The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 167 : Intruders (2)

Linda stepped elegantly out of the dirty one-star hotel\'s bathroom and sat on Bill\'s lap as he threw his phone on the table and took out a cigarette, making her light it for him…

“The family stopped the search order on me…. I can move freely now and use my finances….” He said,

“Ah… That’s good…As long as I am with you,” she said with a smile…. “FINALLY!” she screamed in her mind. She had to live on some savings for the last week. She was about to dump this man and find a better target… But she kept reminding herself that this one was a patriarch candidate… It was only a matter of time for him to regain his glory… She gave him 3 months… If he didn’t recover his status, she would have left him.

“Would you be able to return to the family now?” She asked.

“Not yet… The situation is tricky, but my grandfather assured me that it would only be a matter of time, I didn’t break any rules after all.” He said as he looked at her with a smile. Of all the girls he dated, he liked Linda most. Not all did she give up all of her wealth and status to be with him, she even abandoned his loser cousin Victor. This girl was not after money like the others.

Not only that... She was beautiful, sweet, and caring... He could swear that she would always know what he was thinking about... Like how she was now moving her hand on her thigh... just as he desired.

“Ah… That’s good… I want a big wedding….” She said as she blushed.

“Don’t worry. I will throw you the biggest wedding of this century... Now let’s continue.” He said as he put out his cigarette. He was now in the mood for round two…

“Can’t we find a better place first?” She asked. She just saw a cockroach on the ceiling, but didn\'t dare to scream, Bill liked strong girls… and she was not really disgusted. As a summoner, she has seen worse, far worse.

“No… I like this place better.” He said as he began to kiss her body, not noticing that she was making certain gestures with her hand.

Victor’s Mansion, 30 Minutes ago…

The girls were nervous. This was their first battle against semi-players. They were a little excited too…

Even Beta and the others who were not players were participating in this battle with guns…

They were separated into groups. Each party taking a zone.

Although Victor could eliminate all the offenders using his array, he wanted to use them to train the girls, so he already told them that he would separate the attackers into several groups for each team to fight separately.


Team 1: Margret, Alex, Beta, Gamma, and Delta.

“Is this dress really necessary… Their young master had already said that I no longer needed to dress like this.” Alex said.

“Oh… You can take it off. But my tongue might slip. He might know what I saw that day in your room…. Those sexy st…..” Margret didn’t continue as Alex forcibly closed her mouth with her hand as Beta returned.

“The others are ready… What are the two of you bickering about?” She asked.

“Nothing….” Alex said, as she let go of Margret and gave her a warning look…

“Why are you wearing a short skirt?” Beta asked Alex. “This is completely unsuitable for battle. What’s next… high heels? You are taking your hobby too seriously” She scolded with annoyance, making Alex look away.

“Ah…. That’s a good idea!” Margret suddenly said with an evil smile.

"What?" Alex asked.

"High heels!"

“No way….” Alex Refused immediately.

“How about we make a bet… If you can fight in high heels I will stop pestering you for a week… if you fail, you would have to wear the …Thing I saw you wearing that day… and ’accidentally’ run into the young master.” She said, making Alex squint his eyes…

“One month…”

“Two weeks….”

“Deal,” Alex said…. Then under the shocked eyes of both Margret and Beta, she took a new pair of high-heeled sandals from her ring and wore them…

“Do you keep those with you?” Beta asked…

“I bought them the other day and forgot to put them away.” Alex said absentmindedly....” The young master ordered me to…” She lied.

“Oh…. Anyway, let’s get ready.” Margret chuckled as she looked at the dark path in front of them… “They are here.” She said as five men in black entered the small clearing and looked around then focused on the girls.

“How did we get here? Wasn’t we heading to the mansion?” One of them asked,

“I don’t know…. But it seems like we found some treasures…” The second said as he eyed Alex and the girls.

Well… Let’s get rid of those, the boss told us that we can everyone except that young master Victor… Maybe we could also have some fun…. Wait, that guy in the short dress is a man.” The third said to his colleagues who also looked at Alex… For a second there they thought he was a woman… A very hot woman. It must be the moonlight playing tricks on them.

“Surrender.” Their boss said as he stepped forward, “we will make sure you…..” He stopped as Margret’s robes slipped from her body and activated her seductress skill…

Her perfect body was the last thing the death worries saw before they lost their consciousness as Delta and Gamma, who were hiding behind, shot at them with special tranquilizers…

The five men fell to the ground without any trouble.

“What the...? We were supposed to fight them…” Alex complained...

“Too bad. You couldn’t fight in high heels. You lose!” Margret said with a sneaky smile….

“What… No. You….. You didn’t give me a chance…. That’s a play on words.” Alex argued as he pointed at her.

“I don’t care. Now help me drag those guys away. Others might come soon.” Margret said as she put her robes back on.

Beta and her sisters who came out of their hideout were a little stunned. They quickly nodded and began to drag the sleeping assassins… They couldn’t, those muscular guys were too heavy for them.

“Let me help,” Alex said as she dragged men easily… And “Ouch….” She said as she fell down.

“What’s wrong?” Beta asked.

“I just sprained my ankle…. “ Alex said, she was not used to wearing high heels. “This is not a battle.” She shouted at Margret who had a creepy smile on her face.

Team 2: Lily and her dog.

Only one intruder managed to get into the mansion, he was guided to a room on the first floor where a maid was sneakily writing a report on her phone…

This assassin didn’t wait for her to turn around before slitting her throat…

“What a hideous monster, How can a woman be this ugly!” He exclaimed as his head left his body.

“What an idiot. falling to the young master\'s illusion array this quickly.” A sweet girl said as she gestured to her assistant. Camellia, who quickly arrived and began to drag the bodies away… Oh, the blood splattered on the wool rug… Hilda won’t like this…

Team 3: Mina, Mana, Hilda

They were sitting in their swimsuits on a bench near the pool when a team of three intruders came and began to look around...

“Where are the doors…. How did we get here?” One of them asked.

“Someone in the front…. Oh.” A Second one said as he saw the twins… then swallowed hard… Those two were pretty.

“Hi girls….” He said as he took out a dagger from his belt… He likes cutting girls.

“Be careful,” Mina said to him as she ran barefooted toward him with her sword.

He quickly parried to the side, but the floor was too slippery for that, so he couldn’t help but stumble and fall into the pool where he made no other sounds…

“If you parry you would lose,” Mana said… “Now the Numbers are even… Let’s fight.” She said as she attacked another warrior.

The two men looked at each other and began to fight the twins… They couldn’t parry as they just noticed that the floor was just too slippery. So they had to keep their feet a little further apart, making them only defend using their sword arts.

They felt as if they were training dolls for those twins….

They were. That was Victor\'s intention of arranging them here.

The battle only took 17 minutes, The twins were able to behead the two men and then throw them into the pool where another 9 of their friends were waiting.

As for the one who fell earlier… He was already dead, shot by Hilda.

“That’s enough for today, “ Hilda, who came out of the shadows with a rifle resting on her shoulder said, “You did good, but you must work more on your technique.” She noted as the girls nodded…

“Aunt Hilda.....Did you record it all?” Mana suddenly asked… They wore swimsuits specifically to be recorded… They wanted the young master to see their fight…

“Don’t worry… I am sure the young master would have a good time watching this…” Hilda said with a sigh… What happened to the nice girls she raised?

Team 4 : Theta, Eta, Zeta and Epsilon.

“Look, another one is on the northern wall..” Eta said as she looked from her sniper\'s optics and pulled the trigger.


“He fell.” She said with a triumphant look,

“It’s my turn…” Zeta said as she aimed from the top of the mansion….


“You failed,” Theta said.

“Show me your skills then…” Zeta retorted.

“Fine…” Theta aimed then fired….

The bullet didn’t hit the man who noticed something and hid behind a tree. It hit a bee hive on the opposing tree, which in turn released its army to attack the man who ran out of his cover, earning himself a bullet in the forehead.

“More money for me…” Theta exclaimed.

“What money?” Epsilon arranged her glasses and asked.

“Nothing… Just a random bet with myself.” Theta said…. “It’s your turn…” She added.

“Do you feel bad about killing those guys?” Zeta suddenly asked as she searched for targets.

“Not at all…” The girls replied.

“Don’t you find it strange… Like on TV they all say they feel bad after killing a guy….. I felt nothing…” She explained.

“I think it was because of what we have been through….” Theta explained…

“Yeah….” Zeta said… They saw Titus kill their sister after all… and some other girls… They used them to threaten others not to run away…. They would never forget those… "But, I think it is because we are too far away." She added.

“Three o\'clock. Near the post…”


“Got him.”

The girls began to search for another target when a sound came from their earpiece.

“Good job everybody, All targets have been eliminated, Team 4 keep on the lookout for another hour, the rest including the chicks would collect the bodies…. And Hilda… Go to the mansion and make some noise to wake my mother.” Victor said.

Team 5: Aria and the Chicks.

“Oh… I am late… I should have left the company earlier…” She nagged as Leo stopped the car in front of the mansion’s outer gate.

Looking out of the car Aria was surprised as she saw that the two chicks guarding the door were injured...

“What happened? “ She asked them.

“Nothing. Just some intruders. The young master asked us to play the weak guard role, but those guys had to go and humiliate us….” Chick 33 complained.

“Are they still inside?” Aria said with a worried voice.

“No… The young master got rid of them. The mansion is clear.” Chick 34 assured her then spit blood…with a tooth… “Mistress, does the young master cover our dental?” He asked with a worried voice… This will be expensive without insurance.

“Not yet. He should do it… I will speak on your behalf.” She replied as she ordered Leo to head uphill.

“BASTARD…” Amelia yelled as she threw a stack of papers from her desk…

“What’s wrong mommy?” Lin poked her head from behind the door and asked.

“Ah… Lin….” Amelia sighed… “I just got a reply from that bastard Theodore…” She said,

“They refused me?” Lin asked with a frown.

“Not at all… But…. They want you to get married to Victor with another woman at the same wedding…. They want to humiliate us.” She said angrily as she kicked a poor chair that did nothing wrong, sending it toppling to the floor in pieces.

“Oh… What do the elders think?” She asked.

“They don’t mind… It must be that b*tch cousin of mine…. She must be instigating them….. Sorry, Lin… Your mother is being unfair to you again… I couldn\'t even secure an elite heir status for you, .... And now you have to suffer through this because of my incompetence..” Amelie said as she brushed her daughter’s silky hair.

“It’s ok mommy... It\'s not your fault... It\'s is all because of that P****” Lin said, grabbing her mother\'s hand and squeezing it. “And..... I don\'t care about their schemes… as long as you are ok with it.” She said with somewhat insincere eyes.

“Oh….. You are the best Lin…” Amelia said as she hugged her daughter and then sighed… “Now. I have to teach you a certain family art….. This is your duty as a Von Rosen….. ”
