There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 846: something is wrong

Xie Yunjin finally stopped talking and reached out to hug Lu Jiao.

"It\'s still Jiaojiao, you know me. Others think I despise her identity, but I\'m not. I just want to match my son with the best one."

Lu Jiao smiled and nodded: "I know, but we have to admit one thing, sometimes what we think is good as a parent is different from what the children want, and only the person who wears it knows whether the shoes fit. "

Xie Yunjin finally let go, and no longer disagreed with Sanbao\'s marriage.

"Okay, it\'s up to you, Jiaojiao, to decide."

In the evening, everyone in the Xie family found that their old father had softened his expression, and he no longer wanted to see Shi Wanying as before.

The Xie family finally resumed their laughter and laughter, and the children affirmed Lu Jiao\'s role in the Xie family. She is the Xie family\'s Dinghai Shenzhen.

After only one meal, Miss Wanying liked the atmosphere of the Xie family, because everyone gets along so well, no one will look down on her because of her identity, and the elder sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law also took her and said yes After a while, she also asked about her actions, especially when Hu Lingxue asked her for some small details.

Because Dabao became the magistrate of Qiu County, and he often encountered cases, Hu Lingxue wanted to help him, so he asked Shi Wanying for help.

The next day, the prince got married.

Early in the morning, everyone from the Xie family packed up and went to the Prince\'s Mansion in the East Palace.

In the prince\'s mansion, the prince and his concubine Wang Mengyao took them in.

Xiao Wenyu specially invited Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao to help him entertain today\'s guests.

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao naturally agreed, not only the two husbands and wives, but also Dabao Erbao and Sanbao and others joined in to help, and even Longfengti was also responsible for some of the hospitality of the guests.

Because of the addition of the Xie family, the Prince\'s Mansion was properly arranged, and there was no chaos at all.

The front yard was led by Xie Yunjin and his sons, and the backyard was led by Lu Jiao and his two daughters-in-law and Wang Mengyao, the prince\'s side concubine.

Wang Mengyao was close to Lu Jiao herself, and when she saw her coming, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Aunt Lu, it\'s great that you can come. I was really worried that something might go wrong today. Now you can come."

Lu Jiao patted Wang Mengyao\'s hand with a smile and said, "Don\'t worry, everything is going on as scheduled, the prince\'s status is very precious, it is impossible for someone who doesn\'t have a long eye to come to provoke him, even if he stays a little bit slower. nothing."

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, she looked at Wang Mengyao and said, "Are you and the prince okay?"

Wang Mengyao smiled and said, "Don\'t worry, Aunt Lu, I\'m fine. I\'m very happy to be able to marry the prince."

She can do what she wants to do, and she doesn\'t want to wait for her husband and honor her in-laws with tea and water all day long.

She is the concubine of the prince\'s side. Those things that serve her husband and honor her parents-in-law should be done by the prince.

She only needs to help the prince to take care of the business in the future.

Seeing that she didn\'t seem to be angry or jealous because of the prince\'s wedding, Lu Jiao said with a sigh of relief.

"Although the prince is getting married today, the two of you are in his backyard, so don\'t be upset."

Wang Mengyao immediately smiled and said: "Aunt Lu, don\'t worry, I\'m really not angry, let alone the prince\'s wedding today, even if the prince takes another concubine in the future, I won\'t be unhappy, with the status of the prince, How can it be possible to only marry one or two women, always balance the court situation and put the country first."

After listening to Wang Mengyao\'s words, Lu Jiao was dumbfounded for a while, and she also gained a higher understanding of women\'s cognition in this era.

"I\'m glad you can think of it this way, okay, let\'s match the details to see if there\'s anything else we haven\'t noticed."

The two discussed the details of the banquet. When the guests came over, Lu Jiao was in charge of receiving the wives of important officials in the court, Wang Mengyao and the daughters-in-law of the Xie family were in charge of the daughters-in-law of each family, and Shi Wanying and Xie were the daughters of the boudoir. Linglong is in charge of the two girls.

After everything was ready, the guests came to the door.

The Prince\'s Mansion suddenly became busy.

Today, the prince got married and married the granddaughter of Pei Shoufu. The prince brought someone to the Pei family to meet him in person. This was considered a great honor for the Pei family.

The Pei family also gave the prince enough face and praised the prince in various high-profile manners.

At the Prince\'s Mansion, Lu Jiao was worried about what would happen to the Prince Jin and the Queen\'s faction on the Prince\'s wedding day.

So she has been paying close attention to it, but the people in the Zhongyong Houfu and Jin Wangfu didn\'t make any movements. Although they looked very uncomfortable, nothing happened from the beginning to the end.

The prince\'s wedding was as usual. Although the wedding ceremony was cumbersome and complicated, there was no accident, and the newlyweds were sent to the bridal chamber smoothly.

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao looked a little uneasy, but fortunately there was no accident.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

When I got home at night, it was a little unbelievable.

"I originally thought that King Jin and the Queen were going to do something when the prince got married, but I didn\'t expect them to do nothing. It\'s really hard to resemble each other. Is it because they accepted their fate?"

Lu Jiao looked at Xie Yunjin in disbelief.

Xie Yunjin frowned and said: "I don\'t think things are so simple. They seem to be holding back some big moves, otherwise they can\'t stay still."

"King Ming became the Prince of Da Zhou when he ascended the throne. It is impossible for people from King Jin and the Queen to recognize such a thing."

"Then why don\'t they do anything today?"

Lu Jiao asked curiously, there are so many people today, it\'s a good opportunity to do something.

Xie Yunjin frowned, and suddenly thought of the emperor in the palace, he couldn\'t help turning his head and said to Lu Jiao who was on the side, "You think they could have done something to the emperor?"

"Didn\'t you say that the emperor has always been fine?"

Xie Yunjin nodded: "It\'s always been but I always feel that something is wrong."

He thought about it seriously, and after a while he turned around and asked Lu Jiao: "By the way, I found a detail, the emperor is sometimes very good and full of energy. He seems to be a few years younger, but sometimes he is very special. He was tired and sleepy, and yawned from time to time, as if he hadn\'t slept."

"Before, I thought that the emperor\'s yawning was the reason why he was struggling to deal with the memorial at night, but after thinking about it, I felt that something was wrong. The emperor\'s body has not been very good. Even his face is a few years younger, his eyes are shining, as if he has taken some medicine."

As soon as Xie Yunjin\'s words fell, his heart sank slightly, but he shook his head again: "No, the emperor should not have been prescribed any medicine, but the imperial doctor checked his pulse every day, if someone did something to the emperor, how could he not be found out? Woolen cloth."

Listening to Xie Yunjin\'s incoherent analysis, Lu Jiao inexplicably thought of opium. Just after taking opium, her face will be radiant and her spirit will be refreshed. Her whole body seems to be a few years younger. It\'s not medicine, it\'s really not easy to notice this in a short time.