There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 849: ring

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Xiao Yu was not at all worried about what the Queen and King Jin would do with this edict, because he wrote one thing in the edict of the Xie family, no matter what happened, the edict should be subject to Feng La\'s edict, and the rest were the same. is fake.

It\'s just that Xiao Yu didn\'t expect that he was in a coma because he took too much medicine. Before he fell into a coma, he felt dizzy, dizzy, and even his heart beat faster. At the moment before he fell into a coma, he knew that he might not survive. , I didn\'t expect to finally come back to life again.

Thinking about all this, Xiao Yu turned around to look at the Queen and King Jin.

The Queen and King Jin saw Xiao Yu wake up and knew that they were finished, they couldn\'t bear the pressure any longer, and they both thumped and knelt down.

Xiao Yu supported his body and decreed: "Come here, take down the queen and King Jin, the queen and King Jin conspired to conspire to seize the throne, the crime is unforgivable, the queen is demoted to the concubine of sin, she is left in the cold, and she will never take a step away from the cold palace for life. Wang Xiaozhen intends to kill his father, he is not worthy of being a king, he is demoted to a commoner, and he is convicted at the Dali Temple."

The queen\'s face turned pale, and she burst into tears. Until this time, she did not forget to defend herself: "Your Majesty, it was not us who gave your majesty the medicine, but Zhao Concubine who gave your majesty the medicine."

King Jin Xiao Zhen was also frightened, but until this time, he did not forget to remind Xiao Yu: "Father, the medicine you take, only my son understands the formula. What if you want to take medicine? Father."

Xiao Yu looked at this son fiercely, and finally said in extreme disappointment: "Take them down."

Soon someone from outside the palace rushed in and took the queen, no, concubine Li Yunshan, and sent her to the cold palace.

Li Yunshan knew that Xiao Yu hated her and wanted her to live rather than die. Instead of giving her death, she sent her to the cold palace.

Li Yunshan begged: "Your Majesty, the concubine is willing to die, and I beg your majesty to grant the concubine to the dead."

Xiao Yu ignored him at all, and King Jin was also detained and sent to Dali Temple to be convicted.

In the bedroom, Xiao Yu looked at Concubine Zhao and Empress Dowager Zhao again.

The Empress Dowager Zhao spoke before Xiao Yu: "Zhao Xiu, you idiot, you have been in the mind of the Queen and King Jin. You really disappointed the Ai family."

Concubine Zhao listened to the Queen Mother Zhao\'s words and knew that the Queen Mother had left her alone to take the blame. She couldn\'t help crying. This time she was really scared, but she didn\'t dare to hand over the Queen Mother Zhao. She knelt down. He said: "My concubine is stupid, please forgive me."

Xiao Yu didn\'t talk to her too much, and said quickly, "That\'s right, Concubine Zhao gave Jiu Jiu."

Concubine Zhao was immediately pulled down to drink poison, and in the end there was only one Queen Mother Zhao left.

Xiao Yu looked at her and didn\'t speak for a long time. He didn\'t know what to say to this mother.

This mother has never really loved him. For her, he is a tool for power and profit. He knew this fact from a long time ago, but he did not expect that one day, she would want to harm him.

Xiao Yu couldn\'t help laughing sadly, he really failed to be the emperor.

Empress Dowager Zhao looked at Xiao Yu\'s sneering look, she couldn\'t help feeling guilty, she knew that her son knew everything.

She can no longer stay in the palace.

Empress Dowager Zhao was the first to speak: "The emperor\'s body has become more and more uncomfortable in the past two years. The mother looks uncomfortable. The mother asks to go to Bieyun Mountain to pray for the emperor. I hope that the emperor will get better and better in the future."

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly, "That\'s right."

After he finished speaking, he couldn\'t hold back and fell asleep again.

Seeing this, Xiao Wenyu cried out impatiently: "Father, father."

After Lu Jiao walked over to check on Xiao Yu, she replied, "Your Highness, His Majesty\'s body is so weak that he fell asleep."

Xiao Wenyu asked with concern: "Is he okay?"

"It\'ll be fine for now."

Xiao Wenyu looked at Lu Jiao worriedly, what does it mean to be okay for the time being.

However, because there are many people in the dormitory right now, Xiao Wenyu didn\'t ask.

Now that the queen has been abolished, King Jin has been sent to Dali Temple, and the queen mother has asked herself to go to Bieyun Mountain to pray for blessings. He is the only one in the whole palace who can arrange it.

Xiao Wenyu made a series of arrangements to immediately send the Queen Mother to Bieyun Mountain, let the ministers out of the palace, and ordered the dismissal of Zaochao tomorrow, and ordered the Dali Temple to immediately examine King Jin, where did the poison that harmed His Majesty come from.

In the bedroom, except for two or three important officials in the court who stayed, the rest of the people left the palace.

When there were not many outsiders in the dormitory, Xiao Wenyu asked Lu Jiao with concern, "Isn\'t there any serious problem with the emperor\'s body?"

Lu Jiao looked to Xiao Wenyu and Pei Shou to help Duke Wu and others.

"Your Majesty is a medicinal material called poppy shell. This medicine itself is addictive and difficult to quit, but if you don\'t quit, it will hurt your body. Your Majesty\'s body is inherently bad. If you take it all the time, it will be very harmful. The body will die soon, so I have to quit this kind of thing, but it is a little difficult to quit."

After Lu Jiao\'s inspection before, she found that what Xiao Yu was wearing was pure poppy shells, not purified. If you decide to quit, you can quit.

This is a fortune in In the bedroom, Xiao Wenyu quickly asked, "What should I do?"

Lu Jiao said affirmatively, "Ji, as long as you survive ten days and a half months, you\'ll be fine."

Xiao Wenyu turned around to look at Xiao Yu on the bed, and said worriedly, "Royal father\'s health is not good, can he survive it?"

"It should be fine, Your Highness, rest assured, the court lady will stay in the palace until Your Majesty gets rid of his drug addiction."

"Okay, there\'s Mrs. Laucher."

Xiao Yu became addicted to drugs in the afternoon. He was restless and looked at the people who were waiting around him. He finally couldn\'t help but get angry and wanted to eat poppy shells. Loaded things, and then ordered everyone out of the dormitory, ignoring him.

As the emperor of Da Zhou, His Majesty definitely doesn\'t want others to see his embarrassing side.

Outside the dormitory, in addition to Xiao Wenyu, there are several ministers in the court, the crown princess Pei Yu and the concubines in the palace also rushed over and stayed outside the dormitory together.

No one spoke, and everyone felt uncomfortable.

Lu Jiao estimated that it was almost time, and walked into the bedroom from outside the hall. At this time, Xiao Yu on the bed was as if he had been washed with water. His hair was wet and adhered to his body, and his clothes seemed to have been washed with water. His face was pale There was no blood, and the person had already passed out in a coma.

Seeing him like this, Xiao Wenyu couldn\'t help walking over and shouting, "Father, father."

Lu Jiao turned around and glanced at the doctor Qi beside her, and asked him to go up to check on Xiao Yu.

Doctor Qi stepped forward to check on Xiao Yu, and found that although Xiao Yu was in a state of embarrassment, his breathing was normal and there was no serious problem.

"Go back to His Highness, His Majesty, he is not in serious trouble, His Highness does not need to be nervous."

Xiao Wenyu breathed a sigh of relief.

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