There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 821: donate

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The big maid next to Lu Jiao immediately ordered a few little maids to go to each house to see the situation.

The little girl of the Xie family had just left, and the old lady of Zhao Guogong\'s mansion, the old lady of Chengde Hou\'s mansion, and the people of Nanyang\'s mansion came over in a mighty manner.

When Lu Jiao heard the movement outside the door, she immediately walked out to greet the ladies, and said with a smile as she greeted them.

"Mrs. Zhao, Mrs. Li, Mrs. Hua, you have something to delay."

The old lady of Zhao Guogong\'s mansion and the old lady of Zhongyong Hou\'s mansion were so angry that they almost vomited blood. They were all human beings. Didn\'t Lu Jiao come out before to force them to come? Now it\'s so fake.

But they couldn\'t veto her words, so they could only answer with a smile: "Mrs. Xie is right."

A group of people entered, and many ladies in the lobby stood up to greet Mrs. Zhao, Mrs. Li, and Mrs. Hua.

Mrs. Pei, the county magistrate and the others just sat to say hello and did not leave.

The Pei family was originally a neutral faction, but His Majesty gave their eldest granddaughter to King Ming as Princess Ming, then their Pei family became a sure-fire party of King Ming, and they couldn\'t veto this.

Therefore, the Pei family and Lu Jiao are considered to be on the same line. Today, Lu Jiao held a fund-raising event, and the Pei family responded naturally. Zhao Guogong\'s mansion, Zhongyong\'s mansion, and Nanyang\'s mansion did not give Lu Jiao face, but they did not give face to the Pei family.

Mrs. Pei said to Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Li, Mrs. Hua, with a half-smiling smile, "Are you guys not in good health? It\'s only until now that you have delayed coming. If you are not feeling well, it is just right to come earlier, Jiaojiao is a genius doctor. , keep the medicine until the illness is cured."

Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Li, Mrs. Hua, listened to Mrs. Pei\'s words, and twitched the corners of their mouths, and finally said unhappily: "There is something at home that has been delayed for a while."

When the words fell, Mrs. Zhao looked at the Chen family who had just been summoned to Beijing by His Majesty.

"Yo, isn\'t this Mrs. Chen? How is the old sister?"

Mrs. Chen smiled and said everything was fine.

Mrs. Zhao continued to speak: "Looking at the old sister, you know that she is a charitable person. The rumors that were scraped in the capital before should have nothing to do with the old sister. I don\'t know who made it up."

Although there was no direct mention of the rumor that Lu Jiao was abusing the second prince, but the inside and outside of the words were also pointed out. People on the field basically understood that she said this on purpose, just to embarrass Lu Jiao, many people looked at subconsciously. Lu Jiao.

Lu Jiao wasn\'t annoyed at all, her expression was indescribably calm, she didn\'t do those things, what was she annoyed about, but today, the Zhao family and the Li family must bleed.

Thinking about it, Lu Jiao paced to the middle of the hall, clapped her hands, everyone quieted down and looked at her together.

"The reason why I gathered everyone here today is because an avalanche occurred in the north not long ago, causing people to linger and lose their homes. Everyone knows that the climate in the north is cold and the winter is long, and the court will need to rely on relief for several months. Food, and clothing to keep out the cold, if the imperial court fails to issue these things smoothly, the North will suffer countless casualties this winter.”

"Although the national treasury is full and money is abundant in Dazhou, the court needs to raise a lot of troops and horses. This is not the way to go, so I came up with an idea, that is, each of our families donate some money to help the people of the north to get through this. times of difficulty.”

"Today is a fundraising event. You should have heard of it. Your Majesty also agreed with this move and encouraged us to do so. So I hope that everyone who has the ability will contribute more, and those who are incapable will contribute less, and try your best. For it."

After Lu Jiao\'s words were finished, the next person from Zhao Guogong\'s mansion, the Hou Zhongyong mansion and other families were not happy.

Several people shouted and said, "How can we donate money? A family needs a lot of money for food and accommodation. It\'s not like Mrs. Xie, who runs three major workshops and a beauty club. You can make money for us. Can\'t."

"Yeah, Mrs. Xie can earn so much, so donate more money to the people of the Northland."

The old lady of Zhao Guogong\'s mansion said directly: "Mrs. Xie, this should be done by the queen? As a courtier\'s wife, why do you stretch your hands so long?"

This time, the county head of Wen\'an answered, "Mrs. Zhao, the queen is very busy taking care of Nuoda\'s harem. Where do you have time to do such trivial matters, can\'t we take care of this for the queen? The matter is what Your Majesty has promised to do, if you have any dissatisfaction, you can go to the palace to ask His Majesty for explanation."

Mrs. Zhao choked, and did not speak for a long time.

Lu Jiao looked at Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Li with a smile and said, "I don\'t know how much money Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Li plan to donate? The Zhao family and the Li family are the top dignitaries in my week, Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Li. People are also role models for noble ladies in aristocratic families, and there are Empress Dowager and Empress Dowager in the family, and you are the focus of all courtiers and people."

Lu Jiao raised the Zhao family and the Li family high, it depends on how much you donate.

The old faces of Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Li were particularly ugly.

Although the Zhao family has a big business, but because of the military power in their hands, sometimes when the court\'s food and salaries are not fully paid, the family has to take money to make up for it. Another Zhao family has to communicate with various powerful people and send money to the palace to help the queen mother. , the family\'s money is really not as much as imagined.

So Mrs. Zhao was reluctant to donate money, and Mrs. Li next to her was not very willing to donate money.

The Li family offered a queen, and also offered to King Jin. They were short of money, so they dealt with them. Where did they get the money to donate to the victims.

But now that Lu Jiao has raised them so high, it is impossible for them not to donate.

So Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Li gritted their teeth and said, "Okay, my family donated five thousand taels."

"Our family also donated five thousand taels."

Lu Jiao stared at Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Li with a stunned expression: "Accordingly, Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Li donate how much they want, it\'s just that you, the empress dowager and the queen mother\'s family, if you donate it, It doesn\'t seem good to be lower than others, of course I\'m doing this for the sake of the Empress Dowager and the If the two old ladies don\'t care, then just two of them."

Lu Jiao\'s face was full of thought for the Empress Dowager and Empress Dowager, and she almost didn\'t make the two women vomit blood.

However, the two of them couldn\'t show it, so they could only grit their teeth and ask Lu Jiao, "How much did everyone else donate?"

"I don\'t know about others, but I plan to donate 20,000 taels of silver notes."

Lu Jiao wanted to donate more, she thought about donating 50,000 taels before, but then she thought of Xie Yunjin\'s words to her, keep a low profile in the capital, she was not afraid that Xiao Yu would miss her or something, she was afraid that Xiao Yu would worry about her To build a reputation for the Xie family, it is better to keep a low profile. This time, she decided to donate 20,000 taels of silver notes.

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, the county head of Wen\'an said, "Our family also donated 20,000 taels."

Mrs. Pei also said: "Although our family is poor, we can still get this money. Let\'s donate 20,000 taels."

(End of this chapter)