The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 201: Gary

“Stop!” Gary commanded in a firm voice after he hurried inside of the room, making Victor stop his assault and then smile as he looked back… This idiot finally realized that his girl was getting taken and came running… Victor wanted to shake April a little to make her more malleable later, as she tended to be very stubborn.

“Another one? You sure have a lot of lovers.” Victor told April who looked at Gary with sparkling eyes, “This time I will cut a piece of him, otherwise people would keep interrupting us.” He added, making her gasp.

“Gary leaves us… He is dangerous.” She said firmly as tears welled in her eyes… Gary was a regular who attended this club every day and she knew him well. He didn’t pursue women and just drank in the corner. And usually defended her when some perverts tried to approach her.

At first, she liked him for his looks but as time progressed she realized that he is a very good guy who helped those in need. He was 100% her type. And she secretly fell in love with him.

He tried to ask her out a few times before. Although she was very happy, she refused not wanting to involve him in her troubles. And she felt inferior and didn\'t want him to know about her bad family history. Maybe she should have accepted back then and given him her first night.

“Don’t worry, I will fix this.” He told her with a confident reassuring smile then looked at Victor. “My name is Gary Goldmann. May I know your name?” He asked Victor.

“Oh… A Von Geldstadt?” Victor asked, making Gary surprised, the Goldmann sure name is the one usually used by the Von Geldstadt family like how his family used the white surname. But Gary didn\'t expect to be found out so fast.

“Yes… You are a Von Weise?” Gary asked, noticing the purple token and the Purple hair.

“Yes, Victor von Weise. The most charming elite heir in the family.” Victor said shamelessly, as April watched their exchange… Was Gary also a young master? Did he like to be low-key? She wondered.

Gary frowned… He had heard that name, Victor, before. Isn’t he the one who humiliated his b*tch sister of his, Charlotte?

Gary was not a fool, he quickly realized that Victor was probably here on purpose. And that was to get close to him! If Victor was here to talk, things would be easy, as April was just a secondary matter.

“Let’s talk,” Gary said as he sat down then invited Victor to do the same as if this place was his own.

“I was wondering why a pretty flower like April was still unplucked in a garbage dump like this… You were the one protecting her. weren\'t you?” Victor asked as he relaxed back.

Gary didn’t answer, he just glared at Victor while April gasped… What? He was protecting her? No wonder that greedy bastard Leopard didn’t sell her before.

“Oh… Don’t tell me that you were secretly in love with her and wanted her to love you back without revealing your background… ha ha ha... I heard of fool young masters like this before, but this is my first time seeing one.” Victor said with a shocked face as if looking at an idiot then began to laugh as he saw Gary\'s annoyed face.

April opened her mouth wide then covered it with her hands as she looked at Gary who sighed… She didn’t know that he felt the same as she did... The poor girl was so shocked by Victor\'s assault earlier that she didn\'t consider the fact that Gary was also fooling her.

“Yes. I had it enough with dirty girls claiming to love me for my money, so I wanted to fall in love with April naturally. That’s why I paid Big Leopard to keep her safe. But you must have paid him more to make him break my deal.” He said to Victor. While trying hard not to look at April. He was a little embarrassed.

“Oh… What an idiot… You have been just keeping her safe for me.” Victor said with a smug face. “Should I make her a woman in front of you? Are you into this NTR stuff?” Victor asked, making Gary wish to punish his dirty mouth.

“Set your price,” Gary said sternly, ignoring Victor\'s previous remarks.

“Oh… A businessman…. How about this, I don’t mind making friends with you over her… but I have three conditions.” Victor said, making Gary squint his eyes, he had a feeling that Victor knew about her before coming here. He must know that she meant a lot to him. But how did he know? Gary made sure not to reveal anything when he came to see her.

“State your conditions,” Gary said as he looked at April and smiled. “No matter what, no one can touch her without her permission.” He said, making April\'s eyes tear a little… No one has taken care of her since her mother died when she was a child.

Victor smiled, that\'s what he wanted to see. In his last life, April only knew about Gary’s love when he got broke and couldn’t cover for her anymore. That’s when Big leopard tried to sell her, but she was saved by Victor back then who told her the full truth.

She decided to stay with Gary back then, and she was the one who kept his hair as the memento that helped save Victor’s life.

Too bad someone killed her a few months later, probably Charlotte who discovered that she was pregnant with Gary’s child. Victor could do nothing to save her.

Now Victor wanted those two to get together faster. It would be safer this way, considering the worsening power struggle in the Von Geldstadt family.

“My first condition is that you will become my little brother from now on,” Victor said, making Gary squint his eyes.

He quickly realized that Victor was looking for alleys and he wanted him to be one of them, and he didn’t mind at all.

“Is this about my sister targeting you?” Gary asked.

“Yes. That slut sent an assassin after me… and I suspect she made an idiot try to crush a helicopter in my room… But I have no evidence. So my enemy’s enemy is my friend. You\'re her enemy aren\'t you?” Victor asked, making Gary nod as April frowned, not understanding what those two were talking about.

“Yes, I don’t mind being your big brother,” Gary said, correcting Victor. He was a businessman after all.

“That works too." Victor chuckled, "My second condition. I will be participating in the auction tomorrow, so I will be needing three anonymous rank Z tickets.” He explained making Gary squint his eyes again… The Z ticket has many rights and Vip privileges and the holder doesn’t have to pay the commission when buying things at the auction, making him spend 20% lower on everything and would not require the holder to undergo a prior assets check to bid.

“Two tickets… Only one of them will be anonymous” Gary interrupted. An anonymous ticket grants complete secrecy to the buyer, even the family has no idea who would be using it... Too many of those would raise unnecessary questions.

“Fine.” Victor only wanted one, but a second one would be good for Alpha.

“Your final condition?” Gary asked as he relaxed, this negotiation was going smoother than he expected.

“Giving April to you like that is not good for my image as a domineering young master. So my third condition is that you must win her over in a bet.” Victor proposed. Making April Nervous again.

“She is not a property. I will never do that.” Gary interrupted. Now he was sure that Victor was just messing with him.

“It’s just a game… If not, you would have to pay me for her, and I heard that you needed every penny for your business lately…” Victor said, making Gary frown. True, he had no money for now.

“It’s Ok,” April said she didn’t want Gary to suffer for her.

“What is the game?” Gary asked coldly, failing to comprehend Victor\'s thought process.

“Three bets… One by me, one by you, and the last by her.” Victor said, pointing to April, “Whoever wins two of three will take her home tonight.” Victor smiled. “Of course, I will not touch her, but you will have to pay me double the price if I win,” Victor explained making Gary relax a little after realizing that Victor was probably just messing with him... This should be easy.

“Let’s do it then… My bet first. Arms wrestling.” Gary said after some thinking. He put his arm on the table and invited Victor to do the same. He had heard before that Victor became a player a month ago so he had faith in his strength as a player who conquered 3 dungeons... He wanted April to witness his strength too.

“Are you sure?” Victor asked with a frown.

Gary nodded.

Victor sighed then crossed his hand with Gary’s and grabbed his fist… the next moment Gary’s hand was pasted on the table under his amazed eyes. He couldn’t resist Victor at all! WTF!

“My win… Now it is my turn to choose.” Victor said quickly, making both Gary and April nervous.

“How about this… I will bet that April thinks I am more handsome than you…” Victor said, looking at April. “Tell the truth, who is more handsome. If you lie I will cancel the deal.” Victor said, making Gary realize for the first time that Victor night was helping him… He wants April to confess!... Why was he helping him though? Does he in desperate need of their alliance?

“I….” April hesitated, she looked at Victor’s handsome face and then at Gary who was handsome too…

“I think young master Gary is more handsome.” She told the truth with a heavy blush not daring to look at Gary. In her eyes, Gary was more handsome than Victor. That’s why she fell in love with him at first sight.

“Oh… I am hurt.” Victor said as he chuckled, making the atmosphere a little lighter.

“Now then… You choose the last bet.” He told April, who relaxed a bit seeing his reaction. She had just realized that this entire bet was made to make her confess… No, she must make Gary confess first.

“Let’s do a drinking contest.” She proposed. She could see that Victor was a little bit drunk and knew that Gary was a good drinker as he would order a lot of drinks when he came here before… He was probably here to see her. She blushed not realizing that both Victor and Gary were frozen in shock. They both knew a very disturbing fact. Gary had zero alcohol tolerance.

When she saw him drinking before, he was just acting to make her only serve him and not the other guys… He was dumping the drinks in the pot behind him when she was not looking.

“Let’s do it.” Victor shook his head said then grabbed a glass and gulped it in one shot. Then collapsed on the table.

“Young master Victor?” Gary asked… But got no response. He quickly realized what happened, Victor was helping him! He smiled first before a shiver ran through his back, how much Victor knew about him? How did he know about his habits and alcohol tolerance?

“Is he ok?” April asked with a frown, making Gary ignore his previous thoughts for now.

“He just can’t handle any more drinks… Let’s leave before he wakes up. I won the bet anyway. And you are mine.” Gary said with a smile as he looked at April who blushed.

“What does that mean… It has nothing to do with me…” She said as she looked away but didn’t resist when Gary caught her hand.

“We will find out about that later tonight.” He said as he walked out of the room with her and nodded to the chicks who nodded back then entered to check on their young master who raised his head a minute later and smiled as he looked at the lovebirds leaving the Club. His debt to them can’t be repaid in a lifetime.

“Let’s go back to the hotel.” He told the chicks. “I have my own girls to attend to.”

With that Victor quietly paid his bill and left the nightclub only to be stopped by the same young man who tried to help April before. This time he had a gang outside waiting for him in the empty parking lot. It was already 2.00 Am and most people were either asleep at home or busy inside the nightclub.

“That’s him, big brother Tiger. He was the one who stole my woman.” The young man pointed at Victor who was too sleepy to take care of this mess.

“Are you the one who stole this brother’s woman?” Brother Tiger asked as he approached Victor with a metal bat, but was stopped by the chicks who blocked his path.

“The young master is tired… Please make way.” Chick 9 said in a threatening voice as he lifted his very tight black t-shirt to reveal a gun in his belt.

Brother Tiger froze with a frown… He was not paid to deal with guns. But he can’t step down now, especially after he was ordered to follow this young man’s commands by his boss.

“My little brother here only wants the woman and an apology... Just an apology would work too.” Tiger said not backing down. As long as he kept blocking the way and didn’t attack them, they would not have an excuse to use their firearms.

"But..." The young man began to make trouble but was grabbed by one of Tiger\'s men, who shook his head.

Tiger planned to blackmail Victor to pay some kind of compensation at the very least. Most young masters would spend money to avoid trouble. He was mistaken... And it was not a small mistake.

“Number 9, Number 17 move away,” Victor ordered Chick 9 and Chick 17 who were covering him with their burly bodies to move aside. So they did and by doing that, they revealed that their young master was holding an MK-48 big machine gun with only one hand.

The gangsters were shocked but began to laugh quickly as they realized that a heavy weapon like this can\'t be held in just one hand, it must be a fake.

They quickly discovered that their assumptions were inaccurate when Victor began to fire at them without saying anything.

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It took the gang and especially brother Tiger 3 Seconds to realize what was going on, and another 5 to escape. Luckily for them, Victor only targeted the ground in front of them… Some of them were hurt by the ricocheting bullets nevertheless.

“Didn’t I teach you before? We are not on the same level as those commoners. We shoot, then ask questions later.” Victor scolded the chicks as the parking lot became empty again.

A moment later Victor shot one more bullet in a certain direction where the chicks only saw a blood pool begin to form from behind a corner. It was that young man who bought the gang. Victor had already forgiven him twice. This time he didn’t.

“Let’s go,” Victor commanded, heading to the car where Paul, who was supposed to be, was spending his night in some other nightclub… He didn’t know that Victor would finish this quickly... And this was a big mistake.