There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 521: King Yan's thoughts

Remember for a second【】

The more Mr. Qi talked to Lu Jiao, the more he found that her medical skills were superb. She knew about many diseases, which made him astonished. When he found it, Mr. Qi lost his temper unhappily.

The servants of the Qi family hurriedly said with a smile, "Master, it\'s not that we want to disturb you, but that the Prince of Qin sent a steward to invite the master to Chengde Houfu?"

When the servants of the Qi family talked about the Prince of Qin and the Marquis of Chengde, Lu Jiao pricked up her ears.

Outside the door, Qi Lei and Xie Yunjin happened to walk in. Qi Lei immediately asked with concern, "Is anyone sick in Chengde Houfu?"

The servants of the Qi family quickly replied: "I heard that the eldest lady of the Chengde Houfu returned to Beijing from her grandfather\'s house and became seriously ill. The Prince of Qin wanted to ask the old man to go to the Lin family for a check to see if the disease could be cured?"

Qi Lei raised his eyebrows. The last time he saw Lin Ruyue, he was fine. Why did he become seriously ill just after returning to Beijing?

In the main hall, Lu Jiao frowned slightly. Others didn\'t know it, but she knew that the eldest lady of Chengde Hou\'s mansion probably didn\'t want to marry the Prince of Qin, so she pretended to be sick or took some medicine. , The purpose of causing the phenomenon of illness is to withdraw the marriage from the Qin palace.

But Lu Jiao didn\'t say anything. Instead, she looked at Mr. Qi and said, "Uncle Qi, since they\'re here to invite you, go and see."

Mr. Qi said cheerfully: "How about, Jiaojiao, you and I will go to Chengde Houfu to see what kind of disease that girl is suffering from?"

However, Lu Jiao didn\'t want to appear in front of everyone in the capital, she smiled and said, "I don\'t want it anymore, I won\'t trust my medical skills even if I go there, so why go there, with Uncle Qi\'s ability, I\'m sure Can you find out what disease Miss Lin suffers from?"

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, Mr. Qi said quickly: "Jiaojiao, your medical skills can\'t be blinded in vain, I have decided that tomorrow my Qi family will set up a wine in the most luxurious restaurant in the capital, so that every family in the capital will know. I know you are such a powerful medical expert."

The black line on Lu Jiao\'s face, isn\'t this causing her trouble? Their status is low right now. If the various families know her medical skills, they will all come to ask her to go to see a doctor. Is she optimistic or not? It will be exhausting to see. So for now, don\'t put on a high-profile apprenticeship wine.

Thinking about it, Lu Jiao reached out and grabbed Old Man Qi\'s hand, and said with a smile, "Uncle Qi, don\'t hold the apprenticeship banquet in such a high-profile manner. If you let others know about my medical skills, if you say my status is so low, the dignitaries invite me. To get medical treatment, should I go or not?"

In short, now is not the time to show her good medical skills.

After listening to Lu Jiao\'s words, Qi Lei quickly said, "Grandpa, keep a low profile. My master, she never likes to show off, and she has high medical skills. If everyone knew about her, she would be too busy."

The old man Qi is not a fool, Lu Jiao told Qi Lei, he understood Lu Jiao\'s embarrassment, he didn\'t embarrass Lu Jiao, and said quickly: "Then let\'s have a drink at my Qi\'s house, don\'t invite outsiders, let\'s go together. The family has to hold another apprenticeship ceremony."

Lu Jiao could only agree: "Okay, Uncle Qi\'s."

Mr. Qi was delighted, patted his thigh and said, "Okay, my grandson is so powerful that he can actually worship such a powerful doctor as Jiaojiao."

He looked at Lu Jiao and said, "Jiaojiao, if there is something I don\'t understand, I\'ll come over to discuss it with you."

Old Man Qi had another urge to medical skills, Lu Jiao nodded casually and agreed, but soon she would know that the nodding was a little too fast, because Old Man Qi was almost always at their house.

But she didn\'t know right now, so she nodded her head cheerfully, and urged Mr. Qi, "Uncle Qi, you should go back quickly, don\'t make people wait too long."

"Wait a minute and no one will die."

In fact, Mr. Qi\'s temper is not very good. The older he gets, the more like a child he becomes.

However, he was concerned about the identity of Prince Qin\'s heir, so he got up and took Qi Lei away.

Later, Qi Lei and Lu Jiao said goodbye: "Master, that disciple is leaving first. I\'ll send a post later to ask the master to come through the door and pay his respects."


The Qi family finally left, Lu Jiao looked at Xie Yunjin with a smile and said, "Uncle Qi is really crazy about medicine."

Xie Yunjin frowned slightly and said, "I\'m afraid this old man will run to my house every day in the future."

Lu Jiao said amusingly, "You think too much, what is he doing running to my house all the time?"

It was noon at this time, and the four little ones also walked in from the outside. As soon as they came in, they asked enthusiastically, "Father, mother, I heard that there are many interesting places in the capital. When are we going to play outside?"

Lu Jiao looked at Si Xiaozhi and said, "Your father has to read books and is preparing to take the exam in February next year. Mother will take you out for a while."

The four little guys are the same size and look good. If she takes them out, it will cause a sensation, so Lu Jiao doesn\'t plan to take them out during the day, for fear of attracting too much attention, she decides to take the four little ones at night. Go out to the night market.

But she didn\'t say this to the four little guys.

After listening to Lu Jiao\'s words, the four little ones were very happy. They turned around and discussed each other, and decided to buy some fun things to bring back to their friends in Qinghe County.

Uncle Han came to the capital for a while, but he was going back to Qinghe County, so he just asked him to bring the gift back.

Lu Jiao instructed Feng Zhi to prepare lunch, and the family began to eat.

Halfway through the meal, Xiao Shan walked in with a stack of paper.

"Son, someone sent a stack of documents to hand over to you."

^0^ One second to remember【】

Xie Yunjin raised his eyebrows in surprise, and reached out to take the information in Xiao Shan\'s hand.

The documents stated that they were the chief examiners of the examination, one was Sun Mingliang, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, and the other was Hua Chengze, a cabinet scholar.

The data also detailed the communication circle of the two people, as well as the dispositions of the two people, the articles they have written in the past, and some comments they have annotated.

Xie Yunjin saw these and guessed that these materials should have been sent by Yan Wang Xiaoyu.

This time in Beijing Liu\'s family, Wang\'s family sent someone to send gifts, but there was no movement in Yan\'s mansion.

Originally, Xie Yunjin thought that King Yan was a prince and disdain to associate with them.

Looking at it now, King Yan didn\'t want to cause them unnecessary trouble. Right now, the battle for the crown prince of the capital is fierce.

King Yan, as the prince who is more confident in the battle for the crown prince, is very eye-catching. If he let someone send something into the Xie family, the Xie family will immediately become an ant on the hot pot, and it will also cause His Majesty the emperor\'s attention. Watching, so King Yan has not appeared.

Xie Yunjin looked at these materials and confirmed the conjecture in his heart. It seemed that King Yan wanted to use him.

Xie Yunjin frowned and thought deeply, is he going to be used by King Yan? If he is used by King Yan, he must be as close to King Yan as possible. Is there any way to protect the identity of the Little Four Treasures? Even if he doesn\'t say it, King Yan will find out sooner or later that he and Chen Ying look a bit alike, but he just didn\'t think about that before.

Xie Yunjin was thinking, when Lu Jiao asked concernedly, "What\'s wrong? What is it?"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^