There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 428: dog jumping off the wall

Remember for a second【】

After Li Wenbin finished speaking, he also asked Lu Jiao: "Please ask Mrs. Lu to send someone to the restaurant and have someone bring the table over, and tell them that the bill will be settled by me."


Lu Jiao nodded in agreement. Seeing that Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao still had guests, Li Wenbin got up and left.

Later, Zhao Lingfeng waited until he left, then turned around to look at Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao and said, "Why do I think this person is a little weird."

Zhao Lingfeng did not know that Li Wenbin plotted against Xie Yunjin.

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao didn\'t mean to say anything, they just said with a smile, "It\'s probably because they were bullied by the Zhang family to the point of their brains breaking."

Zhao Lingfeng stopped talking about Li Wenbin, but talked about the three major workshops.

"The oil in the oil mill sells very well, but it is not enough. Many businessmen go to our workshop to get oil. Because of the artificial machine, the oil produced by the oil mill is not enough, and the soap you wrote about Cosmeceutical Cosmetics is also made. Not only does the color look good and the fragrance is right, but I had someone try it out, and the effect was pretty good."

"I have asked Cheng Xiang to recruit people for cosmeceuticals, and I will start making soap immediately. Today, I will give you a few pieces of soap, and secondly, I will bring back some of the formulas prepared by Madam Lu. Most importantly, I want to talk to Madam Lu, The pharmacy has been built, what kind of medicine is Mrs. Lu planning to produce? The medicine is different from other things, you must first find someone to test the medicine, and then confirm the efficacy after the trial, and then you have to make a reputation before it can be officially put into production."

This was a slow process. After listening to Zhao Lingfeng\'s words, Lu Jiao was stunned and asked, "Is there no medical office in Dazhou?"

If there is a medical department, you can take the medicine to the medical department to test the medicine for the department.

Lu Jiao remembered that it was written in the book that since the Tang Dynasty, there was an institution like the Medical Department in ancient times. Could it be that there is no such place as the Medical Department in this book?

When Lu Jiao finished speaking, Zhao Lingfeng immediately shook his head and said, "No, there are imperial physicians in the palace, but they are only responsible for the nobles in the palace, not those outside."

Lu Jiao remained silent. If this is the case, the market of the finished drug will be very slow, and there must be a process from manufacturing the drug to finding someone to test the drug, and also to find a famous person to test the drug to prove the efficacy of the drug, and also to prove that the drug is effective. This medicine does not have any adverse reactions. Otherwise, if the medicine is sold, people say that there is a problem with your medicine, and they will not be able to compensate you for any trouble they have.

Lu Jiao had never thought about this.

"I see, let me think about what medicine to make?"

She had to make some ordinary medicines that would not kill people, not the difficult ones.

In the hall, Zhao Lingfeng nodded: "Well, you can give me the formula you prepared, and I will send it to the workshop, so that Cheng Xiang and the others will start producing soap, and we will make money first."


Lu Jiao instructed Feng Zhi to go to the backyard to get the Lingquan water formula that she had made earlier. A few medicinal herbs were added to the Lingquan water, and ordinary people thought it was the formula when they smelled it.

Zhao Lingfeng took the formula and left. Behind Lu Jiao\'s face was thoughtful. Xie Yunjin looked at her expression and asked with concern, "What\'s wrong?"

Lu Jiao looked up at Xie Yunjin and said, "I thought it was too simplistic before, I always thought that there is a place like the medical office in Dazhou where drugs can be tested, and the drug can be prepared and sent to the medical office to be tested by the office. None of the medicines we have tried in the medical department have been blamed on us because of their efficacy, but now there is no such place as the medical department in Dazhou. Trying medicines and then knocking out the reputation adds a lot of difficulty.”

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, Xie Yunjin raised her eyebrows for a while and said, "This is indeed a troublesome matter, even if you find someone to try the medicine, but because the medicine has not been recognized by the government, some people will come up with it to make a fuss. Especially those with high power can use it to make a fuss."

Lu Jiao kept silent. She originally thought that the most profitable thing was medicine, and she opened the pharmacy to make it easier for the people, but she didn\'t expect it to be so difficult.

Xie Yun thought for a while and said, "You can make a few kinds of medicine first, and then give it to those who need it for testing. If they believe, you can customize it as much as they want."

The method that Xie Yunjin said is also a good one, but in this way, it is really difficult for people to use her medicine?

So there should be a place like the medical office, Lu Jiao frowned thoughtfully.

But soon she thought of Li Wenbin\'s invitation to Xie Yunjin for dinner, and immediately reminded Xie Yunjin.

"Be careful, I suspect Li Wenbin is jumping off the wall, don\'t let yourself get hurt."

"I\'ll be careful, Jiaojiao, don\'t worry."

In the evening, Xie Yunjin accompanies Li Wenbin to dinner in the front yard, while Lu Jiao accompanies the four little guys to eat in the back yard.

The mother and son were talking while eating, and the dinner table was very lively.

"Mother, why didn\'t Uncle Li stay at our house and not go home?"

Lu Jiao smiled and said, "He will go home tomorrow."

The four little dogs nodded and laughed, Uncle Li went back, and Daddy could accompany them.

Erbao grinned and said quickly, "Mother, why doesn\'t Uncle Li have a child?"

Daddy\'s classmates all have children, and they come to play at their house, only this Uncle Li has no children.

As soon as Er Bao said, Lu Jiao also became strange, yes, Li Wenbin has been married for a few years, why there is no child, is it that Zhang Biyan is unwilling to give birth to him?

Lu Jiao thought about it, and there was such a possibility.

But I didn\'t want Si Xiao only to know about such a thing, so I changed the topic: "Eat quickly, and after eating, recite the nine-nine method."

^0^ One second to remember【】

"Okay, mother."

When it comes to carrying this, the four little guys are particularly excited.

After the mothers finished eating, Lu Jiao took the four little guys to memorize the multiplication formulas, and by the way, she asked a few questions to compare them. Her face was full of waiting for Lu Jiao\'s praise.

Lu Jiao praised funnyly: "Well, Little Four Treasures learned the best, and they must be very good when they grow up, but the other three are also very good. Mother is proud of you, keep going."

After Lu Jiao praised her sons, she coaxed them to sleep.

In the main hall of the front yard, Li Wenbin and Xie Yunjin ate wine until late at night.

"Yun Jin, why, why am I a scholar like you? You are so good, but I am so miserable. What do you think went wrong?"

"Do you know? My father died early, and my mother brought me up by herself, but I didn\'t let her enjoy a day of happiness. I\'m sorry for her."

"I originally thought that after joining the Zhang family, the Zhang family would fully support me in the imperial examinations, but I didn\'t expect that in the end their family would not take me seriously at all, especially Zhang Biyan, the abominable woman who not only didn\'t care for her mother-in-law, but also blatantly whipped her husband, I want to retire. I\'ll leave him when I go back tomorrow."


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^