There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 449: Back to the village for Chinese New Year

Remember for a second【】

Lu Jiao took the four little guys to go shopping, mainly to buy snacks for the villagers in Xiejia Village and return gifts for each family.

The New Year gifts from the Zhao family, Han family and Hu Jiatian family were more expensive, so Lu Jiao bought some valuable gifts and returned them accordingly.

As for the return gifts to various merchants, they have to be second-order, and the return gifts to the neighbors are a matter of heart.

In addition to preparing gifts for the villagers of Xiejia Village, Lu Jiao also prepared a New Year\'s gift for Xie Yunjin\'s family, but it was similar to the one given to the villagers of Xiejia Village. There were four gifts for each family. Two more sets of clothes were given to Xie Laogen. With the addition of ten taels of silver, this gift is already very good.

However, the one given to Xie Erzhu was obviously much better. In addition to the four gifts that were the same as the villagers, he also gave Xie Erzhu\'s family a suit of clothes, and also bought a pair of silver bracelets for each of Xie Erzhu and the two girls, and added a few pieces of cloth. Plus ten taels of silver.

In addition to the Xie family and the people from Xiejia Village, Lu Jiao also prepared gifts for the Lu family. The gifts she prepared for the Tian family were the most generous.

Not only did she buy clothes, she also learned to buy food. In addition, Lu Jiao carefully selected a solid gold bracelet with twig pattern for Mrs. Tian.

In addition to buying gold bracelets for clothes and food, she also planned to give Tian Shi 30 taels of silver.

As for the rest of the Lu family, they bought some things accordingly, which are definitely much thinner than Tian\'s.

The four little guys bought a toy for each of the friends in the village. They were toys that the children in the village had never seen before, like a clay tumbler, a sugar doll, a small porcelain figurine or something.

In short, the family went out and bought a few carts of gifts to go back.

Next, Lu Jiao stayed at home and sorted out the gifts for the villagers of Xiejia Village. In addition to cakes and candies, each family added a pound of oil and two bars of soap.

Among the four kinds of gifts, oil and soap are both rare items. Although the three major workshops are located in Qinghe County, it is not easy for people in Qinghe County to buy these two things.

Oils and soaps are in short supply. As soon as they came out, they were divided up by merchants who came from various places to get the goods, not to mention the people from Qinghe County. Sometimes Zhao Lingfeng wanted to give people away, but couldn\'t keep things.

As for the oil and soap that Lu Jiao gave to the villagers, she had told Cheng Xiang that they had been secretly kept.

So these four kinds of gifts are definitely high-end atmosphere.

Except for Xie Laogen and Xie Erzhu\'s slightly richer gifts, the rest of the Xie family are similar to those of the villagers.

On the twentieth of the twelfth lunar month, Qinghe County has a school holiday.

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao made arrangements for the county seat, and took the four little guys all the way back to Xiejia Village happily for the Chinese New Year.

Because I bought too many things this time, the two carriages could not fit it, and finally two carriages were hired to load the things to be given to the villagers and the people of Xiejia Village.

Some of them were put into the space by Lu Jiao. Of course, she couldn\'t put too much. If she put too much, she would be discovered by Xie Yunjin.

"Father, mother, we\'ll be home soon, aren\'t we?"

"Oh, I want to see brother Xiaobao and the others."

"And Brother Mu Tou and Brother Gouyu, I wonder if they miss us?"

Although the memory of the four little ones in the village is not very good, it is their roots. They came out once and wanted to go back, and they were still excited. Last night, when they found out that they were going back to the village today, the four little guys were so excited that they didn\'t sleep in the middle of the night write.

Lu Jiao looked at them funny and said, "They must miss you."

Erbao quickly looked at Lu Jiao and said, "Mom, can we go back and play with Brother Xiaobao and Brother Mutou?"

"Okay, just go out and play and pay attention to safety."

Lu Jiao doesn\'t worry about the four little guys now. First, they have grown taller and fatter, and secondly, they have learned martial arts with Li Nantian. Their hands and feet are much stronger than before. Now, it is really impossible for ordinary children to bully them.

The four little ones immediately happily talked about who to look for, and they were extremely eager.

In the car, Lu Jiao smiled and looked at them, then Xie Yunjin.

Compared to the happiness of the four little ones, Xie Yunjin\'s expression was extremely cold. Lu Jiao knew at first glance that he did not have much affection for Xiejia Village. She guessed that if Xie Erzhu lived in Xiejia Village, plus the filial piety on his head. Bearing it, Xie Yunjin estimates that he will not go back to Xiejia Village to celebrate the New Year.

Lu Jiao stretched out her hand and quietly took Xie Yunjin\'s hand.

Xie Yunjin turned to look at her, thinking that his wife and children were by his side, now he was not alone, but a family, or a family who loved each other, he suddenly laughed, his black eyes fainted like ink, The smile on his lips dazzled his whole person, and he was full of splendor.

Now he is more of Wen Yong\'s noble elegance, rather than the cold indifference of the past.

The four little ones turned around and saw that their father and mother were holding hands together, and the two of them looked at each other with a smile.

The four little guys had more smiles on their faces. Dabao quickly raised his eyebrows and thought, when he goes to his grandmother\'s house in the new year, he must tell his grandmother that father and mother are sleeping together, and the two of them are fine now.

Four carriages drove into Xiejia Village in a mighty manner.

Xiejia Village soon boiled, and many people ran to tell each other, cheering and shouting.

"Yun Jin and Yun Jin\'s wife are back."

"My God, Yun Jin and the others are back, go and have a look."

"Yun Jin is amazing, and so is his daughter-in-law. Not only did she open three major workshops, but I heard that she is now the vice president of the Qinghe Chamber of Commerce."

"Do you know how big an official the vice-chairman is? He is already a powerful official."

The four carriages just stopped in front of the gate of Xie\'s house in the easternmost part of the village.

^0^ One second to remember【】

The villagers all gathered together, all looking at the family who got off the carriage in wonder.

The whole family was wearing silk clothes, and their faces were no longer morbid and haggard. The four little guys were not only raised, but also looked like the little people in the paintings.

The family stood outside the carriage, like a noble person on the top.

The villagers stared blankly, and finally Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao\'s greetings interrupted their contemplation.

"The village chief, the second grandmother, and Aunt Guihua, are you all okay?"

Xie Fugui, the second grandmother, Aunt Osmanthus and the others came to their senses. Even though Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao were dressed in luxurious clothes, their expressions were still as gentle as before, especially Yun Jin. This time, they were more gentle than before. Dear, I used to see this guy always look cold and unwilling to answer people.

Looking at him now, he is extraordinarily gentle and polite, with a faint smile on his, like a person on a scroll.

Xie Fugui, the second grandmother and Aunt Osmanthus responded excitedly: "Okay, all good."

Outside the crowd, Xie Erzhu squeezed in with Aunt Xie and Daya Xie Erya.

Xie Erzhu was stunned when he saw Xie Yunjin\'s family, like Xie Fugui and others.

The third disciple\'s family looked different from the mud-legged ones like them, and their family was like a noble person on the top.

Xie Erzhu felt awkward for a moment, but Xie Yunjin smiled gently and said, "Second brother, second sister-in-law, are you back?"

Seeing his familiar smile, Xie Erzhu suddenly smiled, rushed over and hugged Xie Yunjin and patted him on the back: "Come back, just come back, just come back."

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