There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 805: conspiracy

"Shoufu\'s wife has space (

When Lu Jiao heard the words of Princess Mingzhu, she was a little unhappy. If she could, she would not want to enter the palace to see the arrogant and willful princess. Come to announce her entry into the palace, she can only enter the palace.

But this time Lu Jiao stopped Xie Yunjin and did not let him accompany her into the palace.

"I\'m very familiar with the palace, don\'t worry, you\'ll be fine."


Xie Yunjin knew that his family was attracting attention at the moment, especially the empress and the Queen Mother Zhao wanted to embarrass their family, so it would be better not to let people get caught.

But Xie Yunjin was worried, he looked at Lu Jiao and said, "You have to be careful."


Lu Jiao led her all the way into the palace, and when she was in the palace where Princess Mingzhu lived, did she see the imperial doctor Qi in the palace and Qi Lei from the medical office all over.

Lu Jiao raised her eyebrows slightly. Could it be that the princess was very ill.

Seeing Lu Jiao coming, Qi Lei turned to look at Lu Jiao and called, "Master, you are here too."

Lu Jiao nodded, walked over and asked, "What\'s going on? What\'s wrong with the princess?"

Qi Lei said: "I think the princess seems to be allergic, but I can\'t find out what she is allergic to."

Lu Jiao walked over and looked at Princess Pearl who was sleeping on the bed. Not only did she develop a high fever, but her cheeks were covered with big red bumps.

Seeing her like this, Lu Jiao suddenly remembered that she had taught Sibao Pharmaceuticals. Once, he used several kinds of medicinal herbs in a miscellaneous manner, and accidentally made a medicine that was similar to allergies. At that time, Sibao tried it on a dog. Medicine, I want to see what medicinal properties are there, that dog is like the symptoms of Princess Pearl at this time.

However, that medicine is not fatal, but it can make people allergic to flowers. From now on, you can\'t eat anything containing flowers where you can\'t grow close to flowers, but flowers are everywhere in life, and the food you eat also contains flowers, so That dog is often allergic, and the scars on his body have not healed until now. He is bald in several places, not to mention how ugly.

While thinking about it, Lu Jiao calmly stepped forward to check on Princess Pearl. After checking, she confirmed that this was the medicine made by the Four Treasures. This medicine changed Princess Pearl\'s constitution and made her allergic to flowers.

So this is the Four Treasures\' manipulation of Mingzhu, Lu Jiao thought about the last time Princess Mingzhu asked her for trouble.

She guessed that the Four Treasures did it because she was worried that Princess Pearl would plot against her in the future.

He took the initiative to take the initiative to Mingzhu Gong, so she would have no time to plot against her in the future.

this son?

Lu Jiao was worried for him again, but also felt warm.

But she will never let people know that this is the hands and feet of the Four Treasures.

After checking carefully, Lu Jiao turned to look at Qi Lei and said, "Princess Pearl is indeed allergic to something. It is no accident that this thing is a flower, a flower scent or food containing flowers."

As soon as Lu Jiao\'s words were finished, in the bedroom, the mother who was waiting beside Princess Pearl said loudly, "Impossible, our princess likes flowers very much, and she has never been allergic to it. How can she be allergic to things like flowers now."

Lu Jiao glanced at the mama and said, "I didn\'t have allergies in the past because I probably didn\'t encounter a specific thing. If the two things are mixed, it is possible to trigger her allergy."

One side Qi Lei said quickly: "That\'s right, a single flower may not be allergic, but two specific things may be allergic."

Mammy was speechless for a moment.

Lu Jiao instructed Qi Lei to administer medicine to Princess Pearl.

Qi Lei responded and prescribed the medicine. When the sky was twilight, the fever on Princess Pearl\'s body subsided, but the red bumps on her face did not go away. The man asked anxiously, "Me, what\'s wrong with me?"

Mammy quickly stepped forward and said: "Princess, you are allergic to flowers, which caused a high fever and red bumps. Now that you have taken the medicine, the high fever on your body has subsided, but, but?"

Mammy couldn\'t continue, and Princess Pearl asked anxiously, "But what?"

"But in the future, the princess can\'t stay where there are flowers, and can\'t eat food containing flowers."

Princess Pearl\'s face changed drastically, and she screamed sharply: "Impossible, I have always liked flowers and it\'s fine, why are you suddenly allergic to flowers?"

There are flowers and plants everywhere in the palace. If she is allergic to flowers and plants, she will not be able to go anywhere except her own palace in the future. She can’t let the emperor get rid of all the flowers and plants in the palace. In the future, she will marry, and She will go out to play later.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt collapsed, and she cried out: "The imperial doctor, treat Ben Gong, and immediately treat Ben Gong."

Royal Doctor Qi was His Majesty\'s chief imperial doctor. Hearing Princess Pearl\'s words, he stepped forward and said, "Returning to the princess, this is the constitution of the princess, and I can\'t change the constitution of the princess, but don\'t worry, the princess, you are allergic to pollen. If you encounter other things, the princess will be allergic if the two things come together, but if the two things don\'t come together, the princess will not be allergic."

Lu Jiao bent her lips, "Yu Doctor Qi, you think too much. That was just what I said before. In fact, this woman can\'t stay in a place with flowers, and can\'t eat anything containing medicine.

But she didn\'t say anything, so Princess Pearl couldn\'t stand it.

"No, treat it for Ben Gong, heal Ben Gong right away."

As soon as the princess finished speaking, the eunuch\'s report from outside sounded: "The Empress is here, Concubine Shu is here, Lady Zhaoyi is here, and Lady Zhao Concubine is here."

Several high-ranking women in the harem all came.

The queen is the head of the first palace, and if something happened to Princess Mingzhu, how could she not ask about it, so she brought someone over to care about it in person.

As soon as the group arrived at the door of the dormitory, they heard Princess Pearl\'s yelling in the dormitory The queen sneered and deserved it.

But when he walked into the dormitory, he had a gentle and concerned look on his face. He walked all the way into the dormitory, and said with concern, "Mingzhu, what\'s wrong?"

Seeing the Queen, Xiao Yue said sadly, "The Queen Mother, you ask them to heal me, and heal me right away."

The queen had heard the eunuch\'s report and knew that Princess Pearl was allergic to pollen.

The queen is inconceivable. Princess Pearl has always liked flowers. If she is allergic to flowers, why did she never get sick before, but now she is sick.

Could it be that someone drugged Princess Pearl?

The queen immediately thought of what happened when her son got married.

Maybe Princess Pearl has also been calculated, and the person who calculated her is likely to be Xiao Wenyu.

The queen remembered that Princess Pearl had made trouble for Lu Jiao when her son was getting married.

So is Xiao Wenyu avenging Lu Jiao?

If this is confirmed, His Majesty will definitely be annoyed. His Majesty may not be annoyed by Xiao Wenyu\'s handling of the Pearl, but he can\'t bear it. Xiao Wenyu is the Pearl Princess for his adoptive mother, which shows that Lu Jiao is a woman who is very important to Xiao Wenyu. , If this is the case, His Majesty will not rest assured that Xiao Wenyu will become the heir of Da Zhou.

Thinking of this, the queen was so happy that she couldn\'t sit still for a moment and brought people over.

Just as Concubine Shu and others came over, several people came together.

The queen looked at Princess Pearl on the bed and said incredulously, "Princess has always liked flowers, so how could she be allergic to pollen? Could it be that she ate something she shouldn\'t eat, or was manipulated by someone? "

Princess Pearl didn\'t think of it at first, but when she heard the Queen say it, she immediately screamed: "Yes, someone must have given me medicine. What kind of pollen allergy is absolutely impossible. Father, I want to see Father."