There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 440: they are mortal enemies

Remember for a second【】

Chapter 440 They Are Dead Enemies

Xie Yun reminded Lu Jiao a few words, and got on the carriage to go to the academy to read, while Lu Jiao took the carriage to the farm to see. She decided to plant some medicinal materials with a long growth cycle, such as Astragalus and Codonopsis, in her thousand fields. Plant some medicinal materials with short growth cycles, such as cassia seeds, psoralen, saffron, cumin, etc.

Root-based medicinal materials have a long growth cycle, while seed-type medicinal materials have a very short planting cycle.

After visiting Zhuangzi, Lu Jiao arranged two tasks for Xiaoshan, one, to help her find someone to take care of Zhuangzi as soon as possible, and two, to arrange for people to plant the medicinal herbs.

When he has completed these two things, he will go to the Xie family to take up the post of housekeeper, and Xiao Shan will immediately take the order.

Lu Jiao instructed him, "For medicinal herbs, first plant the seed herbs, wait until the seed herbs are planted, and then cultivate the root herbs. You can ask me about the latter, and I\'ll teach you."

Xiao Shan immediately responded respectfully: "Okay."

After talking to him a few more words, Lu Jiao took people away and went to the three major workshops to check the situation.

In the workshop, Zhao Lingfeng happened to be there. Seeing her coming, he immediately greeted her enthusiastically and said with a smile.

"You\'ve come out. Let\'s take a look at the oil workshop and cosmeceuticals. They are booming. It\'s just that the medicine workshop has not officially started production yet. Do you have any plans?"

Zhao Lingfeng was concerned about the pharmacy, and Lu Jiao looked at him and said, "The medicine in the pharmacy is a bit difficult to handle. I originally thought that there should be a place like the medical department in Dazhou, and the medicines we produce can be handed over to the department of the medical department. I\'m here to test the medicine, and when the medical office has tried it, we can officially produce it, the medical office is the official one, and after his admission, those who take the medicine will not trouble us."

"Otherwise, we will produce the medicine and sell it later, and people will persuade us that the medicine is sick, and we have to pay for it."

As soon as Lu Jiao spoke, Zhao Lingfeng raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Jiao in surprise and said, "Medical Department? Where did you hear about such a place?"

Lu Jiao said nonsense in a serious manner: "I saw from the travel notes that there was a dynasty that established a place like the medical office."

Zhao Lingfeng can\'t think about things like the medical office. What worries him is that the medicine is no longer available, and how much money has he lost?

"Is our medicine out of control?"

Lu Jiao nodded and said, "Shi, I have a preliminary plan to customize the medicine, what do you think?"

"custom made?"

Zhao Lingfeng said that he did not understand such words, and Lu Jiao explained: "We can customize such medicines according to other people\'s needs. People who ask us for customization will naturally believe in us and will not trouble us. For example, People from the army can customize blood-stopping powder, wind-cold medicine, anti-inflammatory pills, etc. As long as someone customizes it, we can produce it, but it must be clearly written in the contract, and cooperation between the two is entirely voluntary."

When Lu Jiao finished speaking, Zhao Lingfeng immediately laughed excitedly: "Wonderful, the army definitely needs medicine, if our medicine works well, they will definitely rush to customize it, we won\'t make less money for the army alone, and then With those rich people in the capital, we can make pills to strengthen the body and make people\'s skin better."

After Zhao Lingfeng finished speaking, he subconsciously reached out to pat Lu Jiao on the shoulder, but Lu Jiao stepped back and walked away.

Zhao Lingfeng laughed, looked at Lu Jiao with admiration and said, "Your brain is really flexible."

Lu Jiao looked at him with a smile and said, "It\'s not what I thought, it\'s what my husband came up with."

Zhao Lingfeng paused for a while, a little unwilling to praise Xie Yunjin, but he had to admit that Xie Yunjin\'s brain was smart enough, this person was born too low, if his background is good, he must be a person from Da Zhou.

It\'s a pity it\'s a pity.

Zhao Lingfeng thought and praised: "Xie Yunjin is indeed a rare talent, and in time, he will make a contribution to Da Zhou."

After listening to Zhao Lingfeng\'s words, Lu Jiao thought of the book, Xie Yunjin and the Marquis of Yongning didn\'t seem to have much to deal with. Although the two could not be said to be deadly enemies, they were not from the same faction, and they would choke at every turn.

It looks okay now, but I don\'t know if it will be the same as the book in the future.

Just as Lu Jiao was thinking about it, Zhao Lingfeng on the side said, "Then remember to make some medicine when you go back, and then I will tell someone to send it to the military for people to try. If it is feasible, they will definitely customize the medicine with us."


Lu Jiao agreed, and Zhao Lingfeng led her around the three major workshops.

Oil mills and cosmeceuticals are busy. Oil cannot be mass-produced due to manual and machine reasons, but cosmeceutical soaps can be mass-produced.

When Lu Jiao went to the workshop to check, the workers and masters were sweating. Although they were busy, everyone\'s face was full of smiles. Seeing the fragrant and beautiful soap coming out of her hands, she felt satisfied. feeling, indescribable.

Seeing Lu Jiao, they all greeted excitedly: "Master, what do you think of the soap we made? No problem."

The workers all knew that the three major workshops were Lu Jiao\'s business, and she was also the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce.

Although Lu Jiao is a woman, when people in the workshop talk about her, they all look proud. The two owners of their three major workshops, one is the president of the Qinghe Chamber of Commerce, and the other is the vice president. It\'s amazing. .

Lu Jiao leaned over to check the soap. Due to strict checks, the soap was in good condition, had a strong smell, and was packaged very delicately. No wonder it sold well when such a thing was sent to the capital.

"Yes, keep working hard, and after the New Year, everyone will send you happy money."

As soon as Lu Jiao said something, all the workers in the workshop were boiling and cheering: "Thank you Dong

^0^ One second to remember【】

home, thank you. "

Lu Jiao spoke to the workers again and left the workshop.

Later, Zhao Lingfeng told Cheng Xiang to strictly control the level, and these things will eventually be sold into the noble man\'s mansion. Don\'t make any They must build the reputation of Jiaoyanfang.

Cheng Xiang responded repeatedly, saying that he would never be careless.

In front of them, Lu Jiao and Lu An were talking and walking towards the door.

Lu Jiao asked how Lu An was doing in the workshop? If she can\'t stand it, she can find another thing for him to do, such as helping her take care of a thousand mu of medicinal fields, which is more leisurely.

However, Lu An nodded with great certainty and said, "Don\'t worry, sister, I did a little hard work before, but now I can keep up with Director Cheng\'s pace, and it will get better and better in the future."

Lu Jiao nodded happily after hearing this: "Well, not bad."

She turned her head to look at Lu An and said, "Learn more when you are free."

The brothers and sisters of the Lu family were taught by their mother to know some characters, but they didn\'t know much, so Lu Jiao urged Lu An to know more characters. It would be beneficial to know more characters.

(End of this chapter)

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^