There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 462: let's make a deal

Remember for a second【】

On the twenty-sixth day of the twelfth lunar month, the Xie family married and married, Xie Laosi married Du Xiaomei as his wife, and Xie Lan married a family named Xia in the town as his daughter-in-law.

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao also saw their titular brother-in-law on this day.

The two of them don\'t know what to say. Madam Xia Mei is really good-looking, beautiful and soft. Not only does her face look extremely fair and delicate, but her body is also slender and slender. The hands stretched out are no worse than the slenderness of the daughter\'s house.

But Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao knew that something was wrong with this brother-in-law Xia. A man was quite feminine when he talked and did things, especially Lu Jiao could see that this man was actually painted.

Of course, it looks pretty, but seeing the eager eyes of Xia\'s brother-in-law looking at Xie Yunjin, Lu Jiao is very displeased. This person is probably a broken sleeve, or the one below.

Lu Jiao didn\'t even know what to say. Her little sister-in-law is really good-looking. She picked a broken sleeve out of thousands of choices. She was still complacent there. And if you have money, would you marry a country girl like her?

However, the Xia family was also very calculated, not daring to marry a woman from the town, so they chose a woman from the countryside, and a promising country woman in the family.

Lu Jiao sneered, looked at Xie Yunjin and said, "Okay, we eat our food, it\'s none of our business."

Xie Yun said in agreement, and the two of them took the four little ones to find a place to sit down.

Xie Laogen saw the six members of Xie Yunjin\'s family from a distance, and he was not in the mood to greet them in the past to greet the guests, so it was up to them.

Xie Laogen has not been able to accept such a thing until now. Xie Yunjin is not his son, and he is not his son.

The more Xie Laogen thought about it, the more frustrated he became, and Xie Daqiang said angrily when he saw Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao sitting down at random.

"What do you mean, third brother, why don\'t you help greet the guests, sit down like a guest and wait for dinner?"

Xie Laogen turned around and looked at Xie Daqiang. For the first time, he felt that his son was a waste. He had bullied his younger brother since he was a child. Now his younger brother saw him as if he saw an enemy. As for myself, I don\'t know the heart of the third child at all.

Let\'s see how many things will happen to the second child, and how well he gets along with his third brother.

The third child even built the house for him. What does this mean? It means that the third child is a kind person. If they treat him well, he will definitely help them when he develops. As a result, they are not good to him. .

Xie Laogen became more and more angry the more he thought about it, he glared at Xie Daqiang angrily and shouted: "As the eldest, you can\'t greet guests, your third brother has been separated, and he will be our guest in the future, you give me respect He orders."

After Xie Laogen finished speaking, he warned viciously: "In the future, you will be more polite to him. If you let me know that you bullied him again, don\'t blame me for not recognizing your son."

Xie Daqiang\'s face is inexplicable, what\'s wrong with Dad? If you want to fire at him, you should fire at the third child.

But Xie Daqiang didn\'t dare to be with Xie Laogenniu, his father and even his mother had divorced. If he made him angry, he might be kicked out.

Xie Daqiang said in a sullen voice: "I see, I won\'t bully him in the future."

Xie Laogen didn\'t want to talk anymore, he turned around and weakly greeted the people from Xiejia Village.

Today, the fourth Xie and Xie Lan got married, and everyone from Xiejia Village came, and each family also contributed money.

Xie Laogen and Xie Daqiang knew that everyone came to see Xie Yunjin\'s face, otherwise it would be impossible for so many people to come, even the daughter-in-law of the third grandmother came.

Xie Laogen watched this scene, and his heart couldn\'t stop hurting again.

Many people on the field saw Xie Laogen\'s face, and some people speculated that he was in a bad mood because his daughter was married.

Of all the people, only Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao knew why Xie Laogen looked so ugly, but they didn\'t know why Xie Yunjin was not his son.

However, Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao pretended not to know, and talked to the villagers who came to greet them one by one.

"Daughter-in-law Yun Jin, can I go and ask you to take a look for me tomorrow? I\'ve given birth to three girls and I still haven\'t gotten pregnant yet?"

This time, Lin Chunyan, the daughter-in-law of Huzi next door, was pregnant. The villagers knew that Lin Chunyan could be pregnant because Lu Jiao treated her.

So all the young daughters-in-law who wanted to be reborn in the village went to Lu Jiao, and they surrounded her and wanted to ask her to help them see.

Not only the young daughter-in-law, but also the older people ran to Lu Jiao\'s side, wanting to ask Lu Jiao to help them take a look.

"Daughter-in-law Yun Jin, my head has been hurting a lot lately, can you help me take a look?"

"My shoulder hurts badly."

What a festive scene, Shengsheng was played by everyone into a scene of seeing a doctor.

But no one cares, Xie Laogen is in a bad mood.

Xie Daqiang has nothing to do with it, and hangs up high, not to mention that he has been warned by Xie Laogen before, and he does not dare to make trouble at this time.

Xie Lao Si went to the Du family to welcome the kiss. Xie Lan, as the bride, was in her own room, and it was impossible for her to come out at this time.

But Lu Jiao didn\'t mean to disturb the wedding of the fourth Huang Xie and Xie Lan, and said to the people around her, "Today is the wedding day of the fourth brother and the fifth sister. If you want to see a doctor, you can go to my house tomorrow."

It was only then that everyone remembered that today was a festive day, and they all laughed embarrassedly: "We are confused, we should fight."

"Everyone is going to sit down and get ready to eat."

Everyone finally separated, Xie Yunjin beside Lu Jiao looked at Lu Jiao with regret.

^0^ One second to remember【】

: "Jiaojiao, you are tired."

Lu Jiao smiled: "I was originally a doctor. It\'s my duty to treat people\'s illnesses. What\'s wrong with me?"

When she said that, she found that the four little ones were gone, and quickly asked, "Where are the four little guys?"

"Who knows where he went crazy, and this time he came back and played crazy. When he returns to the county seat, he must collect it well."

"Don\'t worry, I just came back with fresh energy, and I won\'t be so eager when this energy passes."

Earlier, Xie Laogen had already spoken to the banquet, and the dishes came one after another.

The Xie family has prepared six dishes this time, three of which are meat dishes, which are not bad.

Xie Laogen still wants to be ashamed. Although Xie Laosi and Xie Lan are not likable, they are his children in the end, and this marriage should be done in a decent way.

Chen Liu didn\'t agree to order such a few dishes at first, and finally Xie Laogen subsidized her 20 taels of silver, and she agreed to order such a few dishes.

At the banquet, everyone started to eat the vegetables as soon as they saw the dishes. Although the conditions of the villagers were much better, meat and vegetables were not eaten every day, so when the dishes came up, no one spoke, and everyone just immersed themselves in the food.

On the main table, brother-in-law Xia looked up from time to time to look at the people at the second table next door. He knew that Xie Lan\'s third brother was very handsome, but he didn\'t expect it to be so good-looking, just like the person in the painting.

Brother Xia took a peek from time to time, and even forgot to eat the dishes. Beside Xie Yunjin, Lu Jiao felt the light in his eyes, and suddenly turned to look over, her eyes were cold and cold.

Brother Xia was startled, and hurriedly lowered her head to eat.

The banquet was eaten very fast, and it was soon over. Brother Xia got up and took Xie Lan and rode the carriage all the way to the town.

The people in the back praised and praised, envied and envied, and said everything.

"Xie Lan\'s life is so good, to marry such an excellent brother-in-law, she can be considered as what she wanted."

"Yes, this life is really good, she is much more blessed than her mother."

Some of them whispered: "Don\'t you think it\'s strange? Her man is so good-looking, and the family conditions are good, why did you marry Xie Lan?"

To be honest, Xie Lan is not only not good-looking, but also has a very unpleasant temperament.

Everyone really couldn\'t understand why the Xia family fell in love with her and married her.

Someone in the crowd suddenly whispered: "Will she use any means?"

Someone asked incomprehensibly: "What means?"

In the crowd, someone immediately raised his voice and said, "Just like her mother."

As soon as these words came out, everyone realized that Xie Laogen had made a fuss before, and everyone in the village knew that Ruan\'s marriage to Xie Laogen was because Xie Laogen was seduced by his young body, otherwise Xie Laogen Not necessarily marry her.

So when everyone heard this, they basically believed it.

"Don\'t say it, it\'s really possible."

Not far away, Lu Jiao listened to the villagers and couldn\'t help laughing. Xie Lan\'s life was much worse than her mother\'s. The Xia family was a fire pit, and she would not have a good life.

The Xia family married her, firstly to hide her from her eyes and eyes, and secondly because she had a talented brother in her family. If Xie Lan was found to have a very bad relationship with her brother in the future, I wondered what the Xia family would do to her.

But this has nothing to do with Lu Jiao, she is too lazy to say more.

Outside the Xie family courtyard, someone shouted, "The bride is here."

Du Xiaomei was led all the way into the yard by Xie Laosi, and she was sent to the wedding room.

In the yard, many young wives and old ladies ran to the wedding room, wanting to watch the fun.

Someone came to pull Lu Jiao, but Lu Jiao was not interested at all. She waved her hand and said, "If I don\'t go, that\'s my younger brother and sister. If I go and make trouble, my younger brother and sister will not be happy, and it will not be good for me in the future."

Others understand her words, so they don\'t force her to go.

Lu Jiao walked to the place where there was no one in the Xie family. She had just walked to the corner of the room where Xie Erzhu lived, when she saw Widow Wang walking out of the secluded corner with red eyes.

As soon as the two met, they were silent for a while, and then Widow Wang said with a smile.

"Aren\'t you going to see the fourth daughter-in-law?"

Lu Jiao shook her head: "I\'m not interested."

After she finished speaking, she lifted her foot and walked to a secluded place. Widow Wang didn\'t want to disturb her. She lifted her foot to leave, but Lu Jiao suddenly stopped her.

"Wang Dahua, how about we make a deal?"

Widow Wang\'s original name is Wang Because she has been married to Xiejia Village for some years, others call her the Widow Wang Widow.

Lu Jiao was able to call out her name because of the contract.

Wang Dahua heard Lu Jiao\'s call, and was stunned for a while before she realized it. Lu Jiao was calling herself. She turned around and looked over: "Deal, what deal?"

Lu Jiao walked to Widow Wang\'s side in a few steps, and said softly in a low voice, "You help me watch over the Xie family, and don\'t allow them to do anything that is detrimental to Xie Yunjin\'s reputation. If you watch over me, wait. Dad is dead, I will return the deed of sale to you, and give you one hundred taels of pension money!"

Lu Jiao didn\'t believe Xie Laogen\'s guarantee. She knew that Xie Yunjin would soon be successful in the exam, and he would go to Beijing to take part in the palace exam. At that time, the Xie family\'s ghosts and snakes might do something wrong, so she had to find someone to help her keep an eye on her. Thank you.

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