There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 453: beg for mercy

Remember for a second【】

In the yard, Xie Lan couldn\'t help humming: "This must be Lu Jiao\'s idea, that woman can\'t see our family well, it must be her idea."

Chen Liu also agreed with Xie Lan\'s words: "Yes, I think this is only done by the woman Lu Jiao, that woman is not a good thing, Dad, you have to talk to the third brother, this woman holds grudges like this. In the future, the third brother will be admitted to the imperial examination and become an official, so she will easily harm the third brother."

One person in the yard made Xie Laogen more and more angry, his face was gloomy and ugly.

In the evening, when Xie Yunjin and Xie Erzhu\'s family came over for dinner, Xie Laogen glanced at Lu Jiao several times, but Lu Jiao ignored him.

However, he still took out the things he had prepared for him earlier, two clothes, four cakes, and a dozen or so silver letters.

When Xie Laogen saw that Lu Jiao had prepared another gift for him, he felt a little more comfortable and his face looked better.

Xie Daqiang and Chen Liu were waiting for their father to get angry, but when they saw that Lu Jiao gave him a few courtesy, they subdued his father. The two stared at Xie Laogen unhappily and coughed several times.

Only then did Xie Laogen react. He looked at Xie Yunjin with a stern face and said, "San\'er, you are not being rude. You have prepared so many things for the villagers in the village, but not for your own brothers."

Xie Daqiang quickly took Xie Laogen\'s words: "Are you really planning to cut ties with our brothers and sisters?"

In the yard, Xie Daqiang, Xie Yunhua, and Xie Lan looked at Xie Yunjin in unison.

Seeing such a scene, Xie Erzhu said angrily, "Didn\'t you ask us to come over for dinner? Are you inviting us over for dinner? Are you joining forces to bully the third brother."

"The third brother prepared gifts for the villagers because when he was paralyzed in bed before, everyone in the village brought things over. What about you, who brought him things?"

Xie Daqiang listened to Xie Erzhu\'s words and shouted angrily: "Shut up, if you have anything to do with you, you will get all the benefits. Now you can talk nicely."

Fourth Xie Xie Yunhua looked at Xie Erzhu and said: "Second brother, third brother listens to your words, you should persuade third brother not to care too much about his family, he will be an official in the future, and he has such a small amount of energy as an official. , how\'s it going."

Xie Lan nodded vigorously: "Yes, we didn\'t do well before, but we knew we did it wrong, and those things were my mother\'s idea. Now my mother has been divorced by my father, the third brother should not regenerate us. gas."

Xie Lan put everything on her own mother.

As soon as her words fell, the Xie family nodded in unison: "Yes, it was my mother\'s idea to drive you out before, not ours, so you can\'t put the blame on us."

Looking at everything in front of her eyes, Lu Jiao felt a little bored, stood up and glanced at everyone on the field.

"You guys are here to force your third brother, but it\'s useless for you to force him, because I earn the money, I spend it for whoever I want, and whoever I want to use it, it\'s not a turn. to point fingers at others."

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, she glanced at the Xie family on the field and said, "I\'m sorry, I\'m not happy to spend it for you, so don\'t imagine taking money from Xie Yunjin, he doesn\'t have a penny, our family\'s money is all in my hands. superior."

The four little ones nodded in unison: "Yes, Daddy has no money in his hands, and our family\'s money is all in Mother\'s hands."

"Dad can\'t make much money, all the money is made by my mother."

The Xie family\'s faces were unspeakably ugly, Xie Daqiang glared at Lu Jiao and shouted sternly: "Even if the money is earned by you, you are my third brother\'s daughter-in-law, your money is his money, and he can use it however he wants. How to use it, if you dare to say nothing, you will be kicked out of the Xie family."

Lu Jiao looked at Xie Daqiang with disgust.

"Do you think your third brother will kick me out for your family? Do you think it\'s possible?"

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, she turned around and glanced at Xie Yunjin: "Let\'s go back to eat. We didn\'t eat, but we were very angry."

Xie Yunjin nodded in response and prepared to leave.

Seeing that the San\'er family was leaving, Xie Laogen immediately shouted in a deep voice: "Okay, stop making trouble, and prepare to eat."

Chen Liu was a little unhappy and stood still.

At this time, the door of Xie\'s house was slammed.

Edamame, who was hiding on the side, quickly ran out and opened the door. Standing outside the door was a thin, old lady, it was Mrs. Ruan.

Edam was stunned, but Ruan pushed him away and broke in.

In the Xie\'s yard, everyone subconsciously turned around and looked at Xie Laogen.

Xie Laogen was in a bad mood at this time. When he saw Ruan, he asked angrily, "What are you doing here?"

Ruan looked at Xie Laogen and found that Xie Laogen seemed to be younger than before, and she, helping with things at Ruan\'s house for the past few months, didn\'t eat well or sleep well, and suddenly she was ten years old. of.

Now that she and Xie Laogen are standing together, it is estimated that others regard them as mother and son.

Nguyen couldn\'t help crying, she lived so hard, this man lived so comfortably, with the filial piety of his son and daughter, and a young woman waiting for him, no wonder she was getting younger and younger, but what about her?

Ruan Shi cried and looked at Xie Laogen and shouted, "Laogen, I know I\'m wrong. Would you let me come back? I\'ll listen to you in the future, and I won\'t make trouble again. You are the master of our family."

Xie Laogen was stunned after hearing Ruan\'s words, and then his heart moved.

On one side, the widow Wang immediately reached out and pushed Xie Laogen, and snorted reluctantly.

^0^ One second to remember【】


The idea of ​​sympathy in Xie Laogen\'s heart was instantly thrown into the corner.

He turned around and looked at Nguyen with a blank expression and said, "You have been dismissed by me, there is no reason for you to come back again. My Xie family can\'t tolerate a woman like you."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the uncle of the Ruan family seriously and said, "Take your sister back, and don\'t let her run this way again in the future."

Ruan\'s family didn\'t want to go back to Ruan\'s house, but now she knew that her younger brother and sister-in-law were unfamiliar white-eyed wolves.

It was obvious that her son gave them money, but they still let her work non-stop and eat what they ate. In the past few months, her life was worse than death, so she wanted to come back.

It\'s just that Nguyen didn\'t expect Xie Laogen to reject it all at She cried and said while crying.

"Xie Laogen, do you have any conscience? I gave you so many children, and you didn\'t let me come back."

"Don\'t talk about others, without me, can you give birth to a son as smart as San\'er? Even in San\'er\'s face, you should let me come back."

Xie Laogen subconsciously turned around and looked at Xie Yunjin.

Xie Yunjin didn\'t say anything. He didn\'t believe that someone like the Ruan family could get better. If she came back, Jiaojiao would have a mountain like her mother-in-law on her head. Right now, Jiaojiao hasn\'t decided to stay, but she can\'t be because of the Ruan family. Accident.

So Xie Yunjin\'s brows were still, as if he didn\'t know what Xie Laogen\'s glance meant.

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