The Young Master's Bride

Chapter 126: Uncle, please help me

When Ye Qingge put down the phone, he couldn't tell how he felt fermenting.

She did prepare Li Beichen's food, but said on the phone that she did not wait for him to eat.

Li Mumu probably did training during the day. After eating, he took a bath and fell asleep shortly after.

Ye Qingge used her mobile phone to find basic Danmei novels. She wanted to know the love between men and men. She also wanted to know what kind of emotion Li Beichen and Feng Yan had.

Are there any of them who are obviously a couple, but want to provoke women together...

After reading a few books, Ye Qingge came to the conclusion that the relationship between men and men is more persistent and specific, and will never provoke women, let alone the same woman...

Looking at it, Ye Qingge fell asleep, with the phone in his hand.

Nestled on the bed like an insecure cat, crouched and protected himself.

When Li Beichen came back, it was already past eleven o'clock. He took a shower in his room, and came to Ye Qingge's room softly, and saw the woman sleeping like a cat on the bed.

Leaning against the bed, covering the two of them with quilts, he took Ye Qing's mobile phone and held her in his arms again.

I turned on the phone and saw that it was a novel. I glanced at it. It was a description of two men kissing, so fiercely biting...

Li Beichen frowned, what is this woman looking at?

In the upper class, men playing with men are not obscure things, let alone new things.

Moreover, Feng Xi went crazy recently and made a little fresh meat to play with.

Li Beichen wouldn't think this was shocking, but Ye Qingge felt a little unclear when he saw this.

Putting down the phone, hugging the woman in his arms tighter, Ye Qingge hummed, rubbing back and forth in Li Beichen's arms, and finally reached a comfortable position.

Li Beichen smiled contentedly at the corner of his mouth. This woman would never know that she was obediently like a cat in his arms every night.

However, holding her to sleep every night without doing anything is also a torture for Li Beichen. Sometimes he has to get up and take a cold shower, and not once...

When Ye Qingge woke up, Li Beichen was no longer there. Ye Qingge only felt that he was sleeping soundly, but he didn't expect to sleep with Li Beichen again.

For two days in a row, Li Nancheng could not be contacted, and grandpa could not be found, Ye Qingge's voice became hoarse, and he was really angry.

In the past two days, Li Beichen didn't let her go to the company, but stayed with Li Mumu at home.

Ye Qingge felt as if he was relying on Li's family now. Although he was still Nancheng's fiancée, he was embarrassed.

"Uncle, you can help me find Nancheng! Or can you help me find where Wenwen was made?"

Today is Saturday. Li Beichen didn't go to the company, but he kept making phone calls.

Finally watching him put down the phone, Ye Qingge said to him with a bashful face.

"I won't interfere with Nancheng's affairs. It is his right to do what he wants!"

Li Beichen felt sorry for Ye Qingge. Her voice was dumb, and he knew she was upset.

In the past two days, he didn't let her cook, even though he wanted to eat her cooking just like Mu Mu, he still endured it.

However, Nancheng is an adult, and he has the right to do anything. As long as he is not exceptional, he will not interfere.

Moreover, even if Ye Wenwen didn't move her, he would make her punished.