The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 196: Cheat!

When Victor returned to the Mansion, He was greeted by a group of very curious girls. He said nothing, only instructing the twins to take care of the unconscious Monica and to give her a room in the mansion for now.

“Young master. That fool, Archie, is getting impatient. He kept bothering me wanting to see you since I returned.” Lily, who decided to ask Margret what happened later, said. She was getting a little jealous as she watched the twins carry his latest prey, Monica, upstairs. She was also checking Margret who was sucking on her injured finger while giving her a smug smile.

“Where is he?” Victor asked, spanking her butt. Making her glare at him. He could easily read her mind.

“In the separate building with the Chicks. I sent him there to keep him busy.” Lily replied. She wanted to smell Victor for any traces but didn’t dare to after he warned her not to.

“Let’s go see him then. Where is Alpha?’ He asked.

“She left in the morning, she might have gone to arrange her base,” Lily replied.

“Call her. I want her with me the day after tomorrow in the auction. So she better return here by tomorrow evening.” He said as he walked to the separate building. It had been a while since he last was there.

When Victor approached the building the Chicks who were stationed there were doing pushups while yelling their stupid mottoes about the chicken master and some other stupid things that they came up with to please him… He was not pleased.

“Where is the idiot?” Victor asked.

“Ah... Young master… Which one?” Chick 41 inquired.

“Archie,” Victor replied.

“Oh, he is cleaning the toilets. Mistress Lily made us do it… And… We passed the mission to him…” he said as he avoided Lily’s murderous gaze.

“Get him to meet me,” Victor said as he entered the building and began to check its situation. It was not that bad despite the fact the 15 men were stationed here. Victor could bet that Hilda made them clean this place regularly.

“Young master Victor, you are here at Last.” Archie, who was a little aggrieved, ran into the hallway. He didn\'t smell good.

“I heard you wanted to see me?” Victor asked as he used his disguise skill to remove the smell.,

“Ah… How long does the young master intend to keep me waiting? My Marlie is waiting for me. She calls me three times every day.” Archie complained.

“Oh… Didn’t I warn you about her? That slut is nothing good.” Victor said.

“Marlie is a good girl.” Archie defended her angrily. If it were someone other than Victor who said anything about Marlie, Archie would have fought with him.

“Good in some things, bad in others… I am just warning you. Anyway, I have some news. Your cousin Troy will be attending the Auction.” Victor said.

“The auction?” Archie asked.

“It’s a player’s annual auction in Tetraquad city. Usually, many precious things can be found there. I will be attending too.” Victor explained.

“You want me to go there?” Archie asked.

“No, I want you to return to the capital and reveal to your family that you became a player. Tell them you stumbled upon a treasure on a stall. So go shopping around the city tomorrow and buy all kinds of stupid things, just for show. At the same time I will send Lily and the girls to raid Troy\'s mansion,” Victor said, “I will be the one taking out Troy at the auction.” Victor added making LIly look at him with annoyance. This means she will not accompany him again. Damn it! Damn those spies.

“Oh… If you will kill him, why raid his mansion?” Archie asked.

“Simple. His men wanted to raid mine. And I need some money…

“Wouldn’t my family suspect you?” Archie asked.

“They might, but Troy has many enemies and I will mislead them, and by the time you become the young master of the Wiren family, I trust that you will find a true culprit that is not me,” Victor explained. Making Archie nod with a smile.

“I understand… So can I return to Golden waterfall town now?” Archie asked.

“Go… But don’t tell Marlie a thing, If my plan leaked I will kill you myself.” Victor warned, making Archie nod quickly.

After that Victor continued to inspect the building and then returned to the mansion to spend some quality time with the girls.

When Monica woke up it was 9.00 PM She was in a strange room. She remembered what happened at noon, she saw her father killing that Clint then she must have passed out.

She slowly remembered what her father said as tears slowly dripped from her eyes… It took her another half hour to calm down. She decided to be strong. No matter what, she must discover what happened to her mother back then.

Looking around the lavish room, she began to wonder. Where was she now? Where was her phone? It was in her pocket, but there was no signal.

She looked out of the window, it was dark outside, but she could see the city lights on the horizon. Was she in some rural area? How did she reach here? Was she kidnapped by a terrorist? Oh right, Victor was a terrorist. Was it him?

She slowly sat up and checked her body. She was still wearing her clothes from the morning. Where was her underwear? She panicked! Oh right, she took it off herself at school. She blushed when she remembered that.

She slowly lowered her feet to the carpet-covered floor and stood up then headed to the room’s door and opened it slowly… It was not locked.

Taking a peak at the empty corridor she silently walked out and headed to a stair she could see. After a few steps, she heard the sound of girls\' laughter downstairs… There was a sound of some guy too, it was Victor. That made her calm down a lot. So it was him after all.

She put her hand on her neck checking the collar. It was still there. Which made her blush as she got herself together and slowly stepped down then headed to where the sound came from. The voices were coming from behind a closed wooden door.

Victor was talking to some other girls with the sound of some balls knocking each other. She realized that they were playing billiards.

“Young master… Is it true that you are getting married?” A girl asked, making Monica pause and then listen carefully, she decided not to go in for now. She had heard that he proposed to someone at the school and was meaning to ask him about that, but completely forgot when she saw his charming face.

“Yes.” Victor replied in a confident voice, “Don’t worry, I will marry all of you sooner or later… And I only date nice girls, so you don’t have to worry about your new sisters’ personalities.” He added. Monica could hear the sounds of girls giggling from inside.

"Even me? Esteemed brother." a little girl asked. Did she call him brother? Was she his sister or was this a roleplay? Monica wondered.

"No. If you keep learning dirty things from El I will tell father though. You can\'t joke about such things in the family, or they might really kill me." Victor wanted, to make the girl shut up.

“Young master, When are you planning to marry?” Monica heard a soft guy’s voice ask with some jealousy after that… This must have been her imagination.

“After I propose to the second girl,” Victor replied.

“A second?” A sound of astonishment. Monica knew this voice, it was Aria.

“Yes, It is a double wedding… Father insisted,” he lied. “I already have a good date for the wedding, about a month later, but I will need to do some checking before confirming it.” He continued as if it was normal to marry two wives at the same time.

“Are you not going to marry sister Lily too?” The little girl asked again. Probably trying to please him after discovering that her jock was not appropriate.

Monica wondered wasn\'t Lily that Vailed maid?

“Father is against it, so I will marry Lin and Nova first… That’s the plan anyway. You don’t have to worry about such things. From tomorrow you will have to attend a school with El.” He said changing the subject,

“What? Really?” The girl sounded excited.

“Yes… We will talk about this tomorrow. So go to bed early today and stop thinking about unnessery things.” Victor said, “Monica! You woke up. Come in. Why are you hesitating behind the door?” He exclaimed, making her realize that he must have discovered her.

She slowly opened the door and walked in with some shame. Good girls don\'t eavesdrop.

It was a big room with a big billiard table in the center. Victor was playing with some girls. No not some but a lot of pretty girls.

Monica was surprised. She knew Victor was a pervert as he always had girls around him, but there were more than 10 in this room. And they were all in swimming suits. What was going on here?

There was a guy too, isn’t he Victor’s driver Alex? He was sitting to the side looking at the girls with a very jealous look on his face… Was he jealous of Victor?

Monica stood at the door a little shy when Margret called her.

“You woke up… Come play with us.” She quickly invited her as the girls looked at her.

“Why didn’t you tell me that Monica was here?” Aria, who was also playing, asked Victor who was busy cheating… Monica felt that way from the way he was smirking.

“You didn’t ask. There was some trouble at her house today, so she will be staying here for a while.” Victor said as he struck the cue ball which in turn knocked the all balls on the table one after another into the pockets. The girl quickly looked at the table with interest as Aria was gloriously defeated.

“Now let’s continue our game… Beta It’s your turn, Look closely and focus!” He said and challenged another girl.

“You must be wondering what our perverted young master is doing?” Margret suddenly asked, guessing her thoughts.

“Um…” Monica nodded as she watched the game unfold. Victor was setting the balls himself.

“He said that he wanted to train himself to resist temptations. So we were helping him while playing a game. And we were trying on our new swimming suits for a sea vacation too.” Margret giggled, making Monica frown… What kind of training is this?

“Let me tell you a secret, our young master is still a virgin… Don’t tell anyone.” Margret whispered in Monica’s ear.

“That’s a lie!” Monica exclaimed in a soft voice as she looked at Victor who was challenging another girl this time. She was tempting him with her body as she lay on the table to make her strike.

“It’s the truth, He has to resist sleeping with girls. He has his reasons, you must ask him yourself if you want to know why.” Margret said, “Now we are betting with him, he is cheating you see. Whoever beats him or can tell what he is doing exactly will get to be his hug pillow tonight.” Margaret added as she squinted her eyes as Beta lost the round pretty quickly.

Monica was surprised… Shouldn’t the guy be the one begging the girls to sleep with him? Why is it the other way around here? Why are they competing for that… Not that she would mind… But is it really just a hug pillow?

“That’s all for today, I think it is time for dinner,” Victor suddenly said, ending the game for tonight, making the girl complain… They couldn’t tell how he was cheating. No girl could get any points at all, while he would pocket the balls he wanted 90% of the time. How was he doing it? The girls considered telekinesis or motor-controlled balls but he denied them. Lily considered him using his illusion to control the ball’s path with his hand, but that would be too easy. And the path would be unnatural.

Monica looked with a frown at the table, that last shot he pocketed the last three balls in order, leaving only the white cue ball on the table. It was a very precise shot.

“Monica, you want to tell me something right? You girls go ahead and help Hilda set the table,” Victor suddenly said.

The girls and Alex nodded and then walked out, leaving Victor, Theta, and Monica alone.

“Theta, do you want anything?” Victor asked as Monica eyed her curiously, wasn’t this girl a little young for him?

Theta slowly approached Victor then stood on her toes to reach his ear and whispered a few words making him nod with surprise.

“I am all yours tonight, my lady.” He said, making her blush as she ran away following the other girls.

Monica frowned… The girl had just said that there were no balls. And that her gambling failed. What did she mean? Does he have no balls? Is that why he is still a virgin?

“Did you want to ask me about something?” Victor suddenly asked, making her return to earth… What was she thinking?

She hesitated for a second then looked at his handsome face.

“What happened after I passed out.” She asked. She was wondering since she woke up.

“Oh, nothing. I recorded all your father’s confessions, and after he accidentally killed that idiot Clint he got so scared and tried to silence me too, but after I kicked his ass he promised that as long as I let him go I would never hear from him again. He should have already escaped into a faraway country with his entourage by now. Too bad you were so shocked that you passed out,” Victor said. “My men already checked your house, it is empty. And I can’t let you sleep there, so I brought you home. You are mine anyway.” He added as he opened the door intending to leave the room.

“Oh…” She said then stayed silent for a moment.

“Don’t worry about him, I will help you clean things up no matter what happens.” He said, making her think of another thing.

“I heard that you will be married soon.” She asked.

“Yes. Just a formality, You will still be mine. And I will marry you too, one day.” He said, making her blush… She wanted to refute him, but seeing his handsome face she couldn’t… That was the line she wanted to hear.

“Wait… Are you really not sleeping with the girls?... Do you have….” She suddenly asked with a blushing face… Why was she asking? She didn\'t know.

“I am perfectly fine, but yes, I can’t touch women now, don’t tell anyone. I am doing some martial art training that requires me to stay a virgin. But you don’t have to worry. When the time comes I should be ready…” He said with a cheesy smile as he left the room.

“Ready?” She hesitated… What did he mean… She blushed. “Was he telling the truth?”

She was not worried… Maybe a little… She gave the billiard table one last look before leaving the room… Wait, where was that white cue ball?

In a golden room, on a golden bed, surrounded by two golden girls, a man with a golden mustache that matched his gold-rimmed glasses was enjoying his time when he was interrupted.

His butler broke into the room while sweating,

“Master… Terrible news!” He said.

“What?” Tobias Geldstadt asked with annoyance.

“The young master… Clint… His destiny jade, in the family\'s archive, had broken… He… He is dead.” The butler said after some hesitation.

“What? Who did it?” Tobias sat up pushing the girls to the side.

“We still don’t know… Clint had no family surveillance since getting kicked out… He should have been in Vein city” the butler reminded him.

“Then ask the elders to perform the last memory ritual!” Tobias road.

“Master… We can’t do that. Young Master Clint is no longer in the family, the elders would not approve of such expense.” The butler said.

“Damn it…” Tobias screamed, scaring the girls. “Call my uncle for me… Tell him I will go meet him in an hour.” He said, even if the family did nothing, he will make sure to find the culprit and bury him with his son.

He didn’t know that he would not even get to bury Clint, who was now just a green goo in a jar.
