There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 487: I'm great

Remember for a second【】

Lu Jiao quickly reassured him: "Okay, don\'t be sad, my mother will be fine, don\'t you believe my mother?"

Lu Jiao looked at Xiao Sibao, Xiao Sibao looked at Lu Jiao with red eyes, thinking about how powerful her mother was, then turned to look at Xie Yunjin on the bed, and finally said reluctantly, "Mother, you really will be fine. ?"

Lu Jiao raised her hand and assured, "Mother promises nothing will happen, don\'t worry, I\'m very good."

Xiao Sibao finally relaxed, he hugged Lu Jiao\'s neck and said, "Mother, you must come back well, I will work hard to eat in the future, grow up early, protect you and Daddy, and never let anyone bully you again. "

"Okay, then you have to practice martial arts well, so that if anything happens to me and your father in the future, you can protect us."

Lu Jiao interrupted her so much that Little Four Treasures forgot to be afraid of anxiety, he nodded vigorously, indicating that he would practice very hard in the future.

Lu Jiao comforted the little four treasures, then turned around to look at the other three and said, "Don\'t worry, my mother will protect you, because I still have to support you."


After Lu Jiao and Si Xiaozhi agreed, they looked up at Xiao Shan and ordered, "Do as I tell you."

"Yes, ma\'am."

Xiao Shan turned around and went out to arrange this.

In the room, Zhao Zhao looked at Lu Jiao and said, "There is a mountain range about 300 miles southwest of Qinghe County. It is foggy all the year round, and no one dares to go up the mountain. I heard that there are not only various large beasts, but also many There are all kinds of poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds, among which there are poisonous gases, people who go in and die, and those who can come out are extremely powerful people.”

"The locals don\'t dare to enter the mountain. Many people call this mountain range the forest of no return. Does the lady want to go to this mountain to find the rhinoceros?"

Lu Jiao nodded and agreed immediately. In fact, she really didn\'t worry about her own affairs. She had space. When she was in danger, she could hide in the space to avoid danger, but she couldn\'t tell anyone about it, so everyone was worried about her. .

Li Nantian, Zhou Shaogong and others were extremely worried: "Miss, will this be too dangerous?"

Lu Jiao said quickly: "It\'s fine, let\'s be careful, if we don\'t find the antidote, Xianggong will have an accident. Now I have sealed his acupuncture point with a silver needle, he will be fine for the time being, but we only have three days. Time, within three days, the rhinoceros must be found and come back to detoxify him, otherwise his body will be destroyed by poisonous flowers."

When everyone heard Lu Jiao\'s words, they were speechless. They couldn\'t just watch the young master\'s body being destroyed.

Lu Jiao settled on the matter and began to assign tasks: "Uncle Xiao and Ruan Zhu stay at home to protect the husband and the four little guys. I will take Li Nantian, Zhou Shaogong and Ruan Kai to the forest of no return to find the rhinoceros."

As soon as Lu Jiao finished speaking, Ruan Zhu quickly said, "Miss, I and I will go to the Forest of No Return, and let my brother stay and Uncle Xiao to protect the son and the four little sons."

When Ruan Zhu finished speaking, Ruan Kai frowned in disapproval and said in a deep voice, "Sister, follow the lady\'s arrangement."

Ruan Zhu did not look at Ruan Kai, but stared at Lu Jiao and said, "Miss, let me go."

Lu Jiao turned around and glanced at Ruan Zhu, knowing that the little girl was trying to protect her brother, so she agreed.


Ruan Kai immediately became anxious, turned around to look at Lu Jiao and said, "Miss, let my sister stay."

After Ruan Zhu gave him a stern look, he looked at Lu Jiao with a firm expression and said, "My martial arts are stronger than my brother\'s. If a hidden guard appears behind me, I will help the lady catch him."

Ruan Zhu\'s words actually spoke to Lu Jiao\'s heart.

She really wants to catch this dark guard right now and see who this person is?

"Okay, let Ruan Zhu go."

Seeing that Ruan Kai was about to speak, Lu Jiao looked at him and said, "I will bring her back safely, don\'t worry."

When Lu Jiao finished speaking, Zhao Zhaotou quickly said, "Miss, I\'ll go too."

Lu Jiao turned to look at Zhao Zoutou, and said gently, "Zhao Zoutou doesn\'t have to go, just take care of my family by your side."

As soon as Lu Jiao said that, Zhao Zhaotou quickly knelt down and said sincerely: "It was not easy to disclose my identity to the son before, I just wanted to quietly stay by the son\'s side and help him. Now that I have revealed my identity, I should Follow the son to protect him, the son is being plotted right now, I should protect his wife."

Zhao Zhaotou meant to go to the Forest of No Return with Lu Jiao, but Lu Jiao was more worried about the situation in the house.

Now that Xie Yunjin was seriously injured, and the four little ones were so small, Lu Jiao was afraid that the four little guys would be tricked again, so she wanted Zhao Zhaotou to help her keep an eye on the house.

"Zhao Zhaotou, if you really want to help us, stay at my house and help me take care of Yun Jin and the four little guys."

Zhao Zhaotou hesitated: "But you?"

Lu Jiao pointed at Ruan Zhu beside her and said, "With Ruan Zhu here, nothing will happen."

Zhao Zhaotou also knew that Ruan Zhu\'s kung fu was very powerful, and after thinking about it, he agreed: "Okay, don\'t worry, go find an antidote for the son, I will definitely help you take care of the son and the four little sons."

Lu Jiao nodded and arranged to continue: "Tomorrow morning we will leave for the Forest of No Return."

If it wasn\'t for the sake of letting out the wind and catching the person behind her, Lu Jiao would have wanted to leave for the Forest of No Return overnight.

However, in order to catch the person behind her, she could only go overnight.

In the room, everyone understood what she meant and responded in unison.

Zhao Zhaotou, Li Nantian and others went out,

^0^ One second to remember【】

Lu Jiao motioned to Feng Zhi, Ruan Zhu and others to go down to rest as well.

In the end, only Lu Jiao took four little guys to guard Xie Yunjin.

Lu Jiao originally wanted the four little ones to rest, but she stayed to guard Xie Yunjin, but the four little ones refused to go to bed.

Finally, Lu Jiao let them lie down on Xie Yunjin\'s big bed.

She stayed by the bed and talked to a few little guys.

"You guys have to trust your Mother will definitely find the antidote for your father, he will be fine."

Si Xiaozhi nodded vigorously and said, "We believe that Mother can do it, but Mother, you want to come back."

At this time, the four little guys were even more worried about Lu Jiao\'s safety, because they heard that the person behind the plot was extremely powerful, so the more they thought about it, the more afraid they became, for fear that their mother would never come back.

The four little ones looked at Lu Jiao worriedly, tears involuntarily overflowing from their eyes.

Four little hands stretched out to grab Lu Jiao\'s hand and whispered over and over again.

"Mother, you must come back, we are waiting for you at home."

"Well, it\'s okay, my mother will come back safely, don\'t worry."

After she finished speaking, she looked at the four little guys and said, "Mother, let me sing to you, I will sing a new song for you today."

Like the first assistant wife has space

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^