The Young Master's Bride

Chapter 122: I have no feelings for my uncle...

Where did Li Mumu know what was going on at the dinner table yesterday, and where did he know what his mother would be like a bear.

Pulling Ye Qingge and walking inside, "Mom, don't be afraid. Those who carry guns look scary. My godfather doesn't give orders. None of them dare to shoot. Don't be afraid!"

Li Mumu thought his mother was scared when he saw a gun-carrying person. Ordinary people would naturally be scared when they saw a gun-carrying person in these steps.

Ye Qingge was forced in by Li Mumu.

The door of the villa is also a guard with live ammunition. When you walk in, there is no luxurious decoration. It is very simple, but every piece of furniture is very valuable.

"Mom, sit down!" He pulled Ye Qingge and sat on the sofa.

I can see that Li Mumu is very familiar here, and the guards treat him respectfully.

"It's fine to stand!" Wherever you dare to do it, if there is any situation, it is easy to run while standing.

Huo Zhongrao was wearing a camouflage combat uniform and black military boots. He walked in from the outside, and he should have come back from the training ground.

In this cold day, the clothes were rather thin, and the body was arrogant, straight and tight.

Between the eyebrows, there was a natural domineering, and the tightly pressed thin lips showed coldness.

Ye Qingge stood there awkwardly, not knowing how to say hello.

"Godfather, my mother has something to do with you!" Li Mumu directly stated the purpose of bringing his mother.

The word "Mom" really shook Huo Zhongrao slightly. Mu Mu and her kissed her deeper than he thought.

Looking at the nervous Ye Qingge with deep eyes, Huo Zhongrao hit the dust on his body with the military cap in his hand, did not speak, and went straight into the bathroom.

When I came out, my face had been washed, my hands were washed, but my clothes were not changed.

"Hello, Mr. Huo!" Churning his fingers, smiled vainly, and said hello.

"Mu Mu, He Ying will go to the training ground to have fun!" Huo Zhongrao sat on the main seat and touched Li Mumu's head.

"Godfather, I'm not in the way here, my mother is timid!"

How could Li Mumu leave his mother here, with a conscience.

Ye Qingge also felt that his son was reliable.

"Li Mumu, execute the order!" Huo Zhongrao sullen his face, and his words are habitually low, but they are a bit more cold and hard. It is a military order.

"Yes, Commander!" Li Mumu stood up immediately. The military posture stood straight, the kid looked good, and he was a 24k pure man in reply.

Ye Qingge, who thought his son was reliable a second ago, just watched his son trot out all the way.

I just left her here without even looking at her...

"Sit, I have something to tell you!" Huo Zhongrao opened his mouth, so low and unpredictable.

"No, Commander, I'll just stand, you say!" The voices trembling, completely out of control.

From time to time, Ye Qingge visually inspected the distance she ran to the door, but she felt that her legs were weak because of the exposed gun bar of the soldier watching the guard.

"What are your feelings for Beichen?" He narrowed his eyes and asked directly.

"I have no feelings for my uncle...!"

After the uncle, Ye Qingge paused, and the flickering in his eyes did not escape Huo Zhongrao's scrutiny.

"Bei Chen said that he wants to marry you. If you don't have that affection for him, you shouldn't provoke Mumu. That child has a lot of affection!"

There was dissatisfaction in his cold eyes. Huo Zhongrao had a hard temper and a straight temper. He was more concerned about these brothers.