There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 633: beaten

"Shoufu\'s wife has room (!

Mrs. Hu and Hu Shan didn\'t want to understand who Mrs. Xie was, but it took a long time to realize that Mrs. Xie was Xie Yunjin\'s wife, Lu Jiao.

Thinking of Li Yuyao and Lu Jiao becoming sisters, Mrs. Hu\'s face turned bad, she turned to look at Hu Shan: "This Mrs. Xie is not called by your daughter-in-law to support her, if so, you will be fine. Teach her a lesson, the shame of the family can\'t be made public, how can she tell the matter of the Hu family."

Hu Shan\'s face was also a little bad. It was too bad to hear about the family\'s affairs.

Hu Shan responded, "Don\'t worry, mother, I will tell her."

Although Mrs. Hu said this, it was difficult not to entertain people. She glanced at the two girls on the ground and said, "Okay, let\'s go down."

The two girls are confused, are they considered the son\'s little girl now?

But the two did not dare to ask, so they got up and backed out. Mrs. Hu got up and took Hu Shan out to greet them.

Now Lu Jiao is a sixth-grade Tongzhi lady, with a higher position than their master, so they naturally have to meet her.

The crowd went straight to the door.

In front of the Hu Mansion, a mighty group of people was parked, and in the front of a luxury carriage, the county head of Wen\'an nervously pulled Lu Jiao\'s hand: "Jiaojiao, my daughter, she really looks like me. ?"

"Yes, she looks very similar to the county owner. Don\'t be nervous, the county owner will see her later."

As soon as Lu Jiao finished speaking, Mrs. Hu\'s voice came from outside the carriage: "I have seen Mrs. Xie."

Lu Jiao hurriedly lifted the curtain to look out, and saw that the door of Hu\'s residence was open, and Mrs. Hu and Hu Shan led people out to greet them.

She responded with a smile, got out of the carriage, and helped Wen\'an County Lord out of the carriage.

The next son, Nie Yeling, also rolled over and dismounted, strode over and stood beside his mother.

As the daughter of the eldest princess, the lord of Wen\'an County is truly golden branches and jade leaves.

Even if Mrs. Hu is just a small county magistrate\'s wife, she can see that she is different, and the man standing beside her is not an ordinary person at first glance, and the extravagance exuded by her gestures makes people know that these people are in front of her. All are nobles.

Madam Hu was a little nervous facing these people and couldn\'t help asking Lu Jiao, "Who are they? Who are they?"

Lu Jiao introduced the county lord Wen\'an and the prince of Wu Guogong to Madam Hu: "This is the eldest princess\' daughter, the county lord Wen\'an, and this is her son, the prince of Duke Wu\'s mansion."

County head? Shizi?

Mrs. Hu was a little shocked, her face was full of disbelief, the royal family was too far away from them, and now hearing it, some felt unreal?

The county magistrate of Wen\'an stepped forward excitedly and grabbed Mrs. Hu\'s hand: "Are you the mother-in-law of Bell?"

Mrs. Hu couldn\'t react, and she didn\'t move for a long time.

On the other side, Hu Shan was also dumbfounded, not knowing how to react.

In this way, he fell into the eyes of the prince, Nie Yeling, and looked down on him. Is his brother-in-law so stupid?

If the sister is willing, the man can rest.

Nie Yeling thought to himself.

Lu Jiao raised her head and didn\'t see Li Yuyao, and said warmly, "Where\'s my sister?"

Mrs. Hu and Hu Shan came to their senses, for fear that Lu Jiao would find out that Li Yuyao was wronged and trouble them, so they said, "She is a little uncomfortable, so she rested in the yard."

"Oh, then please take us to visit my sister."

Mrs. Hu and Hu Shan were a little unhappy, mainly because they were afraid that Li Yuyao was emotionally unstable and Lu Jiao could see it.

But the people have already come, and it is obviously unrealistic not to let them meet.

Madam Hu nodded while thinking, "Okay, we\'ll take you there."

I don\'t believe my own daughter-in-law, she really has no sense, and losing the face of the Hu family is also a shame for her.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Hu made a lot of peace of mind. She turned around and took Lu Jiao, Wen\'an County Lord, Prince Wu Guogong and others all the way to Li Yuyao\'s yard.

On the way, Mrs. Hu asked Lu Jiao carefully: "Is there something wrong with the county owner and the prince coming to my Hu family?"

Lu Jiao looked at the county head of Wen\'an and the prince of Wuguo, and said with a smile, "You will find out later."

Because it was not certain that Li Yuyao was the daughter of Wen\'an County Lord, Bell Dang, she didn\'t say it.

A group of people entered Li Yuyao\'s yard all the way. The little maids saw Lu Jiao and others, and immediately ran to report to the big maid that there were guests.

The maid hurried into the room to inform Li Yuyao.

Li Yuyao wiped her tears, packed up, and got up to greet her.

She greeted her and saw that it was Lu Jiao, her tears couldn\'t be controlled, just like she couldn\'t hold back the grievances in her heart when she saw her relatives.

As soon as Lu Jiao saw her like this, she knew that she was wronged.

She glanced at Mrs. Hu and Hu Shan with a half-smile, but this time the Hu family was about to fall to the floor.

Lu Jiao stepped forward to support Li Yuyao, and asked warmly, "What\'s wrong with my sister?"

Li Yuyao\'s attention was on Lu Jiao at this time, but she didn\'t notice Nie Yeling, the head of Wen\'an County and the prince of Duke Wu.

She stretched out her arms and hugged Lu Jiao: "Jiaojiao, they bully people too much, how long has it been since the tongfang poisoned me before, and my mother-in-law can\'t hold back her husband again, when is it a day? Head, if it weren\'t for Ling Xue and Ping\'an, I really want to reconcile, I don\'t want to stay in Hu\'s house, there are endless rules, endless reprimands, and Hu Shan, who will always be soft-hearted. Well, Xi said Xi was good, and he promised me to send the Tongfang away, but he was coaxed by the Tongfang for a few words, so he left them. As a result, the Tongfang hated me and poisoned me. If it wasn\'t for you, Jiaojiao It was found that I was poisoned, and I was already harmed by the pass-through."

"When I died, the Hu family gave me at most a thin coffin, and I buried it. It was a waste for me to give birth to a son and a daughter for their Hu family, and it ended up like this."

Li Yuyao\'s words changed the countenance of Wen\'an County Lord behind, and she turned her eyes fiercely to look at Mrs. Hu who was beside her.

Mrs. Hu was taken aback by her, and the county head Wen\'an raised her hand and slapped Mrs. Hu directly, and slapped Mrs. Hu again.

The slap was slapped hard and hard, and everyone was startled.

Everyone subconsciously turned around and looked at the county magistrate of Wen\' The county magistrate of Wen\'an was trembling with anger, her eyes were full of ferocity, and she was like a cow protecting her son.

She looked at Mrs. Hu and gritted her teeth and said, "Bitch, my daughter will have your Hu family to be cheap. What kind of thing is your Hu family, you are just mud legs in the countryside, and you still have the face to say what rules. I only know how to bully my daughter-in-law."

Wen\'an County\'s status is precious, but she has never bullied her daughter-in-law.

Unexpectedly, such a small county magistrate\'s wife would bully her daughter so much, and the county magistrate Wen\'an was furious just thinking about it.

She wanted to kill Mrs. Hu.

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