There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 655: General judgment

At this time, Mrs. Wang, who was being held next door, burst into tears: "My son."

Thinking that her son was going to be killed, the Queen Mother was heartbroken and wished to die instead of her son. In the end, she looked at her mother-in-law, the old lady Wang, with hatred in her eyes.

"Lao Qi, it\'s all you, it\'s you who hurt my son, it\'s you who hurt him."

The queen mother burst into tears.

On one side, Wang Mingren remembered all the things from the past, and then he suddenly woke up. He was harmed by the old grandmother at home, but thinking of the old grandmother\'s love for him in the past, he did not say anything to blame her.

The first Xie Yunjin ignored the resentment of the next Wang family. Seeing that three quarters of noon had arrived, he threw the beheading order directly.

Zhanzishou immediately took down the Zhanzi plaque on Wang Mingren\'s back. Seeing that Wang Mingren was about to be beheaded, the Queen Mother and the old lady of the Wang family couldn\'t bear the excitement any longer, and passed out with a strange cry. .

Wang Mingren was soon beheaded, and the Queen Mother and Mrs. Wang were also taken down to be punished for thirty boards.

Mrs. Wang didn\'t endure it, but the Queen Mother did, and only breathed a sigh of relief.

Xie Yun would like to order someone to take the Queen Mother to rescue, and then send her into exile.

After watching Wang Mingren\'s beheading, Lu Jiao and the others headed back to the house. On the carriage, the little girls didn\'t feel scared, but were extremely relieved and said with great interest.

"It deserves it, if I knew today, why was it in the beginning? If you are not arrogant and spoiled, there is no sin today, so the child must not be arrogant and must be taught strictly, at least he will not harm others, and he will not harm others if he does not harm others. You will hurt yourself."

Lilac is the daughter of a scholar, and she has her own views on beheading. Her words were approved by Ruan Zhushancha and Du Juan, and even Lu Jiao agreed.

"Lilac is right, if you really love your children, you have to teach them well, so that you really love your children, not just dote on them. Wang Mingren of the Wang family was hurt by his old grandmother, if it wasn\'t for her blindly doting on them. Drowning his own grandson, how come today\'s tragic death."

Her son was admitted to the jinshi, and she became the old lady who passed the sentence and should have lived in peace.

Lu Jiao stopped talking about the Wang family. Several people rode the carriage all the way into the city. Unexpectedly, they heard the people outside talking about Xie Yunjin.

"Do you know? Someone gave Xie Tongzhi a nickname?"

"Ah, what nickname? Xie Qingtian, Master Qingtian?"

"No, many people call him the Jade Face Judge."

"Jade-faced judge? Don\'t say it, it\'s really appropriate."

When Lu Jiao heard this, she burst into laughter, Jade-faced judge? These people really think about it.

But after thinking about it, Xie Yunjin wearing an official robe, with a gentle and beautiful appearance, really looks like a jade-faced judge.

It\'s just that if the people are told how crazy the jade-faced judge is in the room, I\'m afraid they won\'t be sentenced.

Lu Jiao couldn\'t help laughing. In the carriage, several girls said happily, "This name is very suitable for our family. The face is like Pan An, and the shape is like a judge. This jade-faced judge is appropriate."

"Well, I also think it\'s quite suitable."

Lu Jiao reminded them playfully: "If you let the adults know that you are talking about him, I am afraid that you will be punished."

A few little girls immediately shut up, not to look at the gentle smile of the adults, but they knew that he was the worst person to talk to, but it was the lady who was the one who was good to talk.

"Madam, good madam, we were wrong, and we won\'t talk about it in the future. You must not tell the adults about this."

"We promise not to gossip about adults in the future."


The carriage went all the way into the city and headed to Xie\'s house. Who knew that when he was around the corner, he passed by with several carriages. The wind was blowing the curtains of the carriages. Lu Jiao saw the person sitting in the carriage on the opposite side. It turned out to be Qinghe County. Master Hu and Madam Hu.

Lu Jiao couldn\'t help but lift the curtain and look out, yes, it was the Hu family, but how did the Hu family come to Ningzhou Mansion, and saw that there were several carriages behind them, and there were many people behind the carriages. Man, what\'s going on here?

Lu Jiao quickly thought about the vacancy in Ningzhou\'s trial. Could it be that Mr. Hu was promoted to Ningzhou\'s trial?

If so, that\'s a good thing.

Master Hu was used to getting along with Xie Yunjin. If he came to Ningzhou to pass the sentence, and Xie Yunjin wore a pair of trousers, then Xie Yunjin would be much more convenient to do things. On the contrary, Lin Zhifu would be more restrained.

Even if he was the prefect of Ningzhou, he would not dare to rashly touch the tea fields and salt fields in Ningzhou.

The more Lu Jiao thought about it, the happier she became. When Xie Yunjin came back in the evening, she couldn\'t help but ask him, "When I entered the city today, I saw Mr. Hu\'s family. Could it be that Mr. Hu came to Ningzhou to pass the sentence."

Xie Yunjin reached out and hugged Lu Jiao and sat on his lap. He was tired all day, and when he came back to see Lu Jiao, he was in a particularly good mood. At this time, the two of them were in the room, and he wanted to hug her.

"Yes, last time Wang Tong was sentenced to death, I immediately sent someone to send a letter into the capital to King Yan, and the vacancy of the sentence must be filled. I thought it would be better to let Mr. Hu take over the sentence. This way It is beneficial to me, so I sent a letter to King Yan, and I also sent a letter to Wen\'an County Lord by the way."

"Right now, Lord Hu is the in-law of the county lord of Wen\'an. If there is such a chance, the county lord of Wen\'an will definitely take action, so they received my letter and quickly found an opportunity to ask His Majesty to order that Mr. Hu should be transferred to the post. Sentenced for Ningzhou."

Lu Jiao smiled happily: "It\'s a good thing, my sister is still Hu\'s daughter-in-law, and when the Hu family gets up, it\'s also good for her."

Li Yuyao, no, now she has changed her name to Nie Yuyao. After Nie Yuyao entered Beijing, she wrote a letter to Lu mainly telling Lu Jiao about her situation after entering Beijing, and the Nie family immediately held a banquet. , announced her identity to the outside world, her grandmother also went to the palace to ask His Majesty to give her an identity, and now she is the Xiangjun.

Hu Shan was also assigned a position by the county head of Wen\'an, as an editor at the Hanlin Academy, a seventh-grade.

Hu Shan didn\'t dislike it, she was very happy to do things, and she was a good husband every day. She also saw it, and she was not so entangled with men. She spent the rest of her life educating her pair of children and serving herself well. My parents, live a little more happily, Hu Shan is good, just live it, it\'s not good to wait for the children to get older, when her son grows up, she will just follow his son.

Looking at the letter, Lu Jiao was quite happy for Nie Yuyao. It\'s better to keep an open mind when you live, so that you won\'t be too tired.

In the room, Xie Yunjin was a little unhappy when she saw Lu Jiao\'s absent-minded thinking. She leaned over and bit Lu Jiao. Lu Jiao pushed him in pain: "You\'re a dog. If you say you bite, you will bite."

Seeing her angry, Xie Yunjin kissed her tenderly, murmuring, "Who told you to be inattentive."

Lu Jiao replied resignedly, "Yes, yes, it\'s all my fault. By the way, should we visit Hu\'s house?"

"Don\'t go. When their house is settled, they will definitely be treating guests to dinner. It\'s the same when we go back to their house."

Lu Jiao agreed, thinking that Mr. Hu became the judge of Ningzhou, then the prefect of Lin was afraid that he would not be able to sleep, and the more Lu Jiao thought about it, the more he gloated.

"Master Lin is afraid that he will not be able to sleep."

That\'s right, Master Lin really couldn\'t sleep.

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