There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 670: forcibly

Xie Yunjin chuckled softly and said: "The Four Treasures may not return to King Yan at that time. If he does not return to King Yan, there will be no conflict with the prince Xiao Zhen, and there will be nothing between them."

After listening to Xie Yunjin\'s words, Lu Jiao was silent for a while. In this book, the prince Xiao Zhen is the male protagonist, while her son Sibao is the villain. Now, because of her transmigration, the plot of the book has long gone wrong. Shouldn\'t be that villain anymore.

Looking at Lu Jiao\'s silence, Xie Yunjin couldn\'t help but ask worriedly, "What\'s wrong with you?"

Lu Jiao shook her head: "It\'s nothing, I just thought about the children, I thought a little."

She didn\'t say it was okay, but when she said that Xie Yunjin also missed her four little guys.

They had never been away from them for such a long time before, but now they are separated for such a long time at once, I don\'t know how the four little guys miss them.

It took more than a month for Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao to return this time. They originally thought that King Jin would take the opportunity to attack them because they saved King Yan, but they were safe along the way.

Xie Yunjin guessed that King Yan must have attacked King Jin, and King Jin had no time to pay attention to them.

The group arrived in Ningzhou in mid-July.

After getting off the boat, Lu Jiao couldn\'t wait to order Zhou Shaogong to pick up the four little guys from Xifeng Garden.

Zhou Shaogong took orders to go to work, Lu Jiao and Xie Yunjin returned to the mansion, and when they returned to the Xie mansion, the four little ones were also picked up by Zhou Shaogong.

The four little guys were so happy when they saw Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao, they hugged the two adults and didn\'t let them go.

"Father, mother, we miss you so much, why did you come back now?"

"We don\'t think you can eat anymore?"

Erbao\'s eyes blushed, they really miss their parents, and the food is not delicious recently.

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao looked down and saw that the four little guys had lost a lot of weight. It seemed that the four little guys really wanted them to be great.

"It\'s all bad for your parents. Next time you\'re separated for so long, I\'ll bring you both together."

Si Xiaozhi nodded vigorously immediately: "Okay, it\'s up to father and mother to talk."

Xiao Sibao also stretched out her hand to hook Lu Jiao. Because she was too close to Lu Jiao, she found that Lu Jiao\'s belly had grown a lot, and Xiao Sibao was surprised.

"Mother, your belly seems to be getting bigger?"

As soon as he said it, the other three little guys also found out, and without being sad, they strangely gathered in front of Lu Jiao and stared at Lu Jiao\'s belly.

"Mother, your belly is really big."

Lu Jiao looked at them amusingly and said, "The child grows in the belly, so it will naturally grow up. You both grew up slowly in the past."

Si Xiaozhi immediately reached out and touched Lu Jiao\'s belly, and asked Lu Jiao, "Has my sister been good lately, has she made trouble with you?"

Because the four little ones suffered, Lu Jiao did not correct the words of the four little ones: "No, she is very good, just like you."

The four little guys were overjoyed after hearing Lu Jiao\'s words. All of them rushed forward to touch Lu Jiao\'s belly, greeted the child in her belly, and coaxed the child in her belly.

When Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao came back, not only were the four little guys happy, but even the servants of Xie\'s house were also happy.

Butler Xiao quickly came over to report what happened in Xie\'s house recently.

"Lin Zhifu first sent people to visit the adults twice, but they were blocked by Xiao. In the past few days, he seemed to be suspicious, so he came to Xie\'s house every day to visit the adults and his wife."

"Xiao said that Mrs. was too sad and didn\'t want to see anyone. She asked him to go back, but he still refused. Later, Master Hu cooperated with Xiao, so he fooled him away."

Xie Yunjin listened to Steward Xiao\'s words and asked, "Master Hu knows about me."

"Yes, since the adults left, Mr. Hu has come to visit the adults every day. The little one stopped him, but one day he was late and he found out. The little one told him about the adults leaving Ningzhou and going to the capital. Lord Hu said that he would help Xiao to block Lord Prefect and others."

Xie Yunjin nodded and said, Lao Hu is not good at being in charge, but it is still feasible to be a subordinate who cooperates with his boss.

Butler Xiao finished talking about Xie Yunjin pretending to be sick, and then he said another thing.

"The servants of the old house in Qinghe County sent two letters, saying that Mr. Xie at home was very close to the new county magistrate in the county, and the magistrate often invited him to come over to the residence for drinks and tea."

Xie Yunjin\'s eyes suddenly turned cold after listening to Butler Xiao\'s words, but he didn\'t say anything.

Butler Xiao went on to say: "Zhao Dong\'s family in Qinghe County and Miss Tian Qi are going to get married. It is tomorrow. I sent a post to invite the masters to come over for a drink. The little ones thought that the masters would not be able to come back, so I prepared congratulations. I will send someone to deliver it tomorrow, but I didn’t expect the masters to come back.”

As for whether the masters go to drink or not, that is the master\'s business.

When Lu Jiao heard that Zhao Lingfeng and Tian Huan were getting married, she was very happy, and immediately said with a smile: "Tomorrow, I will bring four little guys to Zhao\'s house for a banquet, you can go to Shangya."

Xie Yunjin nodded. He had been away from Ningzhou for more than two months. I am afraid that his affairs in the yamen will not be small, so he has to take over immediately and get busy with Mr. Hu, otherwise things will accumulate more and more, as for the wedding wine of the Zhao Tian family. , Lu Jiao can represent him.

It\'s just that Xie Yunjin thought about Lu Jiao\'s pregnancy, and urged: "You pay attention, although it is four months now, and you have no pregnancy and vomiting, but it also prevents the villain from plotting against you, so be careful."

"Okay, I get The family happily went to dinner, and the four little ones kept pestering them to ask about their trip to the capital. Naturally, Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao would not say that the journey was thrilling. I just made up some fun things to tell the four little guys, and the four little guys just giggled and were very happy.

This night, the two adults played with the children until midnight. The next day, the family decided to sleep late. As a result, the prefect, Mr. Lin came again. This time, Mr. Lin led someone to forcibly break into the residence of Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao. backyard.

In the room, Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao heard the movement, got dressed and walked out.

"Lin what is this doing?"

In the next yard, Master Lin and a group of soldiers from the government office were trying to rush in, but they were stopped by Ruan Kaitongyi and others, and the two gangs started a fight.

It happened that Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao came out.

Seeing Xie Yunjin\'s intact body, Lin Zhifu guessed that his previous affairs were all fake, just to deceive him and leave Beijing privately.

When Master Lin figured this out, his face suddenly turned cold, and he said angrily, "Xie Yunjin, you are so courageous to pretend to be injured and deceive this official. Did you leave Ningzhou privately?"

Xie Yunjin is naturally not afraid of him. His private departure from Ningzhou has been seen before His Majesty, so he has nothing to fear.

"Yes, Master Lin."

When Master Lin heard Xie Yunjin\'s words, he immediately shouted as if he had caught the handle: "This official immediately reported to Xiangfeng that you were leaving Ningzhou. The next thing is to leave Ningzhou privately."

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