There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 651: tangled

"Shoufu\'s wife has room (!

The little girl was stunned. She was lucky enough to stay. She blinked at Lu Jiao and said, "Madam, I can stay."

Lu Jiao nodded, "Yes."

The little girl grinned happily: "I know that good-looking people are generally kind-hearted."

Lu Jiao twitched the corners of her mouth, looked at Tong Han and said, "Okay, let the three of them stay, and bring the other three back."

The other three saw that the little girl cried and made a fuss and stayed, and they wanted to follow suit, but unfortunately Han Tong had already taken out the three men\'s deeds and handed them over to Lu Jiao: "This is the deed of the three of them, and the sister-in-law will take it. write."


After Lu Jiao finished speaking, she looked at Ruan Zhu who was beside her and said, "Reconcile Lilac?"

After she finished speaking, she looked up at the two little girls who had just left behind and said, "What are your names?"

The servant girl in the official mansion immediately knelt down and said, "Please give me your name, Madam."

Lu Jiao thought for a while and nodded: "Alright, you can call it Shan Cha in the future, and the little girl will be called Du Juan."

Shan Cha and Du Juan happily thanked: "Mrs. Xie gave her a name."

Lu Jiao ignored the two of them and motioned Ruan Zhu to take the three of them to the backyard and hand them over to Granny Qiu and Feng Zhi: "Tell Granny Qiu and Feng Zhi that the three of them are second-class temporarily."

"Yes, ma\'am."

Ruan Zhu turned around and led the three of them to the backyard. In the main hall behind, Lu Jiao looked at Tong Han and said, "I told Feng Zhi about this yesterday, and Feng Zhi agreed, but when she helps me get the three tunes done, Let\'s talk about marriage."

When Han Tong heard Lu Jiao\'s words, he was very happy, and thanked him repeatedly: "Thank you, sister-in-law, thank you."

After he finished speaking, he took the three girls out of Xie\'s house happily.

After Lu Jiao saw him happy, she was also very happy. It was actually a good thing for Han Tong to marry Feng Zhi, and it would be convenient for them to communicate with each other in the future.

Lu Jiao got up and was about to go back to the backyard to continue making medicines, but she just got up and walked out of the main hall. Outside the door, Butler Xiao hurried over to report: "Madam, Miss Tian Jiaqi is here?"

Hearing Tian Huan coming, Lu Jiao was very happy. To tell the truth, only Li Yuyao and Tian Huan could be regarded as her friends when she traveled here.

"Please come in."

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, she did not enter the room, but stood on the stone steps and waited for others.

After Butler Xiao invited Tian Huan in, she walked down the stone steps to meet Tian Huan.

"Huanhuan, how come you are free?"

Tian Huan smiled and put his arm around Lu Jiao\'s shoulder: "Didn\'t I miss you?"

She didn\'t change because of Lu Jiao\'s identity, and Lu Jiao didn\'t care because of her identity, she was still the same as before.

"I heard that you are going to be engaged. Have you made an appointment?"

Speaking of this, Tian Huan sighed: "No, it\'s yellow."

"Okay, why is it yellow? And you said before that you wouldn\'t get married, so why are you suddenly getting engaged?"

Lu Jiao was very surprised, and Tian Huan sighed: "I don\'t want to get married, but I can\'t stand the neighbors talking all the time, and they touch their teeth up and down, so tired that my brother\'s marriage is hard to say, I think about it and forget it. , or find someone to marry."

"It just happened that someone introduced me to a businessman in Qinghe County, just like our family. The most important person has always been clean, and there are no women around. I thought it would be fine, so I agreed. It was almost an engagement now. It turned out to be an accident?"

Lu Jiao immediately looked at Tian Huan with concern: "What happened?"

"That person doesn\'t like women at all. Xi Longyang, the two servants who follow him have something to do with him."

Tian Huan is still disgusting when he thinks about it now, men and men, it\'s really too much.

She was originally surprised that the man was handsome and rich, so why didn\'t he marry a wife, and the root of it was here.

"Don\'t you know, I know about this, so I ran over and beat this man hard, he\'s a motherfucker, you like a man, what kind of kiss did you order with me, I almost had **** with such a disgusting person People are engaged."

Tian Huan became angrier as he spoke, and Lu Jiao asked, "How did you find out?"

Tian Huan\'s annoyed voice stopped abruptly, and it took a long time before he sighed and said: "This is another trouble, this matter was discovered by Baohetang Zhao Lingfeng, and he asked someone to come over and tell me, I don\'t believe it and specially sent someone to investigate. , it turned out to be true.”

After Tian Huan finished speaking, he looked at Lu Jiao and said, "I\'m here to find you today, just to tell you about this Zhao Dong\'s family, he ran over to me and told me that he likes me, and you said that the two of us have been on a tear. It\'s like a pair of grudges, but now he actually told me that he likes me, why do I feel so unbelievable."

"He told me yesterday that he had already sent away the little girl beside him. If I agreed to marry him, he would not take concubines in the future. What are you talking about?"

Seeing that Tian Huan was very troubled, Lu Jiao couldn\'t help but ask, "You are troubled, it means you have thought about it. If you just put it aside, you won\'t be so troubled."

Tian Huan nodded: "Yes, in fact, he is a very good marriage partner. He looks good and has a good background. Although he is the son-in-law of Yongning Houfu, his identity is much higher than that of me as a merchant. He still has the ability, and promised me not to take a concubine. Do you think that if I marry, there is a better condition than him? But now the problem is that he has a daughter, I don\'t know how to get along with his daughter, and another him As the son of the Yongning Marquis, will you really not take a concubine in the future?"

After Tian Huan finished speaking, she raised her hand and scratched her hair, Lu Jiao reached out and pulled her hand down and said, "I\'ll help you analyze and analyze, you either don\'t get married, if you do, Zhao Lingfeng is a good person. He looks good. The family background is also good, and the ability is also good, the key is that he only has one daughter, not even a son, and the most important thing is that he promises you not to take concubines, which is commendable."

"As for the fact that you don\'t know how to get along with his daughter, just treat her like a younger sister. That little girl Yuluo is not bad."

When Lu Jiao said this, she was somewhat lacking in confidence, but it\'s not good to say that the girl is not good, is it?

"As for whether or not to take a Zhao Lingfeng\'s words are still a few words, the most important thing is that you didn\'t plan to marry, and if he takes a concubine after marriage, you can divorce again, don\'t you think? Until then, your brother won\'t let you come back."

As soon as Lu Jiao said it, Tian Huan suddenly understood, yes, she didn\'t want to get married and die alone, but now someone is willing to marry her, give it a try, if it doesn\'t work, she will come back in the end.

Tian Huan laughed, swept away the irritability and depression before: "Jiaojiao, you are so right, I\'ll try it out."

When she finished, she looked at Lu Jiao and said, "Actually, what I worry about the most is his daughter. I heard that he loves that daughter very much. I\'m afraid that if I don\'t do well, his daughter will be unhappy, and then he will have an opinion on me. , that would be boring."

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