There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 616: robbery

As soon as Lu Jiao said that, Mr. Liu became angry: "So those who saw the doctor before had no kindness towards her, which made her angry."

When Mr. Liu got angry, Mrs. Liu on the bed was frightened and turned around in fear.

Lu Jiao immediately reassured her: "It\'s alright, it\'s alright."

She turned her head and glanced at Mr. Liu, and Mr. Liu immediately stopped talking, Lu Jiao said to him, "Don\'t keep losing your temper and get angry, it will only arouse her emotions and make her angry. "

Mr. Liu immediately responded obediently, "I see."

He then asked Lu Jiao, "Do you know what disease my old wife has?"

"Actually, when I came in before, I asked someone to inquire about some of the symptoms of the old lady. I can probably guess what her disease is?"

Mr. Liu looked at Lu Jiao in shock. This was the first time someone had definitely said what the old wife had. Before, many people couldn\'t directly say what the old lady had, even the imperial doctor in the palace said no. After I came out and checked, I said that Mrs. Liu had bad cerebral blood vessels, and then said that she might have had a stroke.

But they prescribed a lot of medicines, but they did not cure her. Some people said that she had hysteria, but the medicines were not symptomatic.

Lu Jiao finally confirmed that the old lady of the Liu family had Alzheimer\'s disease through inspection, smell, diagnosis and diagnosis.

"The old lady has Alzheimer\'s disease, which is Alzheimer\'s disease. It is now in the middle stage. She is confused, can\'t speak, can\'t move outside independently, is easily irritable, often walks non-stop, and has urinary incontinence, etc. In the later stage, I can\'t take care of myself in daily life, and I become incontinent, until I fall into a coma later."

When Mr. Liu heard Lu Jiao\'s words, his emotions were stimulated and he stood up excitedly: "Isn\'t this a stroke?"

Lu Jiao shook her head: "It\'s not a stroke. If it\'s a stroke, it\'s relatively easy to treat, but Alzheimer\'s disease is very difficult to treat."

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, Mr. Liu seemed to be hit. He was completely lost, and his eyes were even red. He looked at Mrs. Liu on the bed in pain and said, "She got such a disease, it must be because of me. I killed her."

Lu Jiao opened her mouth to say no, there are many elderly people who suffer from this kind of disease.

But thinking of the hardships Mrs. Liu had endured, Lu Jiao didn\'t say anything.

But seeing that Mr. Liu\'s emotions were so out of control that she couldn\'t help herself, she said: "But I have studied this kind of disease and found a way to treat it, so Mrs. Liu is still expected to be cured."

If she doesn\'t have spiritual spring water, there is really no good treatment plan, but because she has spiritual spring water, she can be treated. This is Mrs. Liu\'s luck.

After listening to Lu Jiao\'s words, Mr. Liu quickly turned around to look at Lu Jiao: "You think you can cure it?"

"Yes, I have studied the treatment plan, not to mention 100% good, it will definitely cure her to know people and live a normal life."

This is already an excellent treatment. Mr. Liu was overjoyed and said excitedly: "Then you treat her. As long as you cure her, no matter what you ask, I will promise you."

Lu Jiao immediately smiled and said, "Then Mr. Liu will accept my son as a disciple?"

Mr. Liu quickly looked down at the four little guys. To be honest, the little guys are quite cute. It would be embarrassing for him to accept which one to not accept?

Mr. Liu asked Lu Jiao, "Which one do you want to worship at my door?"

Lu Jiao said bluntly: "How about all four of them bowing to Mr. Liu\'s door?"

After Lu Jiao\'s words fell, in the room, Xie Yunjin and the four little animals all looked up at Lu Jiao, is this taking advantage of the fire? Still the lion opened his mouth.

Old man Liu thought he heard it wrong and looked up at Lu Jiao.

He is so old, accepting one disciple to add some fun to his later years, and accepting four is not exhausting him?

However, when Mr. Liu saw Lu Jiao\'s expression, he was extremely determined.

Mr. Liu turned around to look at the four little guys and said, "Is this too much?"

Lu Jiao said quickly, "The four little guys in my family are all very smart. I promise you won\'t be bothered. You can accept them, old man."

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, without waiting for Mr. Liu to speak, she said, "If you accept my sons, I will cover all the medicinal materials that Madam will use in the future treatment. To be honest, there are many precious medicinal materials used in them, and I still have to use them. When it comes to the medicinal liquids that I have prepared, these are all worth thousands of dollars, and there is no place to buy them if you have money. If the old man accepts my four sons, I will take care of them."

Mr. Liu is not afraid of spending money, but he is mainly afraid that if he refuses to accept it, he will provoke Lu Jiao, and they will simply throw his hands away and not treat him.

He knew that his old wife\'s disease, apart from Lu Jiao, there was really no one who could cure it, and Lu Jiao said with certainty that there must be a good treatment plan, how could he refuse her.

Mr. Liu looked at the four little guys, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "I will test and compare them first. If it works, I will accept it together. If it doesn\'t work, don\'t blame me, but anyway, I will accept one."

When he said this, Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao were relieved. Their four children were only carefully taught by them. They were not afraid of Liu Daru\'s examination. As long as he passed the examination, he would definitely agree to accept their four.

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao laughed together: "Okay."

Mr. Liu took the four little guys to the study next door.

Lu Jiao turned around to accompany Mrs. Liu. People with Alzheimer\'s disease have cognitive difficulties and are very resistant to strangers. Lu Jiao plans to accompany Mrs. Liu first, and then treat her well.

Because of the kindness radiating from Lu Jiao, the old lady didn\'t resist her. After playing with her for a while, she even took the initiative to hold her hand and start a game.

Xie Yunjin looked at all this with satisfaction, and looked at Lu Jiao\'s eyes, full of tenderness.

In the study, Mr. Liu was stunned by the four little guys. Is a six-year-old child so smart? Not only can I know a lot of the key endorsements are memorized, but also know a lot of other knowledge, such as farming, painting, arithmetic, language ability, reading ability.

After Mr. Liu passed the test, he decided without hesitation to accept four little guys. These four were wasted if they were not taught well.

How did the Xie family teach it? Mr. Liu asked Dabao: "You are all amazing, who taught you?"

"My father and my mother, mainly my mother. My mother is very good. She built a kindergarten in our house before. Grandpa Liu, do you know what a kindergarten is?"

Erbao said happily: "It\'s just for children to play, not for learning. Our kindergarten has a story room, some painting, some doing jigsaw puzzles, and some specializing in seed cultivation. By the way, also You can play games outside, these are all made by my mother."

Sanbao looked at Mr. Liu and said, "In addition to knowing these things, my mother can also see a doctor. By the way, I decided to study medicine with my mother and be a genius doctor who treats people\'s diseases."

The old man quickly looked at Sanbao: "What an ambitious child."

Mr. Liu didn\'t think that people were smart, so he had to take the imperial examinations or something. It was better for people to do what they liked.

When Sanbao finished speaking, Xiao Sibao quickly replied: "My ambition is to be the richest man in Dazhou, I want to make a lot of money, and then buy my mother the biggest house in Dazhou, with many servants serving in it. My mother, she only needs to grow flowers and plants every day and talk to someone."

After Sibao finished speaking, she added: "She is very busy and tired now."

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