There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 813: Accident

"Shoufu\'s wife has space (

Although the five treasures are small, people are calm, and when they are caught, although they are afraid, they are more worried.

Because he heard the thieves who caught him say that he would use him to force his mother to commit the crime.

Wubao didn\'t want his mother to come over, he didn\'t want her to die because of him.

But he didn\'t expect his mother to come here. Young Master Wubao was both moved and worried. As soon as he saw Lu Jiao, he shouted: "Mother, go away, hurry up, don\'t save me, hurry up."

When Lu Jiao heard Wubao\'s words, she was both moved and distressed.

She looked at Wubao and said firmly: "Wubao, mother will save you."

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, she looked at the man in black and said, "Hurry up and let my son go, I\'ll let you deal with it."

The man in black looked at Lu Jiao faintly, and slowly raised the sword in his hand to tap Wubao\'s chest: "Now you have two choices, one, commit suicide immediately, we can let your son go, and two, we should be Kill your son in front of you."

Lu Jiao\'s face sank, she remembered that the man in black wanted her to exchange her son.

Unexpectedly, she changed her mind in the end and asked her to commit suicide. If so, not only would she die, but even her son would die.

Lu Jiao looked at the other party with dark eyes and said, "If I really kill myself, you will kill my son too. I don\'t believe you."

Hearing Lu Jiao\'s words, the other party laughed loudly: "I\'m afraid I can\'t help you now, so hurry up and kill yourself. If you don\'t kill yourself, I\'ll stab your son alive in front of you."

After listening to the other party\'s words, Lu Jiao only felt that the blood in her chest was surging, and her whole body was gloomy. At this moment, she hated the Queen and King Jin very much.

If she returns to Beijing, she will not let the Queen and King Jin go.

While thinking about it, Lu Jiao looked at the man in black and said, "I see, you want our mothers and daughters to die here today."

"But I can tell you, you are wrong, if I don\'t go, you can\'t kill me, you kill my son, and when I go back to Beijing, I will kill all the Xie family even if I do everything. Queen and King Jin."

Lu Jiao looked at the other party gloomily and said, "I will kill the Queen and King Jin to avenge my son."

The man in black opposite heard Lu Jiao\'s words and looked hesitant.

Lu Jiao quickly said, "If you want to kill me, let my son go. As long as my son is safe, I can do whatever you want."

The man in black opposite listened to Lu Jiao\'s words and looked at the five treasures in his hand.

Wubao shook his head quickly and said repeatedly: "You kill me, don\'t kill my mother, my mother is very good, you don\'t kill her, she is a good person, she saved a lot of people, you don\'t kill her."

The man in black looked at Wubao, then looked up at Lu Jiao, who was on the opposite side. After calculating the distance between the two, the distance was a little far. Now that he shoots to kill the woman, he is not completely sure, but if the space between the two is shortened The distance, he has some confidence.

The head of the man in black flashed his eyes, turned to look at Lu Jiao and said, "Okay, I\'ll let him go, come and exchange with him."

He looked at the Five Treasures beside him and ordered, "Go over and go to your mother\'s side."

When the two came together, they killed their mother and son in one fell swoop.

Today, he wants their mother and son to die together.

The man in black thought hard.

Wubao was unwilling to exchange his own mother, and refused to leave: "I won\'t leave, I won\'t leave, you don\'t want to kill my mother, just kill me."

Seeing him like this, the man in black impatiently raised the long sword in his hand and shouted angrily, "Let\'s go, I\'ll kill you if I don\'t go."

On the opposite side, Lu Jiao was really afraid that Young Master Wubao would suffer, and immediately shouted: "Wubao, come here, if we die, both of us will die together."

Wubao turned around to look at Lu Jiao, tears streaming down uncontrollably, the person who loves him most in this world is his mother.

He knew from a young age that his father and a few older brothers didn\'t like to see him, and they preferred Linglong.

Wubao doesn\'t hate them, because his mother loves him more, and he is very happy.

So he doesn\'t want his mother because he has something to do.

Seeing him cry, Lu Jiao held back her emotions and said warmly, "Wubao, come here, come to Mother\'s side, Mother will protect you, do you believe Mother?"

"Mother is very powerful, isn\'t she? As long as you come over, we\'ll be fine."

The man in black on the opposite side heard Lu Jiao\'s words, and just thought she was coaxing her son and didn\'t care.

Wubao was bewitched by Lu Jiao\'s gentle words, so she raised her feet and walked in front of Lu Jiao. Lu Jiao was relieved to see him approaching.

She was really afraid that Wubao would annoy the other party, and the other party would give him a sword.

In fact, Lu Jiao knew that the other party wanted to shorten the distance between them, and then killed their mothers in one fell swoop. Lu Jiao also took advantage of their thoughts to prepare to escape.

Lu Jiao lifted her foot and walked towards Wubao, secretly squeezed out the medicine as she walked. When the person was not in front of Wubao, the medicine was spread first, and when Wubao was Suddenly he reached out and grabbed Wubao.

Several figures on the opposite side rushed over, and the black-clothed man at the head charged fiercely with a sword like an arrow from the string. The long sword was like a rainbow, and the buzzing sound continued.

Lu Jiao grabbed Wubao\'s hand, and before she could see if he passed out, she called out, "Come in."

The mother and son disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the sword of the man in black fell into the air.

Ruan Zhu and Tong Yi, who were staring at the movement in the dark, saw that the wife and the young master were gone, and the two quickly shot out.

Seeing that the man in black didn\'t understand anything, he immediately turned around and slaughtered Ruan Zhutongyi.

In the space, the five treasures were drugged and he was drowsy, but he hadn\'t fallen asleep yet, he struggled to look at Lu Jiao: "Mother, are we all right?"

Lu Jiao nodded, she was amazed, because she had tried this space many times, the living people couldn\'t enter, why Wubao came in alive but nothing happened? Could it be because he was born by her and has her blood, so he could be free into the space.

Others don\'t.

When Lu Jiao thought about it, she couldn\'t tell how happy she was.

Young Master Wubao didn\'t notice this, he held Lu Jiao\'s hand and said, "Mother, are we okay?"

Lu Jiao hugged him and patted him on the back: "Well, we\'re fine, it\'s fine."

Young Master Wubao couldn\'t take it anymore and finally fell asleep.

Lu Jiao looked at him and breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that her son could not enter the space without being unconscious, Lu Jiao felt that she could do another test when she had time.

But now she is more concerned about the situation outside.

Lu Jiao listened to the movement outside with Wubao in her arms. Although Ruan Zhu and Tong Yi were on the verge of killing, they still remembered Lu Jiao\'s order. They did not kill everyone, but waited for the soldiers sent by His Majesty. After coming here, I fought with them and caught four survivors at the same time.