There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 839: Happy

The matter that King Ming was conferred by His Majesty as the Crown Prince of Da Zhou was quickly summoned to the world.

The Xie family, Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao, as well as the family members all knew the news, and they were all overjoyed.

Tian Shi and others were also happy to hear the news. They never thought that the little guy who was as weak and afraid of life as a kitten in the past turned out to be the crown prince of Da Zhou and the future emperor.

Tian Shi, Lu Danian and the others couldn\'t say how happy they were, but the Xie family was so sorry that their intestines were broken, especially Xie Laogen, who was so remorseful in his heart, why didn\'t he know how to be nice to that little guy before.

This time, the little guy came to Xie\'s house to attend the wedding of Dabao Erbao, and he was very indifferent to him from beginning to end, ignoring his appearance.

Xie Laogen even suspected that if it wasn\'t for etiquette, he wouldn\'t even want to pay attention to him.

Now they have become the Crown Prince of Da Zhou.

Not only can they not take advantage of him, but they also worry that he will settle accounts in the autumn. They abused him in the past. If he thinks of these things and wants to kill them, it will be a matter of minutes, so they will stay in the future. Don\'t come out in Xiejia Village, so as not to let him remember them.

The more Xie Laogen thought about it, the more he felt that his idea was right.

The Lu family was not worried, because the Tian family used to be very kind to the little guy. When Lu Jiao was not good to the Four Treasures, the Tian family was very kind to the little guy, so the Lu family was not worried at all, only happy.

Lu Gui groaned and said incoherently, "Sister, this is really too delicate, Si Bao, he actually became the crown prince of Da Zhou. God, the more I think about it, the more incredible it becomes."

"My sister raised him, and he will definitely treat her well in the future. Sister, you are in your early days."

When these words came out, several people in the room were instantly unhappy.

Xie Yunjin said in a negative tone: "Brother-in-law means that I can\'t let your sister come forward?"

Dabao Erbao interfaced: "Uncle means that we can\'t win glory for my mother?"

Lu Gui was blocked for a moment, looked at Xie Yunjin, then at Dabao Erbao, and smiled dryly; "I said the wrong thing, in fact, brother-in-law and Dabao Erbao can make sister as beautiful."

Xie Yunjin and Dabao Erbao gave him a roll of eyes at the same time.

On the bed, Lu Jiao\'s spirits improved a lot. She was really depressed before. Now, when she looked at Xie Yunjin and the children around her, she was in a better mood, so she took Lingquan water, and she felt much better.

Seeing her younger brother Lu Gui playing a trick, Lu Jiao couldn\'t help but smile and said, "Lu Gui, do you want to keep Xiaoyu in the capital for a while?"

She said before that she would pick up her little niece to stay in Beijing for a while, but because she was too busy, and she was afraid that her little niece would be too young to be inseparable from her parents, she didn\'t pick her up, but now that her little niece was twelve years old, she could stay in the capital to teach her for a while. time.

Lu Gui was instantly overjoyed, nodded happily, and then looked at his daughter on the side with a bit of reluctance.

Jinxiu next to her was overjoyed and said, "Thank you sister, we will keep our daughter by my sister\'s side and let her teach me."

When she finished, she looked at her daughter and said, "Xiaoyu, thank auntie quickly."

Miss Xiaoyu\'s name is Lu Rou, she looks like a splendid, beautiful and gentle, a little shy, not too timid, afraid of life, when she heard her mother\'s words, she immediately came out and thanked Lu Jiao: "Thank you auntie."

Lu Jiao smiled and said, "In the future, you and Sister Linglong will stay in the same hospital and ask Sister Linglong to take you out for a walk."

Xie Linglong immediately took Lu Rou\'s hand with a smile and said, "Don\'t worry, cousin, I\'ll show you more in the capital in the future."

My cousin is a little timid, and my mother said that this is because there are fewer people I see, and more people I see, and the courage naturally increases.

Seeing that the two girls were getting along well, Lu Jiao felt happy, looked at Lu Gui and Jinxiu and said, "I hired a nanny from the palace to teach Linglong about the rules, and I will invite that person back to teach Xiaoyu, no Pointing at her to become a talented woman, but at least she can become a housewife who is the director of the house."

Miss Xiaoyu\'s temperament is very soft and timid. In the future, when she marries a wealthy family, she is afraid that she will not be able to be the mistress of the house. Lu Jiao saw the temperament of Miss Xiaoyu and left her.

She only made a sound when she saw Lu Gui\'s face.

Lu Gui and Jinxiu listened and thanked them repeatedly. When Xiaoyu was young, they didn\'t care about her and protected her like eyeballs. When she got older, they realized that something was wrong. Lu Gui is now considered a wealthy family in Qinghe County. In the future, the family that Xiaoyu will marry will definitely not be bad. How can Xiaoyu be a master of the house when he goes up like this.

The two were worried, but there was nothing they could do. Now that Lu Jiao was willing to keep Xiaoyu in the capital, it was really great.

Lu Gui is as confident as a fan. After her sister\'s training, her daughter will definitely become powerful.

"Then I thank my sister."

Lu Gui smiled, and while laughing, he leaned forward and said, "Sister, if she is disobedient, you can just beat and scold her, and she will be your own daughter."

Lu Jiao gave him a white look: "Don\'t think I don\'t know that I hurt her like an eyeball. If I really hit her, be sure to hurry with me."

Lu Gui immediately craned his neck and assured, "I won\'t be in a hurry with my sister if I\'m in a hurry."

"Okay, I won\'t hit our little fish girl, how wonderful."

Everyone in the room laughed. Brother Lu and Sister Lu were very uncomfortable.

Lu Jiao treats everyone in the Lu family well, but she treats them a little indifferently.

Lu An couldn\'t figure out why, but at this moment, he suddenly realized it, because others were really close to Lu Jiao, but they didn\'t in this room.

Even he is not close to this sister, but actually has a sense of distance in his heart.

Looking at Niang and Lu Gui again, they are extraordinarily close to their sister, so my sister is also extraordinarily good to them.

That\'s why it was him. Lu An regretted it a lot, but he also knew that there was nothing that could be salvaged until now.

In the room, Tian Shi and Lu Jiao said, "Jiaojiao, you are all right, we should go back."

Lu Jiao became anxious when she heard "Mother, you should stay longer."

Tian Shi looked at Lu Jiao and said: "It stands to reason that you are injured, so my mother should stay, but I am not afraid of your jokes, my mother has never been so far away, nor has she seen so many people. She lives in a place like this. , Seeing the people coming and going around me, I really feel uneasy and I can\'t sleep well."

Lu Jiao looked at Mrs Tian and found that the eyeshadow under her eyes was heavy, and it seemed that she really hadn\'t slept well.

Looking at Lu An and the others, their spirits are not very good. It seems that they are not used to this place in the capital. They want to go shopping, but they are afraid of offending people. I heard that killing anyone in the capital may be a dignitary, so they dare not do it casually. Go out and only dare to stay in the house.

Coupled with what happened to Lu Jiao before, they were frightened, and they felt that the capital was terrifying.

Originally, Mrs. Tian wanted to stay and serve Lu Jiao and leave when she was in good health, but Lu Jiao didn\'t need her to serve at all. Xie Yunjin had been taking care of her closely and she didn\'t need to worry about her, so she wanted to go back.

(End of this chapter)