There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 835: stir up trouble

Lu Jiao gave him a lesson directly. How can the husband and wife be separated, and separation will lead to estrangement. In the future, no matter how sweet the relationship between the two of them is, they should be together, so that they will be close.

After being trained by Lu Jiao, Dabao no longer refuted, saying that he would take Hu Lingxue to Qiuxian to take office.

As for Erbao, because he has no place to live in the northwest, Zhao Yuluo will not go with him for the time being after he gets married. After he goes to the northwest to settle everything, he will send Zhao Yuluo to the banquet, so after the marriage, Zhao Yuluo can stay temporarily. in Beijing.

After hearing Lu Jiao\'s words, Mrs. Tian smiled at her daughter and said, "It\'s really good luck for them to meet a mother-in-law like you. It\'s not so easy to meet a good mother-in-law now."

None of the eldest daughter-in-law followed her husband to the post after getting married, so her daughter is really enlightened.

After hearing Tian Shi\'s words, Lu Jiao couldn\'t help but smile and hug her: "I learned this from my mother, and my mother is also a good mother-in-law."

Tian Shi was amused by her. Now that she is old, she sometimes thinks of a question in a trance. Is such a good Jiaojiao really her daughter? Why does she feel a little unbelievable? It always feels like a dream, and sometimes she even has an absurd thought that such a good daughter is not her daughter at all.

Thinking of this, Tian felt panicked, and her daughter was very close to her, so she should be thinking too much.

Tian Shi said while thinking: "I didn\'t expect that Jiaojiao would also become a mother-in-law in a blink of an eye. Time flies so fast, but you have to be careful, don\'t worry too much, and don\'t fight like you did in the past, don\'t You look young, but your body is actually old."

Lu Jiao knew that Tian Shi was worried about her, so she warned her, and she immediately said, "Don\'t worry, mother, I will also have a daughter-in-law to use in the future, and I can leave it to my daughter-in-law to do anything."

As soon as Lu Jiao said it, Mrs. Tian laughed. The mother and daughter were talking happily. Outside the door, Lilac hurried in.

Lilac is now Lu Jiao\'s aunt in charge. She walked up to Lu Jiao and quickly reported, "Madam, Miss Biao has fallen into the water?"

When Lu Jiao heard this episode, she felt bad, she quickly raised her eyebrows and asked, "Which cousin?"

There are two young ladies who came to Xie\'s house this time, Lu\'s second daughter and Lu Gui\'s daughter.

However, Lu Gui\'s daughter is still young and should not go out to the garden alone, so it may be Lu\'s second daughter Taozi.

What is she doing.

Lu Jiao\'s face was not very good.

Lilac gave Tian Shi a quick glance and said, "It\'s Miss Taozi."

On the opposite side, Tian Shi\'s face was extremely embarrassing, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Lu Tao, what does she want to do?"

Lu Tao was very cute and smart when she was a child, but because of her mother like that, she grew up and became more and more crooked and had a bad mind.

The reason why Tian Shi agreed to let her follow this time was because she had already made a marriage plan.

The person who had booked a marriage should not go out to visit relatives, but Lu Tao begged that she might only have this opportunity to enter Beijing in her life, and she was afraid that she would not be able to enter Beijing for the rest of her life. With this kind of thinking, I feel that this is my aunt\'s house. Even if I book a marriage, it\'s nothing to come and see.

Unexpectedly, she had already made a marriage appointment, and she dared to come to make trouble. Tian Shi wanted to kill her, and she was sure that the second daughter-in-law must be involved in this matter.

These old second daughters-in-law have never let go of one thought, which is to tell the peach to the three treasures of Jiaojiao\'s family.

Later, Sanbao went to the Ningzhou Construction Medical Office. She was very thoughtful, but she couldn\'t meet Sanbao every time. The Sanbao Construction Medical Office was very busy. She was away from home all day, and she couldn\'t find anyone. , I had no choice but to choose a family to book a marriage.

She thought that they would rest her mind when they ordered a marriage, but she didn\'t expect to see the wealth of the Xie family this time, and she was moved again.

The more Tian Shi thought about it, the more annoyed she became. She looked at Lilac and asked, "Where is she now?"

Lilac replied quickly: "I have been rescued and arranged to go to the hospital."

Lu Jiao looked at Lilac and asked, "Why did she fall into the water so well?"

Lilac said quickly: "Miss Biao ran to the front yard to stop the third son. I don\'t know what happened and fell down. As a result, the third son gave way, and she fell into the lake."

An artificial lake was built in the west corner of the front yard of Xie\'s house, and a lot of weeping willows were planted by the lake.

Unexpectedly, a female guest of Lu Tao ran into the front yard, and Lu Jiao was indescribably annoyed.

She got up and walked out, and Mrs. Tian also stood up and followed them out, but when they went outside, the faces of Lu Jiao and Mrs. Tian returned to normal.

Today is the day when Dabao and Erbao get married. Lu Jiao and Tian Shi don\'t want Lu Tao to ruin their marriage, so it\'s hard to show it.

Seeing them coming out, Zhu Baozhu didn\'t notice anything wrong with the two of them, and asked with a smile, "Sister Lu won\'t you rest for a while?"

Lu Jiao smiled: "It\'s alright, I don\'t worry about something I haven\'t explained to you."

Zhu Baozhu immediately urged: "Then you go quickly, the groom will welcome people in later, don\'t delay things."


Lu Jiao took Tian Shi all the way to the guest house. After the group arrived at the guest house, they saw Sanbao who was guarding the gate of the courtyard. When Sanbao saw Lu Jiao, he immediately said guiltily, "Mother, I didn\'t expect this to happen. thing."

Today, Dabao and Erbao got married. Originally, the two brothers wanted Sanbao and Sibao to marry them together, but Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao considered that the groom is the most handsome and most beautiful today, and they cannot let others share the brilliance of their bodies. , so the two did not agree to let the three treasures and the four treasures accompany the two brothers to welcome the kiss, and only let the friends of the big treasure and the second treasure accompany them to welcome the kiss.

The Three Treasures and Four Treasures stayed at the mansion to help Xie Yunjin entertain the guests. There were already many guests today, so the two of them stayed at home just to entertain the guests.

As soon as the Three Treasures and Four Treasures heard that they were reasonable, they stayed at Xie\'s house to entertain the guests.

I didn\'t expect such a thing to Sanbao said quickly: "Before, I accompanied my guests to visit Moon Lake, but I saw my cousin sneaking up by the Moon Lake. I came over and told her to leave. Who knew she saw me and suddenly fell on me. When I saw something was wrong, I avoided it. I didn\'t expect her to push too hard and fell into the lake. I had to call someone. Get her out of the lake."

Lu Jiao nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, mother knows it\'s not your fault, go ahead and help your father entertain guests. I\'ll take care of your cousin\'s affairs."

San Bao breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and left, Lu Jiao turned around and walked into the yard, Tian Shi also followed closely.

In the side room of the guest house, Lu Tao had already woken up. Thinking of what happened before, she was crying sadly. How could the third cousin be so cruel? She fell down. He didn\'t even help her and let her fall directly. In the lake, if someone hadn\'t rescued her, she would have almost died.

The more Lu Tao thought about it, the more frightened it became, and the more she cried sadly, the second sister-in-law Lu said angrily, "You are really useless, you can\'t seduce anyone."

(End of this chapter)