There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 542: beat him hard

"Shoufu\'s wife has room (!

Lu Jiao thought that she was about to raise her head to speak to Mrs. Xing\'an Hou, but she didn\'t want someone behind her to call out, "Third sister."

Madam Xing\'an turned around and saw the person coming, she walked over happily: "Ye Yao, you are back in Beijing."

She thought of Lu Jiao, who was on the side, and hurriedly introduced her: "This is my cousin Ye Yao. My brother-in-law has been out for a while, but this time I was sent back to Beijing by Your Majesty."

Lu Jiao immediately greeted Ye Yao with a smile: "Hello."

The woman looked at Lu Jiao and nodded with a smile, "Hello."

Seeing that the two sisters had something to say, Lu Jiao quickly said to Madam Xing\'an, "Ma\'am, I\'ll go shopping elsewhere."

Mrs. Xing\'an was a little worried about her, and said gently: "Be careful, you will come back after walking around, and the banquet will be held soon."


Lu Jiao turned around and left, and vaguely heard the lady behind Ye Yao ask Madam Xing\'an: "Sister, who is this woman, I think you are very kind to her."

Mrs. Xing\'an Hou said with a smile: "A lovely little girl, you have to be more polite when you see her in the future, otherwise I will be in a hurry with you."

"Know it."

Lu Jiao smiled, and took Feng Zhi and Ruan Zhu to wander around the eldest princess\' mansion. Occasionally, they met one or two powerful ladies on the way, and they also greeted Lu Jiao politely, but there would be no more.

Lu Jiao was too lazy to interact with these people, so she walked to a secluded place, and when there was no one around, did she really relax and stroll around the eldest princess\' mansion.

The eldest princess\' mansion covers an extremely wide area, and the scenery inside is also very gorgeous. There are small bridges, flowing water, fake rocks and broken mountains. Lu Jiao said as she walked, "It seems that the first emperor really loves the daughter of the eldest princess."

When Lu Jiao finished speaking, Feng Zhi and Ruan Zhu behind her didn\'t have time to speak, but a male voice suddenly sounded.

"The late emperor really loves the daughter of the eldest princess."

Lu Jiao frowned unconsciously when she heard the male voice. She turned around and saw a tall and burly man standing on the path behind her. The man was dressed in brocade and had a jade crown on his head. At first glance, he looked like a powerful man. son.

It was just the way he looked at her that made Lu Jiao extremely unhappy.

When the man saw Lu Jiaowang, he looked like an elegant and noble son.

"I don\'t know what to call the little lady?"

Lu Jiao said with a cold expression, "Young Master, please take care of yourself."

After she said that, she turned around and wanted to leave, but did not want the man behind her to introduce herself loudly.

"In Xiao Ting, the son of the Prince of Qin."

Lu Jiao turned around and looked at the man behind him in surprise. Isn\'t Xiao Ting, the prince of Qin, the brother of Xie Yunjin?

Prince Qin\'s son Xiao Ting saw Lu Jiao look back at him, not knowing the surprise in Lu Jiao\'s heart, but thought that Lu Jiao turned to look at him because she was attracted by his identity, and the smile on her face became more and more charming.

He looked at Lu Jiao with a smile and said, "Can I ask the little lady\'s name now?"

Looking at Xiao Ting opposite Lu Jiao, she only felt disgusted, and at the same time she felt sad that Xie Yunjin had such a brother. Such a lecherous man turned out to be the prince of Qin Wangfu, and Xie Yunjin was such a talented and intelligent man. It is really unfair for people to fall into the countryside, but this is also the fate of the Qin palace.

Thinking about it, Lu Jiao looked at Xiao Ting with a cold face and said, "Prince Qin, be more self-respecting."

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, she took Feng Zhi and Ruan Zhu to turn around and left, not intending to pay attention to the Prince of Qin who was behind him.

Later, the Prince of Qin thought that he had reported himself to his family, and Lu Jiao would be moved, and even chatted with him, so that he could succeed.

He had no idea that Lu Jiao would not buy his account.

As the heir of Qin Wangfu, he has never been treated like this before.

Even if those people didn\'t like him, they would do some superficial work with him, so that they would directly slap him in the face, making him very uncomfortable.

Xiao Ting didn\'t care much about Lu Jiao at first. Although this little lady is good looking, what kind of woman he has never seen before, it\'s not that he has to occupy a lady who married and gave birth to a child, but now Lu Jiao annoyed him.

He had to get her, and at the same time he had the idea to clean up Lu Jiao.

Xiao Ting\'s face sank as he thought about it, and he shouted abruptly: "Stop, this prince is talking to you in a good voice, is it a shame for you? A rough country woman, how dare to talk to this prince like this, when this world is Nice to talk?"

Lu Jiao turned to look at Xiao Ting behind her, and saw that the man who had been grinning before, now had a grim face, as if he didn\'t take her seriously.

Lu Jiao frowned at him, and said coldly, "What does Prince Qin mean? How dare I, a rough country woman, dare to talk to you like this, how should I talk to you, hold you in your arms and respect you? I really treat myself as a thing, but I am nothing more than a prince of Qin!"

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, she didn\'t bother to say another word to the man, and directly ordered Ruan Zhu behind her to say, "Beat him and let him know why the flowers are so red."

Ruan Zhu got the order, and rushed over, raising his hand not only hot but also poisonous.

The Prince of Qin, Xiao Ting, knew martial arts, but he was a three-legged kung fu. Against Ruan Zhu, he was basically beaten, and he came here to steal incense, so he didn\'t bring his subordinates. portion.

Ruan Zhu was beaten by Ruan Zhu and his face was so bruised that he was speechless.

Seeing that the fight was almost over, Lu Jiao called Ruan Zhu back and said, "Let\'s go."


Ruan Zhu responded and followed Lu Jiao, but after the master and servant took a few steps, they stopped again. Lu Jiao took some medicine and handed it to Ruan Zhu, whispering a few words.

Ruan Zhu turned around and walked towards Xiao Ting.

The man who was still mighty and mighty before saw Ruan Zhu coming, and shouted in horror: "You, what do you want to do, you can\'t kill me, if you kill me, the Qin Palace will not let you go."

Ruan Zhu raised his hand and patted Xiao Ting\'s wound, and the medicine in his hand also touched Xiao Ting\'s wound.

Lu Jiao asked Ruan Zhu to give Xiao Ting the medicine to release Yang, and in the future this person will be powerless even if he has a will.

"If you dare to be rude to my master in the future, UU reading will kill you."

Xiao Ting listened to Ruan Zhu\'s words, and repeatedly assured: "I won\'t, I won\'t embarrass her again."

Ruan Zhu turned around and left, and Xiao Ting waited for them to leave before slowly getting up and getting up. At this time, his face was indescribably hideous, and his eyes were even more sinister like snake pupils.

He gritted his teeth, turned around and walked back, secretly deciding to catch this woman and ruthlessly spoil her. If Xiao Ting just wanted to take advantage of Lu Jiao before, but now he doesn\'t think so, he wants to take that woman Throwing it into the heap of beggars is not enough to vent his hatred.

Xiao Ting left quickly, and Feng Zhi couldn\'t help worrying and said to Lu Jiao, "Madam, I\'m afraid that the Prince of Qin won\'t give up. What should I do now?"

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