There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 689: dog bites dog

"Shoufu\'s wife has room (!

On one side, Zheng Zhixing secretly paid attention to him and saw that he raised his head and drank the wine. He was very happy, and poured Xie Yunjin the wine again.

At this time, he gave a wink to a servant waiting on the side of the side hall. The servant walked out quickly, and soon two beautiful and gentle girls walked in outside the side room. The two girls not only had beautiful faces, but also the most important thing. He is young, at most thirteen or fourteen years old, timid and weak, looking at people as pure as a deer, making people feel an impulse.

Zheng Zhixing greeted them to come and drink with Xie Yunjin: "Come and drink with Mr. Xie."

The two little girls walked over cautiously immediately.

Xie Yunjin immediately raised his hand to stop it: "Okay, I don\'t have this hobby."

Zheng Zhixing didn\'t persuade him either, a gentle smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and he thought proudly, you can be tough, and we\'ll see if you can be so tough later.

Thinking of Lu Jiao\'s woman helping Zhu Baozhu, he felt annoyed in his heart. He wanted to see Xie Yunjin spoil these two girls and bring them back. Can Lu Jiao\'s woman hold it? He heard that the woman was pregnant. , if she was so angry that she had a miscarriage, there would be a rift between her and Xie Yunjin.

The more Zheng Zhixing thought about it, the happier he became, his heart was hot, and he looked at the two little girls on one side, feeling a little impulsive.

He asked Fang Shi to find these two little girls, just to entertain the distinguished guests. To be honest, seeing how soft and weak they were, he felt dry mouth.

Zheng Zhixing breathed a little unconsciously while thinking about it, Xie Yunjin looked at him coldly, then stood up without waiting for Zheng Zhixing to say more: "Brother Zheng, it\'s getting late, and I\'ve also drank the wine, I I\'m going back to Ningzhou."

After speaking, without waiting for Zheng Zhixing to react, he turned around and strode out.

Zheng Zhixing stood up anxiously and wanted to stop him, but unfortunately he was a little dizzy, his body was soft, and he couldn\'t stand still, so he couldn\'t stop Xie Yunjin at all.

Xie Yunjin took someone to leave early, and in the back side hall, the two little girls saw that Zheng Zhixing looked a little wrong, and quickly stepped forward to support Zheng Zhixing: "Sir, what\'s the matter with you?"

Zheng Zhijian looked at the two little girls who were as soft as weak willows, and his heart rushed up. He couldn\'t help hugging a little girl, leaned over and kissed it, the two little girls were stunned. .

Then I was ecstatic in my heart, did the adults take a fancy to them? They have no objection to following an adult.

The two little girls took the initiative to step forward to serve Zheng Zhixing.

In front of the side hall door, a few servants who were guarding saw the situation in the side hall, blushed, and quickly closed the door, and the sound of blush and heartbeat soon sounded in the room.

Mrs Fang in the backyard kept people watching the movement in the front yard. Several times she wanted to bring people over to take a look, but she was afraid that Zheng Zhixing would find something, so she tried her best to hold back until the little girl reported, "Madam, Lord Xie is gone."

Hearing the unspeakable melancholy in his heart, Mrs Fang let out a sigh of relief, got up and led people straight to the front yard.

From a distance, I saw someone guarding the door of the side hall, and the guarding people whispered a word from time to time, and the expression was indescribable wretchedness.

Fang Shi angrily came over and shouted, "What are you doing?"

A few servants were startled and quickly backed away.

Fang Shi was about to reprimand, when she suddenly heard a blushing and heart-pounding voice coming from the side hall behind her, she was stunned for a moment, then turned around and looked at the side hall behind her in disbelief, and kicked away with the last kick. The door, I saw a mess inside the door.

Fang shi looked at everything in front of her in disbelief. She married Zheng Zhixing, but Zheng Zhixing promised her that she would marry without taking a concubine or having **** with other women. Now this man has **** with other women. , and one man and two women, Fang Shi went crazy, rushed in and picked up something and smashed it at Zheng Zhixing.

After Zheng Zhixing\'s initial madness, the efficacy of the medicine in his body has been resolved a lot. At this time, he was smashed by Fang Shi, and the severe pain on his body made him wake up a little.

He turned his head to look at Mr. Fang, who was on the verge of splitting, and then looked down at his own situation. He suddenly understood what had happened before. At the same time, he also affirmed one thing, that he was caught in Xie Yunjin\'s trick.

Zheng Zhixing thought of this, and wanted to scold people angrily, but seeing Mr. Fang with a twisted face in front of him, he felt that comforting Mrs. Fang was the most important thing.

While thinking about it, Zheng Zhixing neatly turned around and pulled his clothes on.

Mrs Fang next to him was already crazy, so he rushed over and tugged at his clothes: "Zheng Zhixing, you are a hypocrite who can\'t keep your word, villain, didn\'t you say that you would never take concubines or touch other women? If it weren\'t for you Promise me, how could I possibly marry you."

Mrs Fang would often say these things when she got married. Zheng Zhixing was a little impatient and wanted to ridicule Mrs Fang.

You are the young lady of Nanyang Uncle Mansion, but you are just a concubine, and you are not favored in Nanyang Uncle Mansion.

If King Jin didn\'t want to hold him and gave orders to Nanyang Uncle Mansion, Nanyang Uncle Mansion would not have planned this marriage for her at all.

However, Zheng Zhixing also knew that it was not easy to marry Mr. Fang in his own capacity, so he tried his best to hold back and turned to look at Mrs. Fang.

"It\'s not that I broke my promise, it\'s that I fell for Xie Yunjin\'s trick, and he gave me medicine."

But even if he explained it like this, Mr. Fang still couldn\'t let it go.

"Zheng Zhixing, don\'t think that I don\'t know your sweethearts, you think I don\'t see the way you look at them, it\'s like looking at the meat in the bowl, I just don\'t say it, I always thought you didn\'t have the guts to touch them , I didn\'t expect to go straight to sleep now."

When Mr. Fang finished speaking, he turned around and stared at the two little girls: "Bitch, see how I clean up you."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and called out to someone: "Come on, sell these two **** to me."

The two little girls turned pale, put on their clothes in a panic, knelt on the ground and begged Mrs Fang to spare them.

It was useless to ask for help, so he turned around and looked at Zheng Zhixing: "Sir, please let us go."

Zheng Zhixing turned around to look at the two thirteen- or fourteen-year-old little girls. Seeing their cowardly, weak, pitiful and helpless appearance, he couldn\'t bear it. He turned to look at Mrs. Fang and said, "It was I who touched them, so I left them. Get them, if you don\'t want to see them, give them a to keep them."

Fang Shi couldn\'t help rushing over any longer, and grabbed Zheng Zhixing\'s face when he got started. Zheng Zhixing was not prepared for her sudden madness, and Fang Shi\'s face was scratched with two **** holes.

Zheng Zhixing was so painful that he raised his hand and slapped him. Fang never thought that he would be hit by Zheng Zhixing, so after being hit, he was stunned.

Zheng Zhixing saw that there was no end to this matter, so she turned around and went out. Mrs. Fang woke up from behind, and seeing Zheng Zhixing slip away, she turned around and threw herself on the two little girls, tearing up and fighting.

"Bitch, I told you to hook him up, I told you to hook him up, do you think that if you hooked him, you can be his auntie? What are you dreaming about? Today I\'ll let you know what will happen if you seduce him. fate."

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