There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 446: The grace of regeneration

Remember for a second【】

The Xie family invited guests two days later. Lu Jiao invited Zhao Lingfeng, Han Tong, Hu Shan, Zheng Zhixing, Du Yi, Jiang Yuansheng, and Tian Huan. These were basically people who walked with the Xie family a lot.

When it was almost noon, the whole family packed up neatly and stood at the door of the house to welcome guests.

The six people are like six scenic lines, standing at the door, attracting people who pass by in the alley to praise from time to time.

Lu Jiao was a little embarrassed. She turned around to look at the big one beside her, with a calm demeanor and a stern expression, as if others were complimenting him. His brows were full of joy, so he was the only one who felt embarrassed?

Just as Lu Jiao was thinking, there was a carriage approaching in front of the house, and it was no surprise that the first one to come was Zhao Lingfeng.

The father and daughter of the Zhao family just got off the carriage when Zhao Yuluo rushed over like a small cannonball, ran in front of Erbao, and praised Erbao.

"Er Bao, you\'re wearing new clothes today, so take a good look."

Erbao was very happy, his little face was hard, and he looked at Zhao Yuluo and praised, "You look good in your dress today."

Now Zhao Yuluo is crazy. She chases Erbao and asks, "Really? I\'m really good-looking. Is it better than Hu Lingxue?"

Except for Zhao Yuluo, the girls who came to Xie’s house were Hu Lingxue and Zheng Miao. Zhao Yuluo was not hostile to Zheng Miao at all. On the contrary, because Zheng Miao was young, she sometimes took care of Zheng Miao, but she was very competitive with Hu Lingxue. , Always compare with Hu Lingxue, who is smarter, more beautiful, and who is a good girl.

In the end, almost everyone said that Hu Lingxue was better than her, which caused Zhao Yuluo to be even more concerned.

However, Zhao Yuluo doesn\'t care much when others praise Hu Lingxue. What she cares most about is Erbao\'s praise of Hu Lingxue. She has to ask several times almost every day.

Erbao was also afraid of her. Every time she asked, she would say that she was prettier than Hu Lingxue.

"Well, you are definitely prettier than Hu Lingxue today."

Zhao Yuluo giggled, as happy as a flower hen that only laid eggs.

Beside her, Dabao, Three Treasures and Four Treasures gave Erbao a blank look. Zhao Yuluo looked like a lunatic. She looked better than Hu Lingxue.

The four little ones were secretly fighting, and another guest came in front of the house.

It was Hu Shan and Li Yuyao of the Hu family. Li Yuyao brought not only the eldest daughter, but also the son. Xiao Ping\'an has been around for almost a hundred days now.

Lu Jiao liked it when she saw it. She reached out and hugged him and weighed it, which made him giggle. The little guy seemed to know that he could survive. Lu Jiao saved him, so Lu Jiao hugged him. closeness.

Li Yuyao on one side was amazed: "Jiaojiao, do you know? Ping An usually doesn\'t like to be close to strangers, even when my mother hugged him, he was unhappy and howled a few times, but you hug him, he doesn\'t at all. Disgusted, but happy."

Lu Jiao was very happy when she heard it, and teased Xiao Ping\'an: "Ping\'an, did you know Auntie? Come, let Auntie speak."

The child\'s skin is smooth and soft, and the body is fragrant, and it is very comfortable to kiss.

Lu Jiao kissed Xiao Ping\'an, which made Xiao Ping\'an giggle.

The four little ones next to them were a little unhappy and pouted. Lu Jiao knew at a glance that the four little guys had a good taste. They should have thought about the beatings when they were young. Maybe when they grew up, they might forget about their childhood. thing, but I should still remember it by now.

Lu Jiao didn\'t want the four little ones to be unhappy, so she quickly handed safety to the Hu family\'s nanny.

She turned around and instructed the four little guys, "Didn\'t you say that you would entertain the children today? Hurry up and bring Zhao Yuluo and Hu Lingxue to the back yard to entertain them."

The four little ones immediately forgot about their mother\'s safety. They looked up at Lu Jiao and said, "Han Dongsheng and the others haven\'t come yet."

"You first bring Zhao Yuluo and Hu Lingxue to the backyard to entertain them. Han Dongsheng and Han Nanfeng will come over, and mother can send them to the backyard."

The four little guys thought for a while and agreed, then turned around and greeted Zhao Yuluo and Hu Lingxue to go to the backyard. The little guys were very excited to entertain guests for the first time, so they showed off to Zhao Yuluo and Hu Lingxue.

"My mother said that today you will be entertained by us. We have prepared food, drink, and play for you. By the way, we also prepared a small gift for you, which we cooked with Aunt Hua."

The four little ones said happily, Zhao Yuluo was particularly cheering, and eagerly asked what food was prepared for them.

She told Erbao that if she brought the gift back, she would eat it all by herself.

Lu Jiao saw how well the four little guys entertained the children, so she stopped asking about their affairs.

With the arrival of the Hu family, Han Tong, Zheng Zhixing and others also arrived one after another.

The adults were invited to the front yard by Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao, and the children were sent to the backyard.

In the main hall, Xie Yunjin entertains men, and Lu Jiao entertains women in the side hall.

Zhu Baozhu stared at Lu Jiao in astonishment and said, "Sister Lu, you are really amazing, not only your medical skills, but also your skills. You can even produce the three major workshops, and the most important thing is that you are now the vice-chairman of the Qinghe Chamber of Commerce. long."

All the women agreed with Zhu Baozhu\'s words. Li Yuyao said with a smile, "She is the most powerful in medicine. When I almost died in childbirth, she saved me."

Li Yuyao said this, full of gratitude, she turned to look at Lu Jiao, and said sincerely, "Thank you Jiaojiao for saving me."

Lu Jiao waved her hand and said casually, "I\'m a doctor, doing these things is

^0^ One second to remember【】

It should be, my sister doesn\'t need to remember this all the time. "

Li Yuyao shook her head: "How can we forget this, what you have done is like a blessing to us."

This time Tian Huan answered: "Yes, Jiaojiao, you saved my brother, and we will never forget your kindness for our Tian family."

Tian Jinan has recovered a lot now, and it is estimated that it will be fine after waiting for a while. The Tian family is about to be happy about this matter.

Lu Jiao was embarrassed by what they hurriedly raised her hand to stop her: "Today I invited you to be my guests, it is for the fun and excitement, not for you to praise me."

When she finished, everyone in the hall laughed. Tan Xiaoya looked at Lu Jiao and said in a low voice, "Sister Lu, can you help me? I\'ve always wanted to have another one, but I just can\'t get pregnant."

Tan Xiaoya\'s words received Zhu Baozhu\'s response, and Zhu Baozhu also quickly said, "My mother-in-law urged me several times to see the doctor, but I was embarrassed to see it. You don\'t know, my mother-in-law actually said secretly that if she can\'t get pregnant next year, she will give my husband a concubine, Sister Lu, can you help me take a look, okay?"

In fact, Lu Jiao is not as old as Zhu Baozhu and Tan Xiaoya, but her words and deeds are calm and calm, always giving people a calm air, so Zhu Baozhu and Tan Xiaoya always subconsciously call her sister, and she has no objection. Zhu Baozhu and Tan Xiaoya simply treat her as sisters.

"Come on, let me check for you."

Like the first assistant wife has space

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^