There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 920: Worry

The Queen couldn\'t understand Xiao Wenyu\'s words for a while, and asked in a daze, "What do you mean by Your Majesty?"

Xiao Wenyu didn\'t want to tell the empress again, he turned around and ordered Zhou Youjin: "Please go back to Chaoyang Palace."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Zhou Youjin went over to invite the queen back, and the queen opened her mouth to speak again.

Zhou You kindly reminded the Empress in a gentle voice: "Empress Empress, Your Majesty is trying to save the Crown Prince, please don\'t distract Your Majesty."

The queen remembered what Xiao Wenyu said before that she only knew how to cry, she finally held back, turned around with red eyes and walked outside the hall.

Xiao Wenyu ignored the queen and immediately looked at Zhao Heng: "You brought a few of your subordinates and lurked outside the small courtyard, trying to find out if the prince was really there, remember to protect Lord Xie and the prince. "

"Yes, Your Majesty."

It\'s always good to have a place like this

Zhao Heng immediately followed Zhou Youjin out. In the hall, Xiao Wenyu thought that his father had entered the den of thieves by risking himself. He couldn\'t express the worry, and the whole person was very anxious. My father, if something happened to my father, my mother and Dabao Erbao would definitely be sad.

Xiao Wenyu turned around and couldn\'t feel relieved, and finally led Mo Bei and several other subordinates out of the palace quietly, all the way to Xie\'s house.

Lu Jiao was already lying on the bed to rest, and she couldn\'t sleep for a while.

In short, this time Xie Yunjin went to work, she felt very uneasy in her heart, and always felt that something was going to happen this time, which was a phenomenon that had never happened before.

This made Lu Jiao very worried. She was very anxious and couldn\'t sleep.

Until the sound of footsteps outside the door, Lu Jiao rolled over and sat up, and a report sounded from the door: "Madam, Your Majesty has come out of the palace."

Lu Jiao raised her eyebrows, His Majesty went out of the palace to do something.

She rolled over to the ground. Outside, Lilac and Dan came in and waited for her to get dressed. When she was dressed, the three of them went out. Outside, His Majesty was standing in the courtyard with people.

As soon as Lu Jiao walked over, Xiao Wenyu greeted him and knelt down as soon as he came over.

"Mother, it\'s all the son\'s fault."

Lu Jiao stretched out her hand to support Xiao Wenyu: "What\'s wrong with you?"

Xiao Wenyu couldn\'t get up, so she knelt down and choked: "The son should not send the prince to his parents to be raised. Without these, the parents would not be in the current situation."

Lu Jiao angrily stretched out her hand and pulled him up: "What\'s the nonsense talking all day long, even if you didn\'t send the prince to us, the prince wants to go to Yuehe with us, shouldn\'t we take him, this time Unexpectedly, no one thought of it, don\'t put the responsibility on yourself, it\'s serious for us to find a way to rescue the prince now."

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, Xie Wenyao, Xie Wenshao and Xie Wenyu walked in outside the door.

Xie Wenyao was the first to speak: "Mother is right, we should find a way to rescue the prince now, everything else is secondary."

Xie Wenshao said calmly: "The prince is a good boy. Now that he has fallen into the hands of thieves, we are all worried. As for the rest, it doesn\'t matter."

In fact, several sons were very worried when they knew that their father was in danger, but now there is no other way but to wait for the news from the father\'s side.

Xie Wenyu came over and looked at Xiao Wenyu and said, "Dad, such a shrewd person, will be fine, fourth brother, don\'t worry, he will be fine, as long as we make all the preparations for the response, we will Something will happen."

Seeing that Lu Jiao and her brothers did not blame him, Xiao Wenyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he is the emperor of Da Zhou, he does not want to be truly alone, not to mention his relatives love him very much, and he does not want to be strangers with them.

"Thank you mother, thank you brothers, don\'t worry, I will definitely let someone protect Dad and prevent him from having any accidents."

The three brothers Xie Wenyao came over and put on Xiao Wenyu\'s shoulder: "Okay, don\'t you know what kind of person our father is? He\'s a shrewd old fox, and he\'ll be fine."

Xiao Wenyu\'s heart was a little settled, and he talked with Lu Jiao and a few brothers before taking people away.

It\'s just that after he left the palace, Lu Jiao and his sons fell silent, and they were all worried that something would happen to Xie Yunjin.

However, Xie Wenyao and others knew that their parents were in a good relationship, and they were afraid that their mother would have a hard time, so they persuaded Lu Jiao with concern.

"Mom, Dad will be fine, don\'t worry."

"Yeah, father is the first assistant, how can you let yourself have something, mother, let me send you to sleep."

Young Master Wubao stretched out his hand to support his mother, took her all the way in and waited until Lu Jiao lay down, but he did not leave, but talked to Lu Jiao about his brother\'s childhood. As he continued, his spirit loosened, and he finally closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Young Master Wubao did not leave, and stayed in the room until he confirmed that his mother was asleep, and then he got up and left.

In a small courtyard in Dongcheng District.

Xie Yunjin was busy doing things, but he was a little sneaky and slippery, and he didn\'t want to do things seriously. When there were people, he deliberately did it seriously, and when there was no one, he would slack off, which made him stare at him in the dark. People think that he is really the ignorant Zhou Yu, not someone else pretending to be.

It took Xie Yunjin two days to get familiar with the situation in the small courtyard. There were four people in the small courtyard. All four of them had household registrations, and the top ones were all people who were about the same age as him. Because of this, they searched the Dongcheng District. People didn\'t find anything unusual.

Xie Yunjin found out the inside and outside of the small courtyard, but the three main houses could not be approached, so he did not know which room the prince was detained by them.

Xie Yunjin saw that the time passed day by The prince had not been seen, and he was very anxious. The longer the time dragged on, the more dangerous the prince would be.

So he had to find a time to drug these people unconsciously, then find the prince and save him.

I don\'t know if Xie Yunjin\'s image was too deep, which made these people relax their vigilance, or they were a little annoyed when they were trapped in the small courtyard, so a few people spoke and did things as strictly as before.

"Master, when do we go out of the city, it\'s not a problem to stay all the time."

The young man named Peng Ying, who was called the master, was not too young, but he became the leader of several people. First, this person was very strong in martial arts, and second, he was very shrewd.

Hearing He San\'s words, he glanced at Xie Yunjin quickly, and found that Xie Yunjin was sweeping the ground impatiently and didn\'t pay attention to what they said. Peng Ying breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to reprimand He San: "Shut up, what nonsense are you talking about."

He San was not frightened, he was Peng Ying\'s confidant, he quickly leaned into Peng Ying\'s ear and whispered: "Master, if we don\'t go back, the position of the head of the South Hall will be taken away, are you willing? ?"