There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 810: disaster victims

"Shoufu\'s wife has space (

In the medical team, in addition to the people from the Medical Department, there are also the imperial doctors who are currently transferred from the palace. In addition, His Majesty ordered the Minister of the Ministry to bring a team of search and rescue team members, as well as a large amount of food, to the Northland for disaster relief.

There are many people in this group, and it is not just the staff of the hospital.

Lu Jiao and others left the capital on the front foot, and the Queen and King Jin got the news on the back foot. The mother and son were overjoyed and discussed it quickly.

"My mother, my son sent someone to start in the north to kill Lu Jiao and her twins."

The queen thought for a while and said, "I\'ll arrange this, you don\'t need to intervene."

Everything can\'t be completed. If she misses, her queen will be deposed and imprisoned at most, but if her son is found out, it will be troublesome.

Therefore, the Queen will not let King Jin take over anything, and she will do everything herself.

Xiao Zhen listened to the queen\'s words and looked at her mother with emotion.

"Thanks to my mother, she is wholeheartedly planning for her son."

"You were born by your mother, how could your mother not plan for you."

Xiao Zhen is very happy. Although he is not loved by his father, he is fine with his mother.

The queen frowned and said harshly, "This time, this palace will let Lu Jiao go back and forth."

The northern land is much poorer than the southern land. The land in the northern land itself is poor. In addition, the north is very cold in winter and is not suitable for growing any crops. Even winter wheat will freeze to death, so the northern land normally only grows rice for one season. The rest of the time the fields were basically empty, so the scenery that Lu Jiao and others saw along the way were desolate.

Longfengti has never seen such a poor place, and is very surprised: "Mother, aren\'t we very rich in Dazhou?"

Lu Jiao smiled and looked at the dragon and the phoenix: "The southern region is good because there are two crops a year, but the northern region is still very poor due to the terrain, not only poor but also backward. , Basically, the hospital was built in the south, and the north has not yet been built, because there is no local money to build a hospital."

After listening to Lu Jiao\'s words, Longfengtai fell silent.

The place where the avalanche occurred is Chuanzhou in the north. There are many mountains in Chuanzhou, and most of the people live near the mountains. Therefore, this avalanche caused disasters to many people.

Not only the house was destroyed and people were injured, but the food in the family was basically buried. In short, the situation was extremely serious.

When the local prefect sees such a situation, he will quickly report the disaster to His Majesty.

As soon as the relief team arrived, the prefect of Chuanzhou rushed over.

"Your Majesty Ron."

The prefect was very moved, and immediately and the officials who came to the relief, distributed the relief food and cold clothes.

Every household came to collect cotton coats and food.

The medical team rescued people in batches.

Qi Lei saw that Lu Jiao was carrying a dragon and a phoenix, so he consciously teamed up with Lu Jiao. Their medical team consisted of three people. Besides Qi Lei and Lu Jiao, there was also a doctor from Liu Tang, who was a group of three for the common people. cure.

But in addition to these three people, Lu Jiao also brought a lot of people around, besides the dragon and the phoenix, Ruan Zhu and Tong Yi.

Leaving Beijing this time, Xie Yunjin kept Tong Yi in the capital, and let the husband and wife stay in the capital together to protect Lu Jiao.

This time, Lu Jiao brought both their husband and wife with them.

Ruan Zhu and Tong Yi kept their mission in mind, never leaving Lu Jiao and Long Feng Ti, and when the adults were not at home, their husband and wife had to protect the mistress and the young lady.

The avalanche injured a lot of people. The prefect ordered them to be placed in various open spaces. The prefect of Chuanzhou also dispatched local doctors to treat the injured people, but there were too many people, and the doctors in the prefectures had limited medical skills. There were also few medicinal materials, and many injured patients died due to insufficient treatment.

There are still many people trapped inside. As soon as the disaster relief team arrives, the prefect of Chuanzhou and the search and rescue personnel sent by His Majesty will go into the mountains to search and rescue the living people.

Lu Jiao, Qi Lei and others started to rescue people.

The prefect of Chuanzhou first began to place these people in open spaces everywhere. Not only did these people have no food, they were also frozen, so many people were not only injured, but also frostbitten.

As soon as the relief team arrived, they distributed food and quilts first.

When Lu Jiao and the others came over, they saw these people hugging the quilt and gobbling up their food. Even if they were injured, they were busy grabbing things to eat, regardless of the injury.

The scene was extremely tragic.

Lu Jiao, Qi Lei and others divided the work and cooperated, not only them, but also the dragon and phoenix tires were sent up.

The three adults began to rescue the seriously injured patients, and the dragon and the phoenix rescued the minor injuries.

Originally, the victims saw that the two little guys were young and were reluctant to let them treat them. It turned out that they were even more powerful than their doctors in Chuanzhou. Now many people are willing to let them treat them.

"Little son, my hand was injured by a stone, please help me to see, can you save me?"

Young Master Wubao seriously examined the injured person, and finally said with certainty: "Your bones are not broken, just misaligned. After the correction, you will be fine, don\'t worry."

Linglong was also busy examining a child. Both parents of the child died, and her mother hugged him tightly and protected him before she died.

He just had a slight wound on his forehead.

Linglong thought that he had no mother at a young age, and felt very sentimental in his heart. He gently applied medicine for him while talking to him gently.

The child likes her very much, and she speaks of Linglong sister.

In this disaster relief team, His Majesty sent many people to cooperate with the local government to search and rescue people, so many people were rescued later.

The members of the medical team were busy saving people for two days and two nights. Not only Lu Jiao, Qi Lei and others, but also Wubao Gongzi and Xie Linglong were busy with them for two days and nights. Bao Gongzi and Xie Linglong couldn\'t open their eyes.

Seeing them like this, Lu Jiao felt sorry for them and forced them to go to sleep.

The two children couldn\'t hold on anymore and were arranged by their mother to go to sleep.

Before going to bed, the two little guys looked at Lu Jiao firmly and said, "Mother, I must help these poor people and change their fate in the future."

Young Master Wubao\'s eyes were firm and persistent, and Linglong on one side looked at Lu Jiao and said, "Mother, do you know? The north is short of food and medicine, and the key is not literate. I decided to study medicine with my mother. I want to come to the north. I have to run a school to teach the women in the Northland to read and write, and I have to find a way to help them make money.”

"Mother, you see now I also have a goal."

In the past, my brothers had goals, but she didn\'t have them, and now she has them too.

Lu Jiao couldn\'t help feeling soft, this daughter was never raised by the family, she leaned over and kissed Linglong and Wubao Gongzi\'s faces and praised.

"Mother is proud of you, go to sleep."

The two little ones were so tired that they closed their eyes and fell asleep.

After two days and two nights of treatment by the medical team, the injured people were basically stabilized, and due to the timely distribution of food and quilts, the victims of the disaster in Chuanzhou were temporarily resettled.

But Lu Jiao couldn\'t help sighing when she thought of this long winter.