There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 509: Beautiful and capable

Remember for a second【】

The female relatives suddenly became interested, all looked at Li Yuyao, and eagerly asked: "What, tell me, is it soap, if it is soap, it would be great, we can\'t buy this thing at all."

Li Yuyao smiled at everyone and said, "It\'s better than soap."

"My God, what is that?"

"Just say it, don\'t give a shit."

Li Yuyao didn\'t talk to everyone anymore, she said with a smile: "Jiaojiao prepared whitening cream for you, what is whitening cream, it\'s just to wipe your face, everyone saw how good her skin is, so she used whitening cream. The reason is that this item has not been sold yet, this is the first batch of goods produced by the workshop, and Jiaojiao is using it as a gift."

Women are naturally beautiful. As soon as Li Yuyao said it, everyone was happy. The previously unpleasant emotions were instantly swept away, and they all asked Lu Jiao, can the whitening cream really be as white as her?

Lu Jiao smiled and said, "If it can be used with whitening soap, it will become very white."

But whitening soap is not easy to buy. Someone looked at Lu Jiao and shouted, "Miss Xie Yuan, we can\'t buy whitening soap. Can you talk to the steward over there and sell us some."

Lu Jiao agreed immediately: "Okay."

Everyone was very happy this time, and the atmosphere was enthusiastic again.

The magistrate\'s wife also came today. The magistrate\'s wife saw that her daughter-in-law and Lu Jiao had such a good relationship, and she was very satisfied with her daughter-in-law. They said that they would marry a wife and a virtuous person. As for my daughter-in-law, now it seems that the master\'s decision is the right one.

The county magistrate\'s wife sat next to the dean\'s wife, Lady Xia. Lady Xia looked at Lu Jiao, who was as beautiful as a **** and exuded a charming aura. She regretted her slack before.

The lady sitting next to Lady Xia looked jealously at Lu Jiao, who was surrounded by the stars and the moon not far away, and couldn\'t help but whispered beside Lady Xia.

"Miss Xia, why do I think this lady Xie Yuan is not very enthusiastic about you? You are the dean\'s wife and her elder. She is so disrespectful to people, you should scold her severely."

In fact, Lady Xia felt very uncomfortable, but she did not forget what her husband said to her when she came today.

It\'s already very good to be able to live in peace now, so she shouldn\'t have any more troubles, and don\'t finally offend people completely. At that time, he wants to ask Xie Yunjin for help, but he can\'t open his mouth.

Madam Xia thought of her two sons and did not dare to talk nonsense any more. Now that she heard the words of the woman beside her, she immediately turned around and glared at the woman.

"What are you talking nonsense about? There are so many people today, how can she take care of her, and what are you thinking? I think I don\'t know, believe it or not, I\'ll let Jiaojiao drive you out."

Now the woman didn\'t dare to say a word.

The Xie family\'s banquet was lively until the afternoon. Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao sent the guests away together. When everyone left, the couple was too tired to move.

"It\'s really tiring to invite guests to dinner."

Lu Jiao herself didn\'t like these entertainments, but for Xie Yunjin\'s sake, she was trying her best to adapt to them.

Xie Yunjin naturally knew that. He reached out to hold Lu Jiao\'s hand and said affectionately, "Thank you Jiaojiao for her efforts for me."

Lu Jiao smiled with satisfaction, as long as this person knew Chengqing, her efforts would not be in vain.

"It\'s okay, who told me to like you."

Lu Jiao no longer hides her liking, and often speaks out.

This makes Xie Yunjin happy. It seems that the love that he lacked in the past has come back one by one, and now he no longer has the lack of the past.

Two people were talking in the room, and four little guys outside the door ran in.

"Father, mother, uncle gets married in two days. What gift are we going to give to uncle as a wedding gift?"

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao listened to their words and immediately gave them suggestions, such as buying rouge for their aunt, painting a picture of an early child for their uncle, or buying a set of clothes for their uncle and aunt alone.

The family discussed the matter enthusiastically.

On September 20, Lu Gui got married.

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao took the four little guys to Xinghua Village in a carriage early in the morning.

Although Lu Jiao spent 1,000 taels to buy a house for Lu Gui last time, it was a wedding gift for them, but this time she brought a lot of things to Lu\'s house, including a set of exquisite silver head noodles for the bride.

As soon as their carriage entered Xinghua Village, Hu Zi, who was guarding at the entrance of the village, turned around and ran towards the house, shouting as he ran.

"Master, milk, father, mother, aunt, uncle are here, they are here."

The Lu family didn\'t have time to rush over, but when the people in Xinghua Village heard the movement, they all rushed to the entrance of the village to watch.

After the carriage came, it didn\'t move for a while.

The onlookers were busy saying hello to Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao in the carriage.

"Xie Juren, Madam Lu, you are back."

"I heard that you will go to the capital after your brother-in-law gets married. Will you not come back in the future?"

"Xie Juren will be an official in the future. If we encounter trouble and go to you, we must help us."

Say anything.

Xie Yunjin didn\'t have time to speak, and the faces of the Lu family who rushed over turned ugly.

Mr. Tian became furious on the spot: "What are you doing? What are you doing to stop my son-in-law\'s carriage? Get out of the way quickly."

Tian Shi is now very authoritative in Xinghua Village.

^0^ One second to remember【】

Their family is rich now, and they have all lived in the blue brick compound. Can they have no money?

Second, the family not only has a powerful daughter, but also a powerful son-in-law, how dare they offend.

So as soon as she spoke, everyone automatically stepped aside.

Mr. Tian greeted Zhou Shaogong who was driving: "Go, go, go home."

However, the Lu family was outside the car, and Xie Yunjin, the son-in-law, couldn\'t sit in the car all the time. In the end, Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao got off the carriage, and even the four little ones got off the carriage.

As soon as the family got off the carriage, the onlookers were amazed.

"Do you think their family is too good-looking? It looks like the people in the painting. UU Reading"

"No, it\'s even prettier than the person in the painting."

"You said that this girl Lu Jiao has grown up since we were young, so why didn\'t we find her so good-looking."

"Not only good-looking but also capable."

"But no matter how talented she is, she will work with other women in the future. I heard that officials like to take concubines, so they will have concubines in the future. No matter how good she looks, she will also be with other men. Waiting for the husband, thinking about it, it feels too much."

The speaker didn\'t dare to speak loudly, but only dared to mumble in a low voice. The Lu family, Xie Yunjin and others didn\'t hear it either.

A group of people walked to Lu\'s house in a mighty manner. On the way, Mr. Tian was happy to talk to Xie Yunjin.

"My son-in-law did well this time."

"Thank your mother-in-law for the praise."

Like the first assistant wife has space

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^