There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 803: concubine

"Shoufu\'s wife has space (

After listening to Lin Jing\'s words, the queen finally thought of the consequences of her killing Lin Jing.

All along, the queen has been trying to maintain a kind and kind-hearted side. If she kills Lin Jing, people outside will definitely say that she is cruel and ruthless. Another son of her own likes Lin Jing. If she kills Lin Jing, her son will also be with her. She is eccentric.

The queen\'s gloomy face loosened a little.

Lin Jing saw that she couldn\'t care about the pain, and continued to say: "I am the second daughter of the Chengde Marquis. Although our Chengde Marquis is weak, it is still a long-standing family, and there are still some connections. Niangniang let me enter the King\'s Mansion, I can not only win the praise of others, but also get the full support of the Chengde Hou Mansion, even if the situation is small, I still have some ability, and I will do my best to help the King."

After Lin Jing finished speaking, Xiao Zhen immediately replied, "Mother, Jing\'er and her son are of one mind. She has been helping her son. Please ask the mother to allow her to enter the King\'s Mansion."

The Queen glanced at Xiao Zhen, and after thinking about it, she felt that Lin Jing\'s words made some sense. Although Chengde\'s mansion was weak, it still had some foundations. One of them is the daughter of a court official. If she kills her, it will definitely arouse the anger of the courtiers, and will also make the people in the Chengde Houfu angry.

However, the empress was not very happy with Lin Jing being the concubine of the King\'s Palace, because today\'s matter was too embarrassing for her.

The queen thought for a while and said to Xiao Zhen: "The queen mother also sees it, you like her, and that\'s the case, the queen mother will fulfill you, but today something terrible happened to her and you in the stable, she can\'t enter the palace as a concubine. , can only be your concubine."

Da Zhou Wangye can have a main concubine and two concubines, and there can be countless concubines and concubines.

King Xiao Zhen now has two concubines on one side and one side, and he still has one side concubine vacant.

Xiao Zhen wanted Lin Jing to enter the palace as a concubine, but after listening to his mother\'s words, he didn\'t dare to fight against her, so he could only look at Lin Jing soothingly. a high position.

Lin Jing almost didn\'t faint when she heard the queen\'s words. She was also the daughter of Chengde\'s mansion after all. It was shameful to be the concubine of King Jin\'s side, but she became the concubine of King Jin. It can be difficult for her.

Lin Jing\'s face was indescribably ugly, she bit her lip with tears in her eyes, and couldn\'t say a word for a long time.

But what can she do now? You can only count on Xiao Zhen to rise to the top, so as to improve her status.

Lin Jing thought about it, turned to look at the queen who looked up, and silently remembered the queen in her heart. If Xiao Zhen ascended the throne one day, she decided not to let the queen be too comfortable, and she wrote down today\'s account.

Lin Jing thought in her heart, but there was no expression on her face. She only kowtowed to the queen with tears in her eyes and said, "I thank the queen for her grace."

As long as she holds Xiao Zhen firmly, what about Concubine Zheng and Concubine Side?

Seeing Lin Jing accepting her fate, the queen was finally satisfied.

Xiao Zhen still has a side concubine left, and she still has to use this position to win over the minister of the court. This position cannot be wasted on Lin Jing. Anyway, what happened today, Lin Jing can only follow Xiao Zhen.

"Okay, Ben Gong will have someone take you back and carry you into the palace in a month."

The queen did not want Lin Jing to affect the relationship between King Jin and Princess Jin.

Lin Jing wanted to say more, but the queen had ignored her and called someone outside to send Lin Jing back.

The **** who served the queen outside brought someone in and helped Lin Jing out.

From the back, Xiao Zhen saw that she was covered in scars, and she looked so pitiful.

The queen looked at Xiao Zhen while thinking and said, "Xiao Zhen, you really disappointed the queen mother."

After listening to the Queen\'s words, Xiao Zhen finally blamed himself: "My son has made my mother worry about it."

The queen gave him a deep look and said, "This palace has also fulfilled your wish and let Lin Jing enter the palace. In the future, you should stop thinking about her all day long, and put your mind on the court. Right now, your father is everywhere. Look up at that **** thing, you are about to be compared, and if you don\'t care, your crown prince will be given away for nothing."

Speaking of this, Xiao Zhen\'s face changed, his whole person looked gloomy, his heart slowly overflowed with hatred, and he looked at the empress above.

"Empress mother, why did the royal father treat me like this?"

Obviously he is the orthodox of Da Zhou, and he has a bloodline of blood. Isn\'t it right for him to be the prince of Da Zhou? Why did the father carry the second prince, why did he let him hold his head, and what happened today was done by him, or by the Xie family.

"Today\'s incident, it is no surprise that he plotted against me and Lin Jing. The reason why I met with Lin was that I instructed Lin Jing to seduce Xiao Wenyu and let him bear the scandal of coercing a minister\'s daughter. , who would have thought that guy wasn\'t fooled, and even scolded Lin Jing for being ugly."

When Xiao Zhen said this, the queen said, "He\'s right."

Xiao Zhen choked, the queen looked at him, and said seriously: "Son, you have no problem with your eyes, right? The queen mother really can\'t understand why you like Lin Jing, she is really an ordinary person, if not careful Dressing up is really not good, how could you fall in love with her."

The queen couldn\'t understand how many beauties there are in this capital. If Xiao Zhen likes it, she can admit her son. She doesn\'t agree with her son, Lin Jing, because she thinks that Lin Jing is not very good-looking, but she has a lot of scheming. Dressing himself up, and seducing his son without the words of his parents\' matchmaker, this is not what a good woman should do.

As a result, her son couldn\'t see it.

Xiao Zhen listened to the Queen\'s words and fell silent. It took a long time before she said: "Mother, Lin Jing, she is very beautiful, and she is wholeheartedly devoted to her son, and she is one with her son."

Xiao Zhen is also tired sometimes. From childhood to adulthood, he worked hard according to the requirements of his mother, but even so, his mother was not satisfied, and his father was not satisfied when he saw him. He could not show it in front of the courtiers. Lin Jing was at this time Coming to him, caring for him, caring for him, and helping him, he felt that he had a companion by his side, so that he could have someone to talk to when he was uncomfortable.

But he couldn\'t tell his mother about this.

When the queen heard Xiao Zhen\'s words, she didn\'t want to listen, she said with a sullen face: "Don\'t talk about that woman, this palace is not interested in listening to it, you still think about how to appease your princess later, she is specially given to you by this palace. If you want to marry her, don\'t forget the purpose of marrying her."