The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 209: Victor Vs Sebastain

The banging on the door grew stronger as the girls looked at each other… They were not mishearing things

Lily quickly made sure that the door was holding then jumped to the terminal where she began flipping through the security cameras until she found the one she wanted.

It was a man if you could consider an abomination with four thorny arms and a lizard tail a man. He was banging at the door, somewhat deforming it, but the control room’s door is five inches of steel, they were made to withstand such an attack… She recognized that man, he was one of the six living experiments she saw locked up a minute ago… Did she release him by mistake?

She quickly flipped through the cameras again until they showed the rooms… No, she didn’t release him. This thing broke through its shackles on its own. That cell was now full of deformed steel.

Lily quickly looked at the other five… WHA… They were in the process of chewing their bonds… She couldn’t make out the details before as they were covered in steel, but now she could see that all of them had strange deformities. They looked like monsters from a dungeon.

Why were they awake? Lily didn’t know, but she didn’t have time to worry about that as the door that was separating them from that thing would not withstand the attack of all six.

Lily could tell that these ones were not sane, as the one banging at the door didn\'t bend down and try to take the security key from the half-eaten man at his feet… Wait did this monster eat the sleeping man….

“Why don’t you activate the machine guns in the corridors?” Cora asked, making Lily remember about those, she quickly found the trigger and without hesitation activated it.

Tatatatatatattatatatatatata Tatatatatatattatatatatatata Tatatatatatattatatatatatata Tatatatatatattatatatatatata Tatatatatatattatatatatatata Tatatatatatattatatatatatata Tatatatatatattatatatatatata Tatatatatatattatatatatatata Tatatatatatattatatatatatata Tatatatatatattatatatatatata ta brrrrrrr bgbbbbb tn

What happened?

Lily looked at the corridor now full of smoke.

Bang Bang Bang

The banging at the door continued as the screen cleared… That thing was barely injured… Only one of his eyes was hurt and some wounds on his arms could be seen healing. His tail was regrowing slowly too… All the machine guns were completely damaged.

On the other monitors, the monsters exited their cells one by one and began to eat the corpses of the experiments in the other cells and whatever sleeping scientist they found…

They were not fighting each other as Lily hoped.

Lily stepped away from the monitor and looked at her sisters who were a little scared. They didn’t fear death. But this thing was really scary… Although they were players, their level was very low and they had no strength to fight this thing. Even if they won, about half of them would die at the very least.

Should they escape and let those things roam free? Lily had to make a choice.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” A monsterous howl forced her to make up her mind.

“Ila, reinforce all the doors with the talismans you have… The rest of you help me prepare for this formation.” Lily said as she took a parchment from her ring.

This was prepared for her by the young master, according to him the cost of activating this formation is enormous and she should only use it if there were no other choice. The parchment paper itself was something he got from his family’s vault, it was an SS Rank.

Lily chose to use it anyway. If those things got free, the capital would probably be engulfed in chaos. The world would be in shock... Many people would die. And most importantly, the incident might delay her wedding… That could never be allowed.

“The last Item and the final piece in our auction tonight is this Dragon egg.” The auctioneer announced as the assistants brought a tray with a child-sized gray egg,

Victor looked at the egg and shook his head. It was just a fossil that can be used as a material for something. Too bad it was just a lower-ranking dragon that would not be of any help to him.

As expected though, most of the people at the auction were here just for this egg, so the competition was fierce.

“50,000 COINs.”





“Leave this to your father, and your father will spare you. 300.000!” As long as they bid after the curse the auctioneers didn’t seem to mind.


“Why don’t you go f*ck yourself. 450,000”

“How dare you curse at your father! 460,000”

“How dare you claim to be my father! 470,000”

“Ask your mother! 480,000”

“Really he is my father? 490,000”

“Yes… don’t tell anyone…, especially my husband…. That would hurt his feelings…“



“Julia, Is that really you? 550,000”

“Yes… Would you leave this for me?…600,000”

“You know I can’t… But I can meet you later… 700,000”

“Really? 750,000.”

“Yes… 800,000.”

“See you at the northern hotel then… 850,000”


“That idiot is going to suffer.” Margret commented, “Don’t you want to bid on this thing young master?” she asked as she watched the drama outside,

“It doesn’t Vibrate,” He replied as Hana gave him a disgusted look.

The dragon egg’s price reached 3,300,000 COINs before getting snatched by Sebastian’s new Master Evan… He must have come here for this Item too… As a ghoul, it might be useful to him as breakfast… Although it would taste rotten, It would definitely increase his dwindling lifespan. That’s the price he had to pay for changing his bloodline.

“Thank you everyone for attending our Auction, be sure to leave your contact information if you wished to subscribe to our monthly report and newsletter.” The auctioneer said concluding the auction.

Victor didn’t leave his room, he just sat down waiting while playing with the golden goose.

Others didn’t know as he did, but all minerals and metals would change their properties after the reckoning… The higher an element in the periodic table the more changes it would get.

Not only that, the shock of the reckoning would make all elements heavier than silver unstable. So gold, mercury, and such elements would be very rare.

Iron would get stronger so no buildings would fall, but its melting point would get 10 times higher making it very expensive to work with… Copper, while keeping its strength, would stop conducting electricity, rendering all technology useless. Even normal fire weapons would stop working.

In fact, that\'s why firearms and phones don\'t work inside the dungeon, as they follow different rules to some extent but not 100%.

On the other hand, Gold would stop being soft and would be the perfect element for weapons… In addition to that, it would not lose its electrical conduction properties, making it the only element capable of supporting technology.

Now he had an artifact that produced gold! And if he could study its array he might be able to get it to create other elements… He had already started digesting the knowledge he got from that artificer soul.

Hana looked at him with disgust as he kept looking through the goose’s anus. He was searching for the array, but in the girls’ eyes, he was being a pervert. Did he have a geese fetish?

A knock on the door spared young master Victor from getting a new social identity.

Margret looked at Victor who nodded and put the goose away then sent a signal to Alpha. She could now leave her room and begin the Troy elimination operation.

Margret slowly went and opened the door, where a man and a child stood… She gasped as she looked at Sebastian then quickly hid it and stepped away.

Sebastian looked at her for a second then moved his eyes to Hana and Victor.

It was normal for some slutty girls to gasp at his handsomeness and cuteness. Too bad he was not in the mood for hunting girls now. He could see Hana was wearing Victor’s coat.

He didn’t know that the reason Margret gasped was that she recognized him. She couldn\'t recognize him earlier because he was half hidden behind the curtain, but now she could see him! He was the one from that Arachne porn! She never forgets a face… Especially a pervert’s face.

“Can I help you?” Victor chuckled and asked.

Sebastian didn’t talk, he just headed straight to Victor and punished him in the face, causing him to fly and hit the wall behind him.

“Sebastian!” Hana yelled in shock.

“Hana,” Sebastian ignored Victor as he turned to look at Hana… “Did this bastard do anything to you?” He asked.

“Why are you acting like this… He did nothing, we just talked.” She said

“Just talked?” He asked angrily, “Do you call all that just talk!”

“I…. Yes, we just talked….He helped save me! Go apologies to him, “ She said.

She was surprised by Sebastian’s outburst, Victor didn’t do anything bad to her, on the contrary, he has been acting like a gentleman... To a certain extent.

“Oh. Apologize?… Did you start liking this piece of shit now?” Sebastian asked sarcastically. He was super pissed off about what he watched earlier.

“Are you here to curse at me!” Victor yelled angrily as he slowly stood up. Hana was not acting according to her script. She was supposed to act like a girl in love and hug him… He couldn’t let her resolve the misunderstanding.

Sebastian looked at Victor coldly after hearing him.

“I remember you! You were that young master who bought the Villa. And ruined our plans!.”

“Oh… I didn’t realize it was you!” Victor yelled as if he was hit by a sudden realization.

“Yes, It was me. So what?” Sebastian asked.

“Was it you who burnt my new villa?” Victor yelled angrily as he pointed at Sebastian, who totally forgot about that.

“I…” Sebastian didn’t know how to answer that… It was him.

“Excuse me… Are you perhaps master Victor?” Evan, who had enough, dragged Sebastian to his side and shot him a warning glare as he stepped forward and faced Victor… He only wanted to check on Hana, but this idiot Sebastian was ruining his plan. Luckily Victor didn’t call for security.

“Yes, are you this dog’s guardian?” Victor asked, making Sebastian begin to struggle against his master\'s grip but stop when his master glared at him again.

“My name is Evan Brown. And this is my disciple Sebastian. He might be a bit unruly sometimes, so please excuse him…” Evan said slowly as Sebastian calmed down. “I am here about the girl, you see she is my disciple’s sister and we wish to buy her back. That’s why he was so agitated…” Even said pointing at Hana,

“Oh… Is that true?” Victor asked Hana as he wiped the blood from his mouth. He had to take that hit as he used the chance Sebastian approached him to stealthily slip a bug on him. He wanted to hear how Evan was scamming him… He also wants Hana to take care of him later. It was her fault after all.

“He is my younger brother. “Hana nodded.

“I already paid a lot for her though…. And he hit me!” Victor said as if thinking…

“I can compensate you… Might I check on her? She has poor health.” Evan said as he looked at Hana.

“Oh… It’s ok I guess. Just checking though, don’t do anything funny.” Victor said reluctantly as he glared at Sebastian angrily.

Evan approached the nervous Hana and then pinched her wrist as if he was checking her pulse… He felt nothing…. It took him an entire minute to let go with disappointment.

“She is fine.” He said as he took his hand away, scratching Hana’s hand with his pointy nail accidentally.

“As sorry,” He said as he put his finger in his mouth sampling her blood. He spat it all out a moment later. It tasted like sh*t. She was definitely not a Von Richter. As their seal can’t hide the blood taste.

“Master…Let’s get her and go.” Sebastian complained as he glared at Hana… Although she was acting like that with Victor he was sure she was being forced… Hana is a sweet and obedient girl. He convinced himself.

“Some questions first,” Evan said then turned to Hana. “Do you know who kidnapped you?” He asked, making Sebastian stop nagging as he wanted to hear her answer quickly to get his revenge on the bastard who locked him in the vault.

“No…” Hana said with some stuttering, “I… I found the vault open, and when I entered I was knocked out.” She said after remembering Victor’s instructions and making Even frown.

“How did you know about the Vault\'s location?” He asked.

“Ah… \'\' Hana hesitated, “A mysterious man who saved my life about a year ago while I was on a mission. He told me about it, and wanted me to secure the location and wait for him… I wanted to buy the villa to have a chance at meeting him again…” She lied, she wanted to buy the Villa to avoid hurting anyone in there while digging. And to keep the Vault for her future use… and maybe to build a nest for her and Sebastian…. She quickly shook her head.

“What then?” Evan asked, nudging her back to her grim reality.

“But when I failed to buy it, I decided to check the Vault by myself…. When I entered the hole and found the vault open I passed out and woke up tied up in some cell in some warehouse.” She said,

“I see.” Evan frowned… “Can you describe the man who saved you?” He asked as Sebastian got annoyed by his master’s repeated questions. It was as if he was interrogating her.

“Yes, he had long blond hair and thick eyebrows with a very white poked face.” She said with hesitation describing the man who took care of her as a kid and then died because of some old poison.

Evan squinted his eyes, He knew that man!… He should keep an eye on that Villa location… They were building a resort there now.

“Master… pay him quickly, let’s leave this place,” Sebastian said, making Evan glare at him… He was not ready to pay half of his properties for a useless girl…

“How much do you want for her?” Evan had to ask,

“I am not evil. She was a really good girl. If she really wants to go with you she is free to leave.” Victor said, surprising Evan and making Sebastian curse silently then look at Victor.

“Really?” Sebastian asked with a frown… What was this bastard playing at?

“I don’t keep girls against their wills…” He said, making Hana almost spit on him while Margret nodded silently. Victor didn’t force them, he just fooled them instead.

Victor looked at Evan who was a little skeptical and whispered in a low voice.

“To tell the truth, I wanted her at first because I thought she could Vibrate… And as you can see she had stopped and was unable to do it again no matter how much I ordered her to…. Her batteries are probably dead…” Victor said making Evan and Sebastian freeze as they tried hard to comprehend the garbage Victor was spouting… She was frozen too. What batteries?

Evan was trying hard to know if Victor was kidding or if was he serious… He had a feeling that Victor was unfathomable… As expected of an elite heir. He didn’t know why he was giving Hana away though, and that made him uneasy.

“Ah…. Hana right?” Evan decided to ask her directly. “Let’s go.” He decided to totally ignore Victor as Sebastian extended his hand to her.

Hana hesitated for a second as she didn’t know what to do… But remembering the contract, she cursed at Victor then suddenly jumped and clung to him.

“Young master, don\'t abandon me… I promise to Vibrate after I eat… I am just hungry and have no energy.” She said with unwilling tears in her eyes. Of course, Victor disguised those.

Both Even and Sebastian freeze in shock again. Is that girl crazy? Did they do anything to her mind?

Margret had to pinch her thigh to stop herself from laughing out loud.

“What is the meaning of this?” Sebastian asked as he shook a little, not fully comprehending the situation.

“Sorry Sebi, I want you to return home and tell our master that I fell in love. “ She said, trying to make his return to the sect and leave this man. “I will be staying with young master Victor from now on… So please return to my master and give him my token.” She said as he took her token and threw it to Sebastian hitting him in the head as he didn’t raise his hand to grab it… She didn’t want to say this, but had no choice, she already made a deal with Victor and was now 100% sure that Evan was an enemy after he tasted her blood.

“Take it, Sebastian… Do this as a favor to me… For our friendship.” She said she really wanted him to get away from Evan.

“What do you mean? YOU ARE MINE! You B*tch!” Sebastian began to rage, surprising her and forcing Evan to activate the seal he placed on him to control the dark souls… It can also control him.

Sebastian became docile all of the sudden, but Hana didn’t notice as Victor hid some things and She was preoccupied with Sebastian calling her a bitch! So she didn’t notice

“Sorry about that… I will talk to him… Take care of yourselves.” Evan said as he swiftly dragged the stunned Sebastian and walked out, not fully understanding what the hell happened in here.

He knew that women\'s hearts were very fickle and that they fell in love pretty fast, but this was his first time witnessing that… Victor was very charming though, this was probably the reason.

Victor watched as Evan left with Sebastian and then rubbed Hana’s hair, her eyes were full of tears.

She wanted to follow them, but Victor grabbed her hand and stopped her as Theta got the token that Sebastian left on the ground.

“Don’t worry about Sebastian, He will be fine…. I already promised that..” Victor lied, as he tried to hug her, but she pushed him away.

“Just keep to our deal.” She said coldly… She didn’t know why Sebastian was unreasonably angry. But he was still her little brother.

Even if he didn’t even look at her when he left… Even if he was slightly older than her.

Victor could only sigh as he watched her. It would take some real work to get Sebastian out of her head.

At that moment the door was knocked again, this time it was an auction assistant.

“What?” Victor asked.

“Sir, Young master Gray is waiting for you upstairs.” the pretty assistant said, then ran away as if he would eat her. His reputation was getting a new momentum toward the bottom.

“Margret, take Hana and Theta back to the Hotel….” He said, “I will catch up with you later." Saying that he headed to the door following the assistant.

Suddenly he stopped, as in the next movement a series of system notifications appeared in front of them, he had no chance to read them though, as a piercing pain made him lose consciousness.

The previous moment, a huge bolt of black lightning struck the auction house, but strangely enough, no one felt it except poor Victor.



Next chapters might be delayed. I don\'t know yet.