There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 515: doomed wife

Remember for a second【】

This time, in addition to Xie Yunjin\'s family, the Liu family, Zheng Zhixing\'s family, Qi Lei and Han Tong went north together on the Xie family\'s boat.

In addition, they were also followed by the Tian family\'s **** fleet. The Tian family followed behind them this time, and they also meant to protect them.

In short, at a glance, it is a mighty battle.

Because there are so many people, it is not so lonely by boat.

Originally, Lu Jiao was worried about the four little ones taking the boat, but after a long time, she became impatient. As a result, because Grandpa Liu, Grandma Liu, Grandma Liu Ziyan, Qi Lei, and Han Tong were there, the little guys had a good time, and Lu Jiao didn\'t need to worry about it at all.

Lu Jiao didn\'t worry about the little guys. When she was quiet, she couldn\'t help but think more, and people seemed a little absent-minded, because she didn\'t know what was waiting for her, so she was always worried about the irresistible plot.

Xie Yunjin naturally saw her absent-mindedness and asked her worriedly, "Jiaojiao, what\'s wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Lu Jiao looked at Xie Yunjin, who was full of worry, and suddenly thought about it. She couldn\'t run away, and it wasn\'t hers. She didn\'t force it. This time she came to Beijing to know if the two of them could be together forever. That\'s good. .

After Lu Jiao thought about it, she looked at Xie Yunjin with a smile and said, "I\'m a little nervous in my heart. I don\'t know what will happen to the capital at the foot of the emperor?"

Xie Yunjin smiled and hugged her: "What are you worried about, you are someone who is sheltered."

Lu Jiao laughed, and the two went to bed after talking.

The two of them lived in the same cabin along the way, and their relationship became better and better.

However, several times, Xie Yunjin couldn\'t hold himself back, and finally went to take a cold shower before giving up.

In fact, Lu Jiao didn\'t care about these things at all. When her feelings came to her, some things just came to the city, but every time Xie Yunjin held it back, she couldn\'t say anything more.

The two slept with their arms around each other, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

By the dark river, several large boats were docked, and everyone on board fell asleep.

Until someone broke in and alerted the person in charge of the vigil.

A cry sounded at the right time: "No, there are robbers robbing."

"There are robbers robbing."

Lu Jiao and Xie Yunjin were awakened, they quickly turned over, and called out, "What\'s going on?"

Ruan Zhu\'s voice came in quickly from outside: "Young Master, Madam, there are robbers robbing, Young Master and Madam, don\'t panic, we will be fine for the time being."

Lu Jiao and Xie Yun glanced at each other, got up and walked to the cabin of the four little ones. Their family lived in the cabin on the second floor, and the four little ones lived in the cabin next to them. Lu Jiao and Xie Yun were worried that they would be frightened, so Hurry over to appease the four little guys.

The four little ones were not too flustered. I have seen many such scenes with their parents this year, and the four little guys have calmed down a lot.

They were getting dressed, and when they saw their parents come in, the four of them hurriedly asked their parents.

"Father, mother, are there bad people trying to harm us?"

Er Bao raised his fist and said in a deep voice, "I\'m not afraid of them."

The four little ones followed Li Nantian to learn martial arts, and they were doing well at the moment.

Lu Jiao and Xie Yunjin comforted them gently: "It\'s okay, don\'t worry, we\'ll be fine."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a sound of fighting outside the cabin, and at the same time, the fire was shining, and the robbers started to shoot rockets.

The scene was extremely chaotic, Ruan Zhu quickly ran over and said, "Young Master, Madam, let\'s go ashore immediately."

Their boat was docked on the bank of the river. Right now, the robbers fired rockets, and two or three boats were already on fire. Although their boat was not on fire at the moment, it was likely to be affected by the wind, so Ruan Zhu and others suggested The crowd rushed to shore.

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao agreed immediately, and said in a deep voice, "Okay, let\'s go ashore, let us know, everyone will go ashore, and you can send someone to protect the Liu family and Zheng family, and don\'t let their family be assassinated by robbers. ."

"Okay, son, madam."

Ruan Zhu turned around and asked Feng Zhi to arrange the matter, and he was responsible for escorting the young master, the lady and others ashore.

Lu Jiao and Xie Yunjin took the four little animals out of the cabin. There was a fire on the river in the dark night. Many robbers came out of the river and robbed and killed the people on the boat.

However, this time the robbers had encountered a tough problem. Lu Jiao and Xie Yunjin were all surrounded by powerful experts, and with the team of Tian family guards behind them, the robbers didn\'t get any benefit at all.

Just as everyone was fighting, the people who were sleeping on the river bank were disturbed, and someone ordered to save them quickly.

The last team of guards who fell from the sky rushed over to help Lu Jiao, Xie Yunjin and the others kill the robbers.

The robbers were invincible, and the rest turned around and ran away.

The battle in the dark is finally over.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

However, everyone was still quite frightened. Among them, two guards from the Zheng family died, one from the Liu family died, three people from the Tian family were injured, and two people from Lu Jiao\'s side were injured, and the boat was burnt out. two.

Fortunately, there were not many casualties, and more of them were frightened.

However, thanks to the group of guards who appeared later, if it wasn\'t for them to help each other, the robbers would not have left so quickly, their losses would be greater, and the casualties would definitely be greater.

Therefore, Xie Yunjin and others were very grateful to each other, and clasped their fists to thank the guard in black on the opposite side: "Thank you for your help today.

^0^ One second to remember【】

Help, our losses will be greater and the casualties will be heavier. "

The man in black headed on the opposite side clasped his fists and replied calmly, "You\'re welcome, my eldest lady ordered us to help."

After he finished his words, he looked behind him, and all his men behind him stepped aside and set out a path.

A beautiful woman in a Luo skirt came out slowly behind the crowd.

With a slender figure like a willow, her eyebrows and eyes are elegant and beautiful, and her whole body exudes an elegant and dignified air.

She looked at Xie Yunjin with a smile, and said warmly: "Young master, don\'t be polite, it\'s just a When she finished, Xie Yunjin clasped her fists politely and asked, "I don\'t know what the young lady is called, if there is a chance in the future, I will repay the favor today. "

The woman didn\'t speak, but the subordinate beside her said, "My young lady is the eldest lady of the Chengde Houfu."

Xie Yunjin didn\'t feel anything, but Lu Jiao\'s face sank slightly behind him. Is it Lin Ruyue, the eldest lady of Chengde Houfu? She is Xie Yunjin\'s destined wife in the book, how could she appear in this place?

Lu Jiao thought quickly, Xie Yunjin had already clenched his fists and thanked him: "Thank you eldest miss. If there is a chance in the future, Xie will repay today\'s kindness."

Lin Ruyue on the opposite side looked at Xie Yunjin deeply. At this moment, she found that the Shoufu Lord was much better looking than in the previous life, and he was extremely gloomy and cold in the previous life. Gentle, people can\'t help but be attracted by it.

He like this made her even more determined to marry her?

Like the first assistant wife has space

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^