There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 527: Lu Jiao's wish

Remember for a second【】

Lu Jiao silently looked at the beaten doctor Qi, very sympathetic.

Royal Doctor Qi is normal, he looks used to it, even his wife and Qi Lei are used to it.

What can Lu Jiao say? She smiled and looked at Qi Yuyi and his wife and said, "You can call me Jiaojiao and Xianggong Yunjin. We are both young."

Mr. Qi immediately laughed and said, "Look, isn\'t Jiaojiao very good?"

Qi Yuyi felt shameless, and quickly asked Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao to go to the mansion.

"Yun Jin please, Jiao Jiao please."

Mrs. Qi and Qi Lei invited four little guys to enter together.

Mrs. Qi looked at the four little guys, and her heart melted. She reached out and held the hands of the two little guys and asked them kindly, "I heard that you are quadruplets."

"Yes, we are quadruplets, I am the second treasure, this is the big treasure, the three treasures, the four treasures."

Erbao introduced him again, he was polite and polite, and he didn\'t recognize him at all, and he was also polite when he spoke.

Qi Fu glanced at the one he liked in his heart, looked up at Qi Lei and said, "Lei\'er, look at how good the brothers are, don\'t you get jealous? Hurry up and marry a lady and have some cute little ones. guy."

Qi Lei\'s face darkened when he heard it. His mother urged him to get married as soon as they met. When he followed Zhao Lingfeng to Qili Town, it was because his mother stared at him all day and asked him to get married, so he followed Zhao Lingfeng.

It\'s not that Qi Lei didn\'t get married, but he ordered two marriages in a row and there were accidents. Many people in the capital said that his life was **** his wife, and he didn\'t want to get married.

"Mother, isn\'t it the same as taking the elder brother\'s son if you like?"

Royal Doctor Qi and Madam Qi have only two sons, the eldest son Qi Mo and the second son Qi Lei.

The eldest son got married long ago and gave birth to children, but the second son\'s marriage was unexpected twice, which caused the second son to have a shadow in his heart and did not want to marry again.

"Lei\'er, that\'s different."

The mothers were talking, and the doctor in front of Qi coughed. Today is the day of Qi Lei\'s apprenticeship. What are you talking about?

In front of Yuyi Qi, he politely said to Lu Jiao, "I heard from my son that Master Lu\'s medical skills are very good. I will ask Master Lu for advice someday."

On one side, the old man Qi said dissatisfiedly: "Don\'t be so wrinkled, call Jiaojiao, and speak casually."

Qi Gan was overwhelmed by his father, so he could only smile at Lu Jiao and said, "Jiaojiao, how about we discuss medical skills another day?"

Lu Jiao saw Mr. Qi No. 2. She was afraid that she would meet another Mr. Qi who was rude and refused to leave, so she thought about it and smiled, "We will discuss with each other when you are free someday."


Qi Gan was the imperial physician in the palace, and most of the time he was not free. He even took a leave of absence from the palace today so that he could entertain guests at home.

A group of people entered the main courtyard of Qi\'s family talking, and there were many people in the main courtyard at this time.

The daughter and son-in-law of the Qi family, as well as their second son and daughter-in-law, plus the children born, are all in one place.

However, there is also a woman with a smiling face, which is particularly eye-catching. The woman is tall and burly, with heroic eyebrows and eyes, and a smile makes people feel good.

Lu Jiao was looking at her, the woman had already stood up, walked over quickly, reached out and grabbed her.

"You are Jiaojiao, I am General Wang\'s wife Lu Wan."

Lu Jiao greeted her politely immediately: "I have seen the general\'s wife."

Lu Wan smiled and held her back, preventing her from salutes: "Don\'t be polite to me, just call me Aunt Lu, our general..."

Before Lu Wan finished speaking, Mr. Qi shouted unhappily: "Lu Wan, this is not right, Jiaojiao calls you aunt, aren\'t you my son? You and my daughter-in-law are from the same generation. You should let Jiaojiao call your sister."

Lu Wan laughed, thought for a while and nodded, "Father is right."

After she finished speaking, she turned to look at Lu Jiao and said, "You can just call my sister in the future. Thanks to your help, our general, thank you, thank you."

Lu Jiao took over the arm for General Wang, and it was successful. The Qi family also knew about it, and everyone was surprised.

Hearing Lu Wan talking about this, Old Man Qi and Royal Doctor Qi both surrounded Lu Jiao with interest: "Jiaojiao, tell us, why after the arm is broken and then reconnected, it can be In general intact as before."

In fact, for the arm surgery, the spiritual spring water in Lu Jiao\'s space was used. The spiritual spring water has the function of repairing nerves, so the arm can be intact.

Lu Jiao couldn\'t say this, so she just smiled and said, "I took antibiotics again, and secondly, I have developed a new drug that can repair nerve function. Using these two drugs can make The arm returns to its original strength."

As soon as Lu Jiao said it, Master Qi and Royal Doctor Qi were surprised: "These two medicines are really magic medicines."

Qi Lei said quickly: "Unfortunately, to make antibiotics, you must find potassium salt mines. If you find potassium salt mines, you can make v-potassium tablets, which are the antibiotics the master said, which can prevent patients from becoming infected and inflamed."

Master Qi and Royal Doctor Qi said in unison, "Then send someone to look for it."

"We sent someone to look for it, but we haven\'t found it yet."

Old Master Qi and Royal Doctor Qi nodded, and then asked Lu Jiao, "Then another medicine?"

"There is no problem with that medicine, but there is no medical department in Dazhou. These medicines have not been tested, so I dare not use it for people. It\'s officially made."

Master Qi and Royal Doctor Qi face to face

^0^ One second to remember【】

Vision: "Medical Department?"

Lu Jiao originally had an idea to build a medical team to help patients heal, but now she wants to set up a medical department in Dazhou. First, it can test finished medicines. Now, we can use the medical department to train medical talents for various places in Dazhou, and then establish official medical departments in various places. In this way, the number of deaths will be greatly reduced throughout Dazhou. When a certain disease is found in the local area, it will be very good. of control.

Lu Jiao shared this idea with Master Qi and Royal Doctor Qi. The two looked at each other and shook their heads.

"I\'m afraid it\'s impossible now. Your Majesty\'s health is getting worse, and I don\'t have the energy to do this now, and?"

The two of them stopped talking. Your Majesty is suspicious by nature. When you mention this medical office to him, he may think about what you have in mind. Don\'t give you a disobedience at that time, and the whole family will suffer.

Lu Jiao thought about it for a while, and understood the meaning of Father Qi, father and son. Unless the new emperor ascends the throne, he can propose the establishment of the medical department. Now the emperor is impossible.

Lu Jiao remembered that King Yan was enthroned in the book, and Xie Yunjin was King Yan\'s confidant. If she proposed to build a medical department in the future, King Yan\'s temperament would only be happy, not unhappy.

Lu Jiao thought and laughed: "We\'ll talk about this later."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^