There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 476: The carriage hit

Remember for a second【】

Xie Yunjin smiled and said, "Mother-in-law and I don\'t have to be polite, we are all from our own family."

Tian Shi looked at Xie Yunjin, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became. She also saw that her son-in-law really regarded them as his own family, which showed that he liked his daughter very much and wanted to live with her.

Tian\'s mood is indescribably good, and now she thinks that everything has come true, her son and daughter-in-law are living well, her daughter and son-in-law are doing well now, and Lu Gui is about to get engaged. She really can do whatever she wants. achieved.

After breakfast the next day, Lu Jiao took Mrs. Tian to see Xu Dou at the oil shop. The two reached an engagement. In fact, the two were not so particular about the details of the engagement. They were both from the countryside, not so much. There are many rules, and Xu Dou\'s indifference moved Tian Shi very much.

She said to Lu Gui on the spot: "Lu Gui, you will live in the county town in the future, and your mother and your father will not live with you. There are many things you two young couples don\'t understand, so let your mother-in-law follow you in the future. In life, she can help you every day."

Tian Shi\'s words instantly moved Xu Dou and Xu Jinxiu. Xu Dou reached out to hold Tian Shi\'s hand and said gratefully, "Thank you old sister, thank you."

She is happy for her daughter. She has such a sensible mother-in-law and sister-in-law. She is happy that her daughter has fallen into a blessed nest.

"Then it\'s settled. I\'ll go home first and build the blue brick house in my house. Once the house is built, I\'ll give them an engagement for the younger ones, and Jinxiu\'s older ones get married."

Xu Dou didn\'t mean to refute at all: "Listen to old sister\'s arrangement."

This is settled.

After arranging this matter, Mrs Tian rushed home to build a blue brick house. Although Lu Gui did not live at home and everything in the family would belong to the eldest son in the future, the younger son still had to stay at home when he got engaged.

Tian Shi was going to leave that afternoon, and the four little ones hugged them reluctantly.

"Grandma, didn\'t you say you want to stay longer at my house? Why did you leave as soon as you came? We won\'t let Grandma go."

"Grandma, aren\'t you going shopping? We haven\'t taken you to shopping yet. By the way, we have money, so we can invite you to eat and buy you something."

The four little ones received a lot of lucky money for the New Year. They had discussed four nights before, and they wanted to use the money to invite Tian Shi and Lu Danian to eat, but it turned out that before the food was invited, Tian Shi was going to go back.

The four little dogs refused to accept it, hugged them, and refused to let them go back.

Tian Shi looked at the four little guys and was really reluctant to leave, but the matter of her son is the most important thing. After Lu Gui\'s marriage is settled, she will have nothing to worry about. She will think about her daughter and the four in the future. A little guy, come to accompany them.

Tian squatted down and coaxed the four little guys: "Grandma originally wanted to live longer, but your little uncle saw each other. Grandma has to go home and knock down the old house and build a new one. When my uncle is engaged, our family will not have no place to live, so this time my grandma will build a few more rooms, so that you will have a place to live when you come back."

The four little ones pursed their lips, and finally agreed to let Mrs Tian go away, but still said to Mrs Tian seriously: "Mother, when the little uncle has made an appointment, you can come back, we will take you to the shopping mall and invite you to eat. ."

"We keep the money until grandma and grandpa come over, and then we can buy things for you."

Tian Shi happily kissed the four little guys a few times before getting up and leaving.

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao sent Tian Shi and Lu Danian to the carriage, and there were many things that Lu Jiao had prepared on the carriage.

Tian Shi immediately reprimanded Lu Jiao unhappily: "Don\'t buy so many things next time, you save the money to raise four little guys, your father and I are not short of money now, your brother and sister-in-law are very good to us ."

Lu Danian nodded again and again: "Your mother is right."

Lu Danian has completely become a wife and slave now. What his daughter-in-law says is right. The children she raises are all good, especially her daughter. In the past, he always felt that her daughter-in-law was too used to her daughter. As a result, her daughter is not only promising, also filial piety to them.

So he was glad that he had married a good daughter-in-law, and he would listen to what the daughter-in-law said in the future.

After Mr. Tian left, the Xie family was on the right track. Xie Yunjin went to the academy to study. The four children were only in class. In addition to the four little guys, Zhao Yuluo, Han Dongsheng and others also came to Xie\'s family for class. The children were playing again, and the family was very lively. .

On the Xie family\'s side, Xiao Shan is officially the manager of the Xie\'s house. He is very capable. As soon as he takes office, he arranges the inside and outside of the family properly. Basically, Lu Jiao doesn\'t need to worry about it.

Lu Gui began to look at restaurants in Qinghe County. This was something that Lu Jiao arranged for him to exercise his ability. It is not easy to manage a restaurant.

Lu Jiao had nothing to do at home thinking about new ideas from the strange goods store, and then went to Baohetang Medical Center to see a patient.

That day, she spent most of the day in Baohetang for consultation. Seeing that it was getting late, she got up and prepared to go home.

Not wanting to be outside the Baohetang, Lin Dong hurriedly walked in with the help of an old lady with goosebumps. As soon as she came in, she looked at Lu Jiao and shouted, "Miss, take a look for this old lady to see if she has anything. thing?"

Lu Jiao glanced at Lin Dong and Xie Yunjin and the others behind him in surprise, and asked, "What\'s wrong?"

Xie Yunjin said quickly: "When our carriage came back from the academy, it hit someone."

After he finished speaking, he walked to Lu Jiao\'s side and whispered, "This is Mrs. Xia, Li Wenbin\'s widowed mother."

Lu Jiao raised her eyebrows in surprise and looked at Mrs. Xia in Lin Dong\'s hands.

The first thing she thought about was whether this old lady Xia was accidentally taken by Xie Yunjin\'s carriage

^0^ One second to remember【】

It was intentional. It must be known that the reason why her son Li Wenbin was taken away as a scholar and sent to the northwest to do hard labor was because he harmed Xie Yunjin.

In her understanding, a widowed mother raises her child, and her whole body and mind are on her child. Now that the child is like this, how can a mother not be angry and blame others in her heart.

Lu Jiao looked at the old lady Xia calmly, UU reading www. said: "Come here, old lady, I will check for you to see if there is any injury?"

In fact, according to reason, Mrs. Xia should not be so old, but I don\'t know whether it was Li Wenbin\'s matter that stimulated her too much, or it was because of her long years of hard work. This woman is very old and looks like an old woman.

Not only is he an old man, but his actions are also trembling and unsustainable.

Her appearance made people feel unbearable, and many people in Baohe Hall looked at her.

Lu Jiao also looked at Mrs. Xia. Her expectations were different from others. Others looked at Mrs. Xia for sympathy. She wanted to see if Mrs. Xia resented Xie Yunjin.

But after looking around, I didn\'t see any sign of hatred from the old lady, only she walked over pitifully and sat in front of Lu Jiao and stretched out her hand.

The hand was so skinny that there was no meat at all, like chicken feet.

Like the first assistant wife has space

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^