There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 807: question

"Shoufu\'s wife has space (

Xiao Wenyu stopped and looked at Princess Mingzhu coldly, thinking that if he really ascends to the throne one day, he must make this woman\'s life worse than death.

After listening to Princess Pearl\'s words, Empress Dowager Zhao immediately turned around to look at Lu Jiao, and then asked Xiao Yu, "What\'s going on?"

Xiao Yu replied indifferently: "She is allergic and suspects that someone has poisoned her."

Empress Dowager Zhao raised her eyebrows and said, "Mingzhu\'s health has always been good, why did she suddenly become allergic? This matter needs to be investigated carefully. Don\'t ask people to do anything. The dignified royal princess will not allow anyone to make calculations."

Xiao Yu replied, "Don\'t worry, Empress, I will ask someone to investigate."

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he looked at Lu Jiao and said, "Mrs. Xie, go out of the palace."

No matter what, Lu Jiao once saved him, and he wouldn\'t embarrass her if she didn\'t find out what she did to the royal princess.

Lu Jiao nodded in response, and when Princess Mingzhu saw Xiao Yu letting Lu Jiao leave the palace, she immediately shouted, "Grandma, let someone stop her, stop her, she hurt me, she must have hurt me."

Empress Dowager Zhao looked at Lu Jiao, Lu Jiao said in a deep voice with a bad face: "The princess is not too young, before you say anything, carefully consider whether your words can be said, if you say that the court lady has poisoned you, you must Come up with evidence, if there is really evidence that the court lady has poisoned the princess, the court lady will let the princess go. Joke princess."

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, she looked at Xiao Yu and said, "The minister\'s wife retire."

After he finished speaking, he ignored all the people in the bedroom, turned around and left with his own people.

Later, the Queen Mother Zhao saw that Lu Jiao was so tough and felt very uncomfortable. She looked at Xiao Yu and said, "Is this woman\'s words and deeds disrespectful?"

Xiao Yu said angrily, "Could it be that because of her bad words and deeds, she must be punished for her sins? Don\'t forget that she is the wife of a high-ranking official in the DPRK."

Although the royals have a high status, they can\'t rule people\'s crimes for no reason. If they do, Da Zhou will soon die.

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he looked to the side of Imperial Physician Qi and Qi Lei and said, "You two will leave the palace when the princess is well."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Xiao Yu turned to look at King Jin and King Ming: "Let\'s go."

Xiao Yu turned around and took King Jin and King Ming away.

Who would have guessed that Princess Mingzhu saw Lu Jiao leaving and Prince Ming leaving, and immediately called out anxiously: "Grandma, don\'t let Xiao Wenyu go, it must be him, it must be him who harmed me."

When Empress Dowager Zhao heard Princess Pearl\'s words, her first instinct was to cover her mouth with her hands. She could bite Lu Jiao at will, but not the royal prince.

Xiao Yu in front of him heard Princess Pearl\'s words and turned around to look over. His face was full of frost, and his eyes were full of gloom.

"You are so unreasonable, a dignified royal princess, as stupid as a pig."

Princess Pearl didn\'t expect to get such a word from her father in the end, and the whole person was stunned.

Xiao Yu turned around and took the people away, ignoring the Pearl Princess behind.

The queen looked at Princess Mingzhu coldly, and felt that this woman was indeed stupid. She was stupidly supported by the Empress Dowager Zhao. Originally, your father and emperor still felt sorry for you. You took the opportunity to ask him to send someone to investigate this matter, and he would definitely investigate.

If she really finds out something, she will definitely give her an explanation. Now it\'s better, there is no evidence, and she even bites this and bites that.

While thinking about it, the queen told Empress Zhao to be safe: "Empress mother, there are still things in the palace of the concubine and concubine, so I will retire first."

Concubine Zhao Shu and others also hurriedly retire: "There is also something in the palace such as the concubine and the concubine."

In the end, only Princess Pearl and Empress Dowager Zhao were left in the palace, and everyone else withdrew temporarily.

Princess Pearl looked sadly at Empress Dowager Zhao and cried, and Empress Dowager Zhao was a little impatient, but because it was her niece, she endured to appease her.

"Okay, dear boy, don\'t be sad. Aijia will investigate this matter. If it is found out that Xiao Wenyu or Madam Xie acted, Aijia will not let them go."

After the Empress Dowager Zhao finished speaking, without waiting for Princess Pearl to speak, she added: "The Aijia will let someone find a doctor with excellent medical skills to enter the palace to treat you, and your allergies will definitely be cured."

After listening to the Queen Mother Zhao\'s words, Princess Pearl finally nodded: "Yes."

On the other side of the study, Xiao Yu asked Jin Wang Xiao Zhen to go to the penal department to do some work, and he left Ming Wang Xiao Wenyu behind.

When King Jin heard Xiao Yu\'s words, hatred surged in his heart, does the royal father want to point out Xiao Wenyu?

Although Xiao Zhen was angry, he didn\'t dare to show it, and turned around and left the study.

In the study, Xiao Yu waited until Xiao Zhen left, then looked at Xiao Wenyu gloomily, and said slowly, "Kneel down."

Xiao Wenyu knelt down in a proper manner, and Xiao Yu said in a deep voice, "Did you do something to Mingzhu? Just because she targeted your adoptive mother last time?"

Xiao Wenyu raised her eyes to look at Xiao Yu, and said with a slow sneer: "My father thinks that I did it, and I did it. If I defend, the father is afraid that I won\'t believe it. If so, why ask me?"

He didn\'t wait for Xiao Yu to ask questions and said, "Father, the emperor has made a decree to deal with the sins of the sons and ministers."

After speaking, he lowered his head and didn\'t look at Xiao Yu again.

The first Xiao Yu looked at him, slowly calmed down, and finally asked, "Isn\'t it really your hands and feet?"

Xiao Wenyu replied dejectedly: "What the father thinks is what it is."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Xiao Yu: "My son regrets going back to the palace, regrets recognizing the father and emperor."

Xiao Yu was shocked when he heard his words, staring at him fiercely.

Xiao Wenyu ignored him, and said with a wry smile, "The royal family is too scary. It\'s fortified and suspicious everywhere."

After he finished speaking, he knelt down to the end: "Father, please abolish my status, or give me a fief and let me go to the fief."

Xiao Yu didn\'t expect that Xiao Wenyu was going to leave, and was speechless for a while, and said angrily for a long time, "I just ask you, what are you doing?"

This time Xiao Wenyu seemed determined to leave, but without raising his head, he said in a deep voice, "Please ask the emperor to grant his son a fief, no matter where he is, he is willing to go to the fief and never enter the capital."

Seeing him like this, Xiao Yu thought of his intelligence and courage, and he was reluctant to let him go no matter what.

If he hadn\'t seen Xiao Wenyu, he might still think that Xiao Zhen was good, but now with Xiao Wenyu\'s comparison, Xiao Zhen is a little worse after all, not a little, but a lot. The prince of Da Zhou should have a chest like Xiao Wenyu. Hills.

Xiao Yu thought about it for a while and said, "Okay, get up, it\'s the father\'s fault for this matter."

Xiao Wenyu did not get up, but insisted: "If the emperor does not grant fiefs to the son, please allow the son to leave the palace. From now on, the son is willing to call the world home."

Seeing Xiao Wenyu like this, Xiao Yu had a big head, and said solemnly, "Are you finished?"