There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 674: not good

"Shoufu\'s wife has room (!

The banquet started soon. Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Geng arranged for everyone to attend the table. Although Lu Jiao was only a sixth-rank acquaintance, she was the one with the highest status today, so she was placed in the center of the chief and sat next to her. It was the county magistrate\'s wife, Mrs. Fang. Because of her anger, Mrs. Fang didn\'t say anything to Lu Jiao from beginning to end. Lu Jiao didn\'t bother to pay attention to her, and talked to Mrs. Zhang and others who were sitting beside her.

Fang was very angry, but she also knew that she could not have a seizure. Although she hated this woman, her status was indeed higher than her, so Fang could only endure it.

There were no more accidents at the banquet. Lu Jiao was ready to go back after eating. She wanted to go back to Ningzhou and had to leave early.

Mrs. Zhang also knew that Lu Jiao was going back to Ningzhou, so she quickly took her out.

The group had just walked out of the hanging flower gate, when a few men walked along the long path around the corner, and the banquet on the male guests\' side was also scattered. The housekeeper of Zhao\'s house was sending these male guests out, and happened to meet Lu Jiao.

Among the bunch of male guests, the leader was Zheng Zhixing, who had just arrived in Qinghe County.

Zheng Zhixing was wearing an official robe, his handsome eyebrows and eyes were a little more majestic, and his body was imposing, and he really had the style of an official.

It\'s just that Lu Jiao saw his disgust, and after a glance, she walked outside the house, but Zheng Zhixing stopped her from behind.

"sister in law."

Lu Jiao stopped, looked back at Zheng Zhixing, and said lightly, "Master Zheng, please don\'t yell, I can\'t bear your sister-in-law."

Zheng Zhixing\'s eyes darkened, his lips pursed, and he quickly said with a smile: "Did Zhixing offend my sister-in-law in any way, and I hope my sister-in-law will let me know."

Lu Jiao didn\'t want to pay attention to him at first. Thinking of Zhu Baozhu, she suddenly said with a smile: "Master Zheng, brother and sister Baomei, is she okay?"

It was Mrs. Fang who came to Zhao\'s family for a banquet today. Lu Jiao had already met Mrs. Fang. Now that she suddenly asked this question, Zheng Zhixing knew she was annoyed, so she asked this question.

Zheng Zhixing\'s face changed slightly, and finally said with a heartache: "Is my sister-in-law annoyed at me because of the Baozhu thing? In fact, it is like this, Baozhu she..."

As soon as Lu Jiao heard it, she knew that he wanted to quibble, but he was too lazy to listen. There were always thousands of reasons for a scumbag to say that he couldn\'t help himself.

"Okay, I understand. You are demoting your wife to a concubine and marrying another noble girl. Lord Zheng is really good. I hereby wish Lord Zheng to ascend to a high position as soon as possible."

After saying that, he ignored him, turned around and left.

Zheng Zhixing\'s words were blocked from the back.

He knew that people outside had objections to him about demoting his wife to be a concubine and marrying another noble woman. Everyone said he was a heartless man. The woman didn\'t even give him a chance to speak, and even gave him the title of demoting his wife to be a concubine. Now he has a mouth and can\'t tell.

Zheng Zhixing\'s face turned green with anger, but Lu Jiao took someone away and ignored him.

Zheng Zhixing looked at the people who were leaving, his black eyes were full of anger and hatred. This woman was as insidious and cunning as Xie Yunjin and had many tricks. Sooner or later, he would surpass them and let them kneel at his feet.

Seeing that the county magistrate\'s face was not good, Zheng Zhixing\'s master beside him quickly stepped forward and said with a smile, "Lord magistrate, let\'s go."

"Okay, let\'s go."

The group went out.

Lu Jiao took the four little guys into the carriage and ordered Lin Da, who was driving, to return to Ningzhou.

In the carriage, the four little guys didn\'t dare to speak for a while when they saw that Mother\'s face was not good.

Lu Jiao quickly adjusted. Seeing the worried look of the four little ones, she looked at them with a smile and said, "How is tonight? Are you full?"

The four little guys nodded: "I\'m full, mother, you\'re angry, is Miaomiao\'s father making you angry?"

When Lu Jiao thought of Zheng Zhixing, her heart was still unhappy. She looked at the four little animals in front of her. They would also become husbands in the future. As a mother, she hoped that they would treat every wife who came in kindly.

For the first time, Lu Jiao looked at the four little guys seriously and said, "Son, when you grow up, you want to marry a wife. You must be good to the daughter-in-law you marry. Except for your own daughter-in-law, you are not allowed to treat others. If you let your mother know that you are not good to your daughter-in-law, you will not have a son like you."

After hearing Lu Jiao\'s words, Si Xiaozhi immediately said in unison: "Mother, don\'t worry, we will be just like Daddy, we only care about our daughter-in-law."

Lu Jiao smiled with satisfaction and touched the heads of the four little guys: "This is mother\'s good son."

After speaking, she laughed first, she was also confused, how old are the four little guys, but it\'s good to talk about letting them know.

In the carriage, Lu Jiao was no longer angry. She turned around and asked Zhao Heng, who was accompanying him outside, "Zhao Heng, how did you go to Zheng\'s house to check?"

Zhao Heng had returned a long time ago, but Lu Jiao never asked him because of the crowd, so Zhu Baozhu was the daughter of the Zheng family.

Zhao Hengce came over and replied: "As for Madam, my subordinates went to the Zheng\'s house to inquire, and found that the little girl Zhu and her daughter were in a very bad situation. Not only did they live poorly, they didn\'t eat well, but also the little girl Zhu was ill recently. I heard that I was ill and I didn\'t ask for a doctor."

After hearing Zhao Heng\'s words, the Lu family felt very uncomfortable. She liked Zhu Baozhu very much. She was really a simple and lovely girl, but she was treated like this. He took out the one hundred tael bill and handed it to Zhao Heng who was outside the window: "Go to Zhao\'s house to see Baozhu, give her the one hundred tael bill, and ask her to hire a doctor. If she can\'t hire a doctor, you can ask her. What\'s wrong with her, come back and tell me, I\'ll give her some medicine."

Lu Jiao thought of a person with such a personality as Fang\'s, so she would not easily agree to let Zhu Baozhu seek medical treatment, so she asked Zhao Heng to ask Zhu Baozhu what was wrong. If she couldn\'t ask for medicine, she could prepare some for her.

Zhao Heng took orders to do business, and Lu Jiao and the others still took the carriage back to Ningzhou.

It\'s just that the car was not far away when I heard Lin, who was driving in front of him, yell, "Brother Zhou."

Then she pulled the horse and Lu Jiao heard his call in the carriage, and subconsciously lifted the curtain to look out, and saw a carriage parked on the side of the street at a glance, Xie Yunjin lifted the curtain and looked out. Seeing Lu Jiao, she immediately showed a smile, jumped out of the carriage, and strode towards their carriage.

Seeing Xie Yunjin, Lu Jiao said in surprise, "Why are you here?"

After speaking, he reached out and pulled Xie Yunjin into the carriage.

Xie Yunjin said with a smile: "I don\'t worry about your mothers, so I will bring someone over to pick you up."

Lu Jiao was very useful, and she was very happy, and the four little ones on one side were also very happy, and jumped on Xie Yunjin\'s body and crooked him for a while, and then Dabao told Xie Yunjin with a small face: "Father, Miaomiao\'s father made mother unhappy today. already?"

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