There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 610: only one wife

Lu Jiao now thinks it\'s clear that today\'s banquet was organized by attracting them, just to draw him and Xie Yunjin into their circle.

Lu Jiao also understands this point. It is impossible for the officials up and down the Ningzhou government to be clean. If they can\'t draw Xie Yunjin and her into their circle, they will act carefully in the future, which will be very troublesome.

So the best way is to draw him into their circle, so that it will be much more convenient to do things in the future, and the best way to win over officials is to send women to the official mansion. It means that she is with them, and this woman will help these people stare at them.

Lu Jiao couldn\'t help sneering, but with a very calm expression on her face, she looked at Mrs. Lin with a smile and said, "These are all carefully cultivated by each family, how can I win love, or not, let\'s talk about our adults. Staying with me all day, if these girls go to our house to talk to me, it is inevitable that they will come into contact with my adults, will they marry in the future?"

Lu Jiao looked thoughtful of these girls.

Everyone on the field was silent, looking at Lu Jiao, guessing that the woman didn\'t understand what they meant, or was pretending, and didn\'t want to take a concubine to her own man.

Mrs. Lin and Mrs. Wang looked at each other with annoyance in their eyes, but their faces were not obvious. They were both people who had been in the house for so many years.

Mrs. Wang said with a smile, "Mrs. Xie, Mrs. Lin meant to send two to your house to be concubines for Mr. Xie."

This is clear enough, let\'s see how you refuse.

Lu Jiao turned to look at Madam Wang, then turned to look at Madam Lin and said, "Mrs. Lin is afraid that she still doesn\'t know about my family. The adults of my family once said that they will not take concubines in this life, and I am the only one."

As soon as these words came out, the entire banquet hall was in an uproar, and many people muttered, thinking it was impossible.

There are still men in this world who only marry one wife, not to mention that Xie Tongzhi is so young, and now he is a sixth-rank official, and he will definitely climb up in the future. When he climbs to a certain high position, how can it be possible to live with only one wife?

Mrs. Lin, Mrs. Wang and the others couldn\'t help laughing. They both looked at Lu Jiao with kindness and said.

"Mrs. Xie, we eat a few more years than you, so I kindly advise you, but don\'t do such delusions. Men\'s words are not credible. If you believe, you will lose, and concubines are just a man\'s plaything. Give a man two to play with, and sell it directly if you\'re not happy."

"We women should be virtuous and take the initiative to take concubines for men, so that men will appreciate your intentions and respect you, your first wife, if you don\'t take the initiative to take concubines for him, when he mentions it, he will be more annoyed, right. You\'re not welcome."

Mrs. Lin and Mrs. Wang believed that what they said was also trustworthy. Don\'t all men have such bird-like virtues? Like their family, which family does not have several wives and concubines, they still fight and sell them. If they all stay, there will be at least a dozen concubines in each family.

After listening to Mrs. Lin and Mrs. Wang, Lu Jiao said with a light smile: "Thank you two ladies for thinking of me, but I really don\'t want it. I believe my lord, what he said must be true to his words. "

Lu Jiao looks like I trust my men and I trust my adults.

In this way, Mrs. Lin and Mrs. Wang were sour. They were both angry and angry, but they didn\'t say it. They just waved their hands to let the young ladies back out.

The atmosphere in the banquet hall was very strange. Many people regarded Lu Jiao as a monster and thought she was whimsical. Hug left and right.

Everyone thought that Lu Jiao was whimsical, and they waited to see her slap in the face.

However, everyone stopped talking about this topic, and talked about other topics one after another, as if the scene just now was just a small episode.

However, Mrs. Lin gave a wink to the maid next to her. The maid immediately went out and told someone to go to the front yard to send a message to her master. The main meaning was that Xie Tongzhi\'s wife did not accept their tricks and did not accept people to thank them. government.

When Lin Tongzhi received the news in the front yard, he was a little annoyed, not only annoyed that his wife couldn\'t do anything, but also that Xie Yunjin\'s wife didn\'t know what to do, and the young ladies of each family sent them to their houses to be concubines, but they refused to accept it. people hate.

Lin Zhifu squinted and glanced at Xie Yunjin who was beside him, a smile twitched at the corners of his mouth. He couldn\'t believe that men didn\'t like taking concubines. There are so many beautiful women in this world. How can they not be many when they reach their current position? Accepting a few women, then why are they working so hard?

While thinking about it, Lin Zhifu glanced at the steward on the side, but the steward immediately walked over with a smile and said, "Sir, do you want to let the dancers come up and dance to help everyone cheer."

Lin Zhifu seemed to have just remembered this and said: "Okay, let the dancers come up and dance to help everyone."

When he finished his words, he looked at Xie Yunjin on the side with great interest and said, "There is a beauty among this dancer. She is very beautiful. She is as beautiful as a stunner. Xie Tongzhi will take a good look at it later."

Xie Yunjin raised his eyebrows noncommittally, and the manager of the Lin House had already gone to make arrangements.

The dancers soon came up to dance. There were men on the field, and they drank some wine. When they saw the dancers coming up to dance, they were instantly inspired by the passion in their chests. .

Until a few dancers slowly backed away, a woman in a red dress came up behind her. She danced with long sleeves and twirled her body. She was like a red butterfly in the middle of the hall. stunned.

Everyone looked at the spinning and dancing woman and was attracted by her. This woman was so beautiful, her face was delicate and beautiful, her body was as weak as a willow, her waist could be grasped with one hand, and she could spin. It looks like a butterfly dancing lightly.

Above the banquet hall, Xie Yunjin saw the dancing woman and took a second look.

Because he recognized that the dancing woman was Cao Qinglian, the seventh miss of the Cao family. Wasn\'t Cao Qinglian sent to the military camp to be a prostitute? How could she be in this place?

Xie Yunjin thought thoughtfully, seeing him like this, Lin Zhifu thought he was fascinated by the women on the field.

He couldn\'t help but smug a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, oh, man, who is not so virtuous, he can\'t move when he sees a beautiful woman, he wants to take possession of it, and he wants to sleep.

Xie Tongzhi is not the same no matter how high he is.

In the middle of the banquet hall, the dance was over, and the dancer in the middle slowly stopped her hands and stood up to greet the head of the prefect Lin.

"Wan Yue has met the prefect."

Wan Yue, the former Cao Qinglian, secretly glanced up and saw the short and fat man sitting next to the prefect of Lin. , like a ray of light, everyone around was blocked by his stunning appearance, it seemed that he was the only one in the world, sitting there silently watching her.

Cao Qinglian\'s mind was buzzing. She didn\'t expect to see this man again one day. At this time, he was a high-ranking official, and she was a dancer.

Seeing Cao Qinglian\'s appearance, the chief prefect of Lin immediately laughed. It seemed that this dancer also took a fancy to Master Tongzhi.

Master Lin looked at Cao Qinglian, who was next, and felt very sorry. To be honest, he also wanted this woman, but unfortunately his wife was very concerned about it, so he never succeeded, and now he wanted to give it to Xie Yunjin. Master Lin felt very uncomfortable. , But I can\'t bear the child and can\'t bear the wolf, so I can only abandon this woman now.

Master Lin thought and smiled and looked down at Cao Qinglian: "Wan Yue, this is Master Xie Tongzhi. I\'ve seen Master Xie soon."

Cao Qinglian quickly bowed her head and saluted Xie Yunjin who was on the top: "I have seen Mr. Xie."

She understood what Mr. Lin meant. Mr. Lin wanted to send her to Xie\'s house to be a concubine.

Cao Qinglian is one hundred willing. She was demoted to a military prostitute because of the Cao family. Later, the Lin family secretly bought her over and raised her in the Originally, she thought she would become Lord Lin The concubine, but now it has to be given to Xie Yunjin as a concubine by Lord Lin.

Cao Qinglian naturally wanted to follow Xie Yunjin, but it was better than following Master Lin. Xie Yunjin was so good, young, and had an unlimited future. On the other hand, Master Lin was short and fat, and he was so old that he could be her father.

Cao Qinglian felt that this was an opportunity for her, so she hurriedly bowed to Xie Yunjin who was headed: "I have seen Master Tongzhi."

Although she had tricks on Xie Yunjin in the past and was rejected by this man, Cao Qinglian thought that Xie Tongzhi was only a scholar in the past, and his wife was a powerful person. He would definitely not dare to take a concubine, but today is different, Xie Tongzhi Now that he is a sixth-rank official, if he wants to take a concubine, will his wife dare to stop him?

The more Cao Qinglian thought about it, the more shy she became, and the more delicate she became.

In the banquet hall, everyone blushed and their hearts beat faster. This is really a stunner in the world. I didn\'t expect that Lord Lin would be willing to send such a beauty to Lord Xie\'s house.

Thank you sir, you are so lucky.

Someone directly brought a wine glass to Xie Yunjin: "Thank you, Master Xie is so lucky."

"Yes, yes, sir Xie is a blessing."

Lin Zhifu looked down at Cao Qinglian and said, "Wan Yue, toast Master Xie."

Cao Qinglian immediately walked to Xie Yunjin\'s side, but Xie Yunjin raised her hand coldly and rejected her.

"No need to."

After he finished speaking, he turned to look at the prefect of Lin and said, "There is a good wife in the family, and the lower official will not make the good wife feel uncomfortable for other women. Please forgive me."

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