There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 614: blessed man

"Shoufu\'s wife has room (!

Many people in Beijing know that General Wang\'s arm has undergone a severed arm operation, and the key is that the hand can still be used on the stage, which shows that the doctor who performed the operation on him is very skilled in medicine.

However, Lu Jiao once made a request to General Wang not to say that she did the surgery on his amputated arm.

So apart from a few people who know the inside story, no one else knows.

Butler Xiao responded and turned around to go to the West Maple Garden, knocking on the door again.

Inside the door, the servants who guarded the door heard the knock on the door, opened the door and saw that it was Steward Xiao again, his face immediately turned ugly, and angrily said: "Are you deaf, didn\'t you tell you before? My family The master does not accept disciples, he has no time to accept them, and he does not want to accept them.”

After he finished speaking, he wanted to close the door, but Steward Xiao immediately stretched out his hand to push the door.

Butler Xiao hurriedly said: "We didn\'t come to let Butler Xiao accept his disciples, we came to treat Mrs. Liu?"

The servant directly sneered and said, "Oh, you guys are changing things. Seeing that our old lady doesn\'t see you, you said to treat our lady."

Before, their old man believed those people, but when he came to see them, they didn\'t have any real skills.

Butler Xiao was afraid of conflict with this servant, so he quickly said to the servant, "Go and tell the old man that my wife once performed surgery on General Wang Zhongwang\'s broken arm, and I believe he will meet our wife."

The servants of the Liu family didn\'t listen at all, and said impatiently, "I don\'t understand what you\'re talking about, so hurry up and leave."

Seeing that he couldn\'t listen, Butler Xiao looked at him and said, "If you don\'t report and delay the old lady\'s illness, I\'m afraid you will be beaten to death by your grandfather."

The servant was stunned by him, and then glanced at Butler Xiao: "Is your wife very skilled in medicine?"

"Yes, many people call her a genius doctor."

The servant looked at Steward Xiao with a shocked expression, and finally said, "Wait."

Butler Xiao was waiting outside the door, and the people looking around were surprised to see that Butler Xiao was not chased away by the servants of the Liu residence this time.

After Liu\'s servants entered, they came out quickly, this time followed by a person who looked like a manager.

Seeing Steward Xiao\'s face, the man asked earnestly, "What you said earlier is true. Your wife has done surgery on General Wang\'s broken arm?"

Butler Xiao nodded solemnly: "Of course it\'s true, can this kind of thing be brought up as a joke?"

Butler Liu nodded, followed by a look of joy on his face, looked at Butler Xiao and said, "Where\'s your wife?"

Butler Xiao turned around: "Please come with me."

He led the way, and the steward of Liu\'s house followed him all the way to Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao\'s carriage.

Butler Xiao asked for instructions in the carriage: "Madam, is the Liu family steward here?"

Inside the car, Lu Jiao lifted the sedan curtain and looked out. The butler of Liu\'s house, who was standing outside the carriage, was stunned when she saw Lu Jiao, then raised her head and looked behind Lu Jiao. He thought that Lu Jiao was the wife of the lady in Butler Xiao\'s mouth. Big girl, she never thought that Lu Jiao was the wife of Butler Xiao.

Lu Jiao saw what Liu Fuguan was thinking, and said with a faint smile, "You are the Liu family steward? I am the one who performed surgery on General Wang\'s arm. I heard that your old lady is ill, so I recommended it myself. recommended myself."

After listening to Lu Jiao\'s words, the steward of Liu\'s house looked at Lu Jiao with a look of surprise. It was hard to believe that the person who performed the surgery on General Wang\'s amputation was the woman in front of him. This woman was very young, not only young but also handsome Such a beauty, such a beautiful lady even said that she had undergone surgery on General Wang\'s amputated arm, how could he think it was unbelievable.

In the carriage, Xie Yunjin watched the butler of Liu\'s house staring at Lu Jiao with a look of surprise. Just don\'t believe it."

When the words fell, Xie Yunjin looked at Butler Xiao outside the carriage and ordered, "Let\'s go back."

Although it is a pity not to be able to worship Liu Daru as a teacher, it will not really ruin the children\'s learning career.

He can look again to see if there are any good teachers in the Ningzhou Prefecture.

Seeing Xie Yunjin\'s attitude, Liu\'s housekeeper did not dare to doubt it any more, and he felt that no one would dare to lie about such a big matter. If the woman in front of him really performed surgery on General Wang\'s amputated arm, then she would definitely be able to do it for himself. Let the old lady heal.

The butler of Liu\'s house thought of apologizing with a smile on his face: "Sir, madam, don\'t be angry, it is because too many people have come to our Liu family posing as doctors with excellent medical skills recently, so we will doubt it, sir and madam, don\'t be annoyed, yes We have offended both of you."

Everyone apologized with a smile on their faces. Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao didn\'t want to give up. Besides, they really wanted the little guy to take Liu Daru as his teacher.

Lu Jiao said, "Then let\'s go in and have a look."

Liu\'s house steward hurriedly responded.

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao got off the carriage with the four little guys.

The steward of Liu\'s house looked at the four little guys and said in surprise, "This is your child, about the age, right?"

"Yes, they are my sons, quadruplets."

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, the steward of Liu\'s house looked at Lu Jiao in surprise. This lady is good-looking and medically skilled. I never expected that she would be able to give birth. She had four babies in one child.

Blessed is this woman.

The steward of Liu\'s house looked at Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao, and suddenly thought of the news that he had received before. A Tongzhi came from Ningzhou. He heard that Tongzhi and his wife were both young and beautiful, and they had four identical sons, so this is their home.

Butler Liu said politely to Xie Yunjin: "You must be the acquaintances who just arrived in Ningzhou."

Xie Yunjin said with a faint smile: "Yes, we just arrived at Ningzhou Mansion and heard that Liu Daru accepted his disciples, so we brought four little guys over to give it a try."

Butler Liu quickly looked at the four little guys in the Xie family, and the four little ones immediately looked up at him with a smile, and called out, "Hello, uncle."

When Liu Guanshi saw their cute and soft appearance, his first instinct was to smile lovingly: "They look so cute."

And it looks very If this Madam Xie can really cure the old lady\'s disease, the old man may really accept one of these little guys as a disciple.

The Xie family followed behind the steward of Liu\'s house and entered the gate of Liu\'s house smoothly.

The people outside the door watched this scene and were amazed. Someone ran outside the Ning family carriage and talked to the Ning family about it.

The eldest son of Ningbo Mansion, Ning Hui, listened to the news reported by his servants, and his face became unsightly. Liu Hongsheng, a stinky scholar, dared to show the face of their Ning family like this. He had already shown him the color.

With a gloomy face, Ning Hui ordered the servants to return home.

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