.

He sighed. After Jiang Su coldly dropped such a sentence, he still wanted to clean up Jiang Su\'s mess and deal with the aftermath. Before Jiang Su finished his next sentence, he said to the owner of the ghost market: "Young man, did you speak?" Whether it\'s light or not, Your Majesty doesn\'t have to care too much about him."

The owner of the ghost city couldn\'t help laughing, and even stretched out his hand to pull Hua Shiqing in front of him, and said to Jiang Su: "Just such a shameless bastard, is it worth Jiang Shaoxia\'s hard work for him?"

Hua Shiqing was trembling, compared to the appearance when he left the ghost market just now, he looked as if he was still in shock, his face was as white as paper, the owner of the ghost market was holding his neck, he seemed to be out of breath, and stretched out his hand in panic Going to grab the hand of the owner of the ghost city, the sleeves slipped down, and most of the elbows were exposed, full of intertwined and twisted knife wounds, carved on the fair skin, like a broken doll.

Jiang Su couldn\'t help raising his eyebrows, and said, "Isn\'t that too ugly?"

The owner of the ghost market asked back: "Did I say something wrong?"

Jiang Su: "Wrong."

The owner of the ghost city was waiting for him to refute, but he saw Jiang Su\'s figure flickering, and he was in front of him almost in the blink of an eye, a cold light flashed in his hand, and the Qingxiao sword was unsheathed, the owner of the ghost city suddenly regained consciousness, but he could not come out blocked.

He could only try to drag Hua Shiqing to the front of him, using Hua Shiqing as a shield, causing Jiang Su\'s sword to shift a few inches, just brushing past his face.

When the sword qi shaved off the flowers, it cleared a few strands of hair, but it caused a bloodstain to be drawn on the side of the face of the owner of the ghost city. Jiang Su turned his head sideways, returned the sword back to its sheath, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do I need to work hard to kill you?" ?”

Ghost City Owner: "..."

He originally thought that his martial arts were so advanced that he could be ranked in the forefront of Jianghu. Although Jiang Su was known as the number one swordsman in Jianghu, he was young after all, so he should not be able to deal with him. This may be just a false name for young people, at least He can also fight Jiang Su to a tie.

But now when he fought against each other, he suddenly realized that he was not Jiang Su\'s opponent at all.

The title of the number one swordsman is by no means a false name.

It\'s well deserved.

Seeing that Jiang Su had resorted to martial arts and the owner of the ghost city was injured, He Lingcheng had a headache and hurried out of the secret room, wanting to be a peacemaker. Anyway, Jiang Su just wanted to take Hua Shiqing away. The owner of the ghost market doesn\'t seem to care about Hua Shiqing. If he persuades him well, he thinks that the owner of the ghost market should let them take Hua Shiqing away.

"Young people act impulsively, and don\'t want to offend your lord." He Lingcheng said, "Your lord has a lot of people, why don\'t you look at our leader\'s face—"

"He is a man of righteousness." The owner of the ghost market interrupted He Lingcheng, "Why is it for the face of Master Xie?"

He Lingcheng: "Uh..."

"Oh, interesting." The owner of the ghost market couldn\'t help but sneer and said with a sneer, "I just came back from abroad and heard a lot of interesting things. I thought it was just a rumor, but now it seems that it seems true. .”

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Jiang Su frowned, "Will you let him go or not?"

The owner of the ghost market ignored him, just looked at He Lingcheng, and asked: "It seems that Vice Envoy He doesn\'t know yet."

He Lingcheng didn\'t understand why he brought up such a thing at this moment. He was a little uneasy, but he wanted to try his best to calm down the mood of the ghost city owner, so he asked in a good voice: "What\'s the matter?"

"They said that when the Young Master Shengjiao visited the ghost market, he was accompanied by a person, and the Young Master Shengjiao took good care of him." The owner of the ghost city said, "Behave intimately, in case others hurt him, hold his hand, and pass This street."

He Lingcheng: "..."

"Oh, it seems that even when sailing, you have to protect people in your arms so as not to fall into the water." The owner of the ghost market sneered, "Fushi He, guess who they are talking about?"

He Lingcheng: "..."

He Lingcheng covered his face, not wanting to speak.

"Just now the boat capsized and everyone fell into the water. Hua Shiqing is an ordinary person and doesn\'t know how to swim, and Jiang Shaoxia is very skilled in martial arts, so of course nothing will happen." The owner of the ghost market continued, "The young master of the precious sect doesn\'t think so, The two fell into the water, and he only saved Jiang Shaoxia."

He Lingcheng: "..."

Li Hanshan frowned, and couldn\'t help but ask back: "He can\'t swim either."

"People with good lightness skills, even if they don\'t know how to swim, it is impossible for them to drown." The owner of the ghost city raised his eyebrows, "He can come up with a kick, Hua Shiqing is different—"

"I don\'t know him." Li Hanshan interrupted the owner of the ghost market, "Whether he drowns or not has nothing to do with me."

He didn\'t have Jiang Su\'s concept of good and evil. He was willing to take Hua Shiqing away only because Jiang Su wanted to save Hua Shiqing. If not, what would Hua Shiqing do? Life or death? .

And he knew that Jiang Su was afraid of water, so Hua Shiqing and Jiang Su fell into the water together, one of them was irrelevant to him, and the other was someone he cared about. In this case, who should be saved, do you need to say more?

The owner of the ghost market didn\'t seem to expect him to answer like this. He was startled for a while, but couldn\'t help but smile contemptuously, and said, "Then their rumors seem to be true."

Li Hanshan frowned: "What rumor?"

He Lingcheng: "..."

He Lingcheng took a deep breath, as if trying to endure the anger in his heart.

"It\'s really interesting. Xie Zeli couldn\'t have a child by himself, so he pinned his hopes on his adopted son, and he didn\'t want his adopted son to be a broken sleeve." The owner of the ghost market mocked, "It seems that the blood of the Xie family may be Cut off here."

Li Hanshan: "Huh?"

Jiang Su: "..."

He Lingcheng: "..."

Wait, Jiang Su is a little puzzled.

Isn\'t Li Hanshan\'s surname Li? Even if he is Xie Zeli\'s adopted son, since he never changed his surname, what does he have to do with Xie\'s family?

And the owner of the ghost market grabbed Hua Shiqing by the neck and dragged him closer to him. Obviously, he suffered a loss once. Or Li Hanshan suddenly attacked him again.

"Back then, Shenjizi said that Xie Wuming committed the lone star of Tiansha, and it seems that it is true. He himself was fascinated by Wen Qingting, and he fell to such a miserable end. Even his descendants could not escape being seduced by the righteous way. "The owner of the ghost city laughed, "Oh, did I forget to tell you, Fushi He, everyone is spreading the word that the young master of your religion is entangled with this Jiang Shaoxia. I am afraid that Jiang Shaoxia will be your young master in the future. Madam."

Li Hanshan raised his eyebrows slightly, but before he had time to make a move, He Lingcheng gritted his teeth and opened his mouth, cursing loudly: "Get your head off!"

He is usually gentle and gentle in speaking, even if he is annoyed, he seldom yells at people so bluntly, and after all, he was dissatisfied with Jiang Su and Li Hanshan for getting too close before, Jiang Su originally thought that He Lingcheng had heard these words, I also wanted to follow the owner of the ghost city to think wildly, but I really didn\'t expect He Lingcheng to react like this.

Li Hanshan was also taken aback by his sudden anger, and even took a step back a little, moving a little away from He Lingcheng, his face full of horror.

"Who does our young master like, and what does it have to do with you?" He Lingcheng raised his eyebrows, "What\'s wrong with liking the righteous way? That\'s our young master\'s future! The first sword of the righteous way, the number one beauty in the world, if it\'s an ordinary person, Can he see it with his eyes!"

Ghost City Owner: "I..."

"You\'re such a coward, bah, look at your sour water flowing all over the place." He Lingcheng crossed his waist, his face turned pale with anger, "Is it around forty? Hua Shiqing doesn\'t even like you, you Are you worthy of being compared with our leader and young master?"

Ghost City Owner: "..."

Hua Shiqing: "?"

Jiang Su was stunned.

He thought that He Lingcheng was just like his senior brother, gentle and gentle as jade, and put the little young master first. Even if he uttered bad words to himself, it was for the good of Li Hanshan. Besides, He Lingcheng\'s bad words in the past were terrible. It\'s too gentle, it doesn\'t look like a curse at all, it\'s just a tactful hint, Jiang Su is not angry at all.

Such a gentle and amiable Fushi He who is like a brother, why... why did he suddenly start cursing?

"Our leader has thousands of harems! Even the palace master of Meiyou Palace is among them!" He Lingcheng was still cursing, "Our young master is so single-minded that even the most beautiful woman in the world favors him!"

Li Hanshan: "I\'m not..."

Jiang Su: "I didn\'t..."

"You are a stinky toad! If you can\'t eat swan meat, the ground will be sour!" He Lingcheng rolled his eyes at the owner of the ghost market, "Shame! Hua Shiqing even looks down on you!"

Hua Shiqing: "I...huh?"

Ghost City Owner: "..."

Wu Qi finally came out of the secret room slowly, pulling old man Xue out with one hand, he went behind He Lingcheng, patted He Lingcheng on the shoulder, and signaled He Lingcheng to restrain himself, but He Lingcheng didn\'t care, he just To scold.

"You will never see the light for the rest of your life, living in this kind of place!" He Lingcheng snorted coldly, "Sounds nice, owner of the ghost city? Pooh, do you really treat yourself like a thing? Look at the people in this ghost city ? Aren\'t you just a cell boss!"

Ghost City Owner: "..."

The owner of the ghost market seemed to be hit hard.

Jiang Su was speechless.

How should I put it... He Lingcheng\'s swearing is still elegant, at least without any dirty words, but every sentence seems to be a critical blow, every sentence is poked in the heart of the owner of the ghost city, Jiang Su turned his head to look at the disgruntled face of the owner of the ghost city, unexpectedly I feel... very relieved.

The original atmosphere was tense, but He Lingcheng pointed at the nose of the owner of the ghost city and cursed, but the atmosphere eased a little. Jiang Su also put away his sword, walked to Li Hanshan, looked at He Lingcheng\'s anger, and asked Li Hanshan in a low voice: " Have you ever seen him so angry?"

Li Hanshan shook his head.

Jiang Su couldn\'t help but said again: "He is really protecting his weaknesses."

Li Hanshan nodded.

Jiang Su: "He is a good man."

Wu Qi thought for a while, dragged the old man Xue over, handed it over to Li Hanshan and Jiang Su, and said, "Be a hostage."

Li Hanshan grabbed old man Xue by his collar, Wu Qi turned around again, walked to He Lingcheng, and said, "Stop scolding."

He Lingcheng: "¥...#...%##@¥!!"

Wu Qi pressed He Lingcheng\'s shoulder, dragged him back a little, and said, "The leader asked us to ask for medicine."

"What are you asking!" He Lingcheng was still very angry, "He even scolded the leader! I\'ll kill him first!"

As he spoke, he was about to draw his own sword, but he was not very skilled in martial arts. If he confronted the owner of the ghost market head-on, he would definitely not be able to defeat the owner of the ghost market. But when he saw that he wanted to draw his sword, Wu Qi drew it silently Jiang Su and Li Hanshan looked at each other and drew their swords out of their sheaths without saying a word.

The three of them stared coldly at the owner of the ghost city, and one of them jumped into a rage. The owner of the ghost city was silent for a moment, and slowly backed away. Seeing that several people were about to press forward, he threw Hua Shiqing into Jiang Su\'s arms, turned and ran away .

When Hua Shiqing rushed over, he was facing Jiang Su\'s sword tip. For a short moment, Jiang Su hesitated, whether he should draw his sword to catch Hua Shiqing, or——

Before he had time to think, his body reacted first.

Jiang Su dodged sideways, Hua Shiqing fell to the ground with a plop, and Jiang Su raised his sword to chase the owner of the ghost city.

damn thing! He is going to kill him now!

But the owner of the Ghost City had already entered the secret room, and almost at that moment, the stone walls suddenly dropped around the front hall, sealing the front hall as a secret room, trapping everyone in it.

Jiang Su was almost hit by the stone wall, Li Hanshan was startled, and reached out to pull his sleeve, but Jiang Su suddenly stopped in front of the stone wall, and Li Hanshan just pulled him For a moment, his center of gravity was unstable, he staggered, and almost fell.

Li Hanshan hugged him without even thinking about it, and was brought almost to the ground by him. He managed to stabilize his figure with difficulty, and when he looked back, Hua Shiqing got up from the ground, covering his face, and looked up at the few people aggrieved, Sniffing, said: "What to do, we seem to be trapped."

After saying these words, nosebleeds dripped from his nose, apparently he just hit his nose when he fell down.

And He Lingcheng looked at Li Hanshan who was holding Jiang Su in his arms, silent for a long time, then suddenly turned his head, pretending that he hadn\'t seen anything, grabbed the old man Xue who was on the ground with a dazed face, and cursed: "Xue Ba! Old man! There is a way out!"

His heart was bleeding.

He is the young master raised by his younger brother! I was really seduced by people in the righteous way.

But what else could he do? The young master seems to like Jiang Su very much, no matter how much he persuades him, then he...he can only wish the young master happiness.

The old man Xue was dazed and at a loss for what to do, and after a while he murmured: "This...I...I don\'t know..."

He Lingcheng didn\'t believe it.

He grabbed old man Xue by the ear, gritted his teeth, and was about to continue cursing, but he heard rustling around him, as if Wu Qi was digging for something. Turning his head, he saw Wu Qi fumbling for his pocket, as if he wanted to When he took out something from inside, he couldn\'t help being startled, and suddenly remembered something.

"Guardian Wuqi." He Lingcheng asked, "Which country in the Western Regions are you from?"

Wu Qi raised his head with a frown, glanced at He Lingcheng, and said, "I said so."

He Lingcheng: "I... am old and my memory is not very good."

Wu Qi couldn\'t help frowning, He Lingcheng was slightly older than Li Hanshan, and even stood up before he arrived, so he didn\'t care about it at all.

He replied in a muffled voice, "Da Shi."

Jiang Su paused, feeling as if he had heard some hope, and immediately looked at Wu Qi and asked, "Are you picking out a bomb?"

Wu Qi took out something from his waist pocket, and said, "Things from the Thunderbolt Hall in the south of the Yangtze River."

Jiang Su saw hope.

"It has been modified a bit, and I don\'t know if it can explode." Wu Qi thought for a while, and then said, "Stay back, it will hurt people."

In the past, Wu Qi spoke only short sentences and words. Jiang Su rarely heard Wu Qi speak such a long paragraph in one breath. But now, he felt that Wu Qi did have some strange accents when he spoke, as if there was a natural For some reason, he seemed to feel a lot closer to the unsmiling Wuqi Guardian for a moment, nodded, and was about to step back, when he suddenly noticed why he was still in Li Hanshan\'s arms.

Jiang Su was silent.

He raised his head and looked at Li Hanshan, the two looked at each other, Li Hanshan suddenly realized that his behavior was inappropriate, and hurriedly let go of his hand, just as Jiang Su also pushed his chest, the two of them jumped a few feet apart, wishing As if nothing happened just now.

When he was in Bai\'s house, Jiang Su had seen the strange eyes of Fu Wenxiao and others. At that time, he just had a tacit understanding with Li Hanshan. In addition to Lu Jiu\'s nonsense, the rest of the people had already looked at them with the eyes of Duanxiu. Now that he and Li Hanshan are so close, hugging him for a long time without knowing it, he can\'t imagine what image he has become in the eyes of the few people in front of him. In the end, he can only laugh and say: "Just now... really Thrilling."

Li Hanshan obviously had the same idea with him, so he kept nodding his head and said, "It almost hit me."

"Thanks to Brother Li\'s swift action, he saved Jiang\'s life." Jiang Su muttered in a low voice.

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan was a little speechless.

He Lingcheng was pinching old man Xue\'s collar, and he didn\'t look back at them at all, while Wu Qi was studying which wall was thinner so that he could start the fire bombing attack, while Hua Shiqing squatted pitifully in the corner, constantly using himself sleeve to wipe his nosebleed.

It seemed that he was the only one listening to Jiang Su and Li Hanshan.

After all, Hua Shiqing had spent a lot of time in the brothel, so he knew how to observe words and expressions, and also understood the embarrassment of Jiang Su and Li Hanshan at the moment. Thinking that the two of them might not have taken the last step, he wiped his nosebleeds, nodded seriously, and wanted to give The two went down the same step, and said: "The young master is really a good person, with a warm heart."

After saying this, Hua Shiqing felt something was wrong again.

This is the young master of the Demon Sect, what kind of old-fashioned heart? Didn\'t he just say that he had nothing to do with him and that he deserved his death?

His nosebleeds dripped down again, so he could only wipe away the blood again, and said, "Young Master and Jiang Shaoxia are in perfect harmony, it\'s touching."

Before he finished speaking, the old man Xue was already unconvinced and scolded: "What kind of utter devotion? Are you blind! They are clearly—"

He Lingcheng tightened his hands suddenly, almost pinching the old man Xue\'s neck, and lowered his voice to threaten the old man Xue: "Since they don\'t want to make it public, just shut up."

Old man Xue: "..."

Old man Xue was almost suffocated, and looking at He Lingcheng\'s eyes, he could only nod in horror.

He Lingcheng let go.

Old man Xue coughed and continued what he had just said.

"What kind of sympathy cough cough cough, sympathy is too vulgar!" Xue old man said loudly, "They are clearly high mountains meet running water! Boya meets bosom friend!"

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su raised his hand to cover his face, really didn\'t want to speak.

It\'s so embarrassing.

Although the members of the Devil\'s Cult acted as if they didn\'t want to expose the relationship between the two of them, but this feeling...why did it make him more uncomfortable than Fu Wenxiao\'s eyes?

But at this moment, he could only simply ignore everyone\'s eyes and good intentions. He looked directly at Hua Shiqing, sighed, walked forward, and said with Hua Shiqing, "Don\'t move, just seal a few acupoints." It can stop your bleeding."

But Hua Shiqing couldn\'t help backing up, covering his nose and hurriedly said: "No, no, don\'t bother Jiang Shaoxia, I\'ll just stuff my nose, just in case the young master... er... the young master seems to have been scratched just now! Jiang Shaoxia should go and see the young master!"

Unharmed Li Hanshan: "?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su was silent.

He stood there for a moment, then simply turned his head to help Wu Qi find where the walls were thinner.

Anyway, Wu Qi\'s Chinese is not good, and he doesn\'t like to talk. Only by Wu Qi\'s side can he find a short period of peace.

Seeing Jiang Su coming to help, Wu Qi really didn\'t respond, and didn\'t say a word, just knocked on the wall with his scabbard as usual.

The two searched in silence for a while, Wu Qi confirmed the location, and Jiang Su backed away, looking for a place to cover, so as not to be injured by the gravel later, waiting for Wu Qi to throw a thunderbolt at the wall.

After the explosion, Jiang Su hurriedly probed to look, but saw that they found the thinnest wall of the secret room, but they were only blown out of a shallow hole, at most as wide as his sword.

Jiang Su couldn\'t help feeling lost in his heart, he couldn\'t help sighing, and said, "This stone wall is too thick—"

Before the words were finished, Wu Qi had already thrown a second Thunderbolt towards the wall. The shallow pit was a little bigger, so Wu Qi threw a third and a fourth.

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su really couldn\'t imagine that Wu Qi\'s waist pouch doesn\'t look too big, how on earth did he hold so many things?

With so many bombs, isn\'t he afraid of accidents if he walks on the road?

After all, the secret room was sealed, and the successive explosions made Jiang Su\'s ears buzzing. Li Hanshan was beside him, and he couldn\'t help but leaned forward, leaning into Li Hanshan\'s ear and shouting: "What\'s wrong with you Wuqi protectors? what!"

Li Hanshan was silent for a long time, and then said: "His cat likes to eat fish."

Jiang Su: "Huh?"

"He bought a lot of Thunderbolts from Thunderbolt Hall." Li Hanshan shouted, "Fishing is too slow! He likes to fry fish!"

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su: "Huh???"

No, are all Demon Cultists so fresh and refined?

"He has too many cats! So many that he can\'t afford meat!" Li Hanshan was still shouting, "Thunderballs are cheaper than meat! We taught them that they are all lakes! You can eat them for days at a time!"

Jiang Su: "..."

What else can Jiang Su say?

Jiang Su could only give Li Hanshan a thumbs up.

"I admire him, he has a big bombing attribute, and he has a future." Jiang Su said seriously, "Can I take him into fights in the future? He is much easier to use than a cold weapon!"

Li Hanshan frowned. Although he didn\'t understand the meaning of Jiang Su\'s words, he still couldn\'t help mumbling: "But... I\'m not difficult to use."